Tokens – Hospital

Token NameDataNotes
<<EpLocId>>Location ID 
<<EpLoc>>Location Name 
<<EpProv>>Location Provider Number 
<<EpLocAdd1>>Location Address 1 
<<EpLocAdd2>>Location Address 2 
<<EpLocSub>>Location Suburb 
<<EplocState>>Location State 
<<EpLocZip>>Location Postcode 
<<EpPhone>>Location Phone99 9999 9999
<<EpFax>>Location Fax99 9999 9999
<<EpLocEmail>>Location Email 
<<EpLocAccName>>Location Bank Account Name 
<<EpLocBSB>>Location BSB 
<<EpLocAccNum>>Location Bank Account Number 
<<EpLocBank>>Location Bank Name 
<<EpLocBankAdd>>Location Bank Address 

Theatre List Details

Token NameDataNotes
<<EpTheatreId>>Theatre ID 
<<EpTheatre>>Theatre Name 
<<EpSessTimes>>Surgeon Session TimesSurgeon Theatre Booking from and to time
<<EpSessShort>>Surgeon Session Times – just the start time 
<<EpSessNote>>Session Note 
<<EpSessAppNote>>Session Appointment Note 

Admitting Doctors Details

Token NameDataNotes
<<EpDocId>>Doctor ID 
<<EpDoc>>Doctor Full Namee.g CITIZEN, John
<<EpDocFirstN>>Doctor First Name 
<<EpDocI>>Doctor First Name Initial 
<<EpDocLastN>>Doctor Surnamee.g CITIZEN
<<EpDocTitle>>Doctor Title 
<<EpDocProvNo>>Doctor Provider Number 
<<EpDocQualif>>Doctor Qualification 
<<EpDocSpecID>>Doctor Speciality ID 
<<EpDocSpec>>Doctor Speciality 
<<EpDocAdd1>>Doctor Address Line 1 
<<EpDocAdd2>>Doctor Address Line 2 
<<EpDocSuburb>>Doctor Suburb 
<<EpDocPC>>Doctor Postcode 
<<EpDocState>>Doctor State 
<<EpDocMob>>Doctor Mobile0415 999 999
<<EpDocEmail>>Doctor Email 
<<EpDocPh>>Doctor Phone99 9999 9999
<<EpDocFax>>Doctor Fax99 9999 9999

Anaesthetist Details

Token NameDataNotes
<<EpAnaId>>Anaesthetist ID 
<<EpAna>>Anaesthetist Full Namee.g. CITIZEN, John
<<EpAnaFirstN>>Anaesthetist First Name 
<<EpAnaI>>Anaesthetist First Name Initial 
<<EpAnaLastN>>Anaesthetist Surname 
<<EpAnaTitle>>Anaesthetist Title 
<<EpAnaProvNo>>Anaesthetist Provider Number 
<<EpAnaSpecID>>Anaesthetist Speciality ID 
<<EpAnaSpec>>Anaesthetist Speciality 
<<EpAnaAdd1>>Anaesthetist Address Line 1 
<<EpAnaAdd2>>Anaesthetist Address Line 2 
<<EpAnaSuburb>>Anaesthetist Suburb 
<<EpAnaPC>>Anaesthetist Postcode 
<<EpAnaState>>Anaesthetist State 
<<EpAnaMob>>Anaesthetist Mobile0415 999 999
<<EpAnaEmail>>Anaesthetist Email 
<<EpAnaPh>>Anaesthetist Phone99 9999 9999
<<EpAnaFax>>Anaesthetist Fax99 9999 9999

Episode Appointment Details

Token NameDataNotes
<<EpNo>>Episode ID 
<<Seq>>Sequential number for each episode on the theatre list 
<<Date>>Appointment Datedd/mm/yyyy
Is the same as the admission date
<<EpAdmDate>>Admission Date 
<<EpDayS>>Admission Name of Day – Shorte.g. Mon
<<EpDayL>>Admission Name of Daye.g. Monday
<<EpMthS>>Admission Name of Month – Shorte.g. Apr
<<EpMthL>>Admission Name of Monthe.g. April
<<EpYear>>Current Year 
<<EpDisDate>>Discharge Date 
<<Time>>Appointment Timee.g 1315
<<Time12h>>Appointment Time in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<Time24h>>Appointment Time in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<ATypeID>>Appointment Type ID 
<<AType>>Appointment Type 
<<Len>>Appointment Length 
<<TimeA>>Calculated Arrival Timee.g 1315
<<TimeA12h>>Calculated Arrival Time in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<TimeA24h>>Calculated Arrival Time in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<TimeP>>Calculated Pickup Timee.g 1315
<<TimeP12h>>Calculated Pickup Time in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<TimeP24h>>Calculated Pickup Time in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<TimeFF>>Calculated Fasting Time Foode.g 1315
<<TimeFF12h>>Calculated Fasting Time Food in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<TimeFF24h>>Calculated Fasting Time Food in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<TimeFW>>Calculated Fasting Time Watere.g 1315
<<TimeFW12h>>Calculated Fasting Time Water in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<TimeFW24h>>Calculated Fasting Time Water in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<FFood12hA>>Fasting Food – Prior to Booking Time in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<FFood24hA>>Fasting Food – Prior to Booking Time in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<FFluid12hA>>Fasting Fluid – Prior to Booking Time in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<FFluid24hA>>Fasting Fluid – Prior to Booking Time in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<FFood12hB>>Fasting Food – Prior to Planned Time in Theatre in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<FFood24hB>>Fasting Food – Prior to Planned Time in Theatre in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<FFluid12hB>>Fasting Fluid – Prior to Planned Time in Theatre in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<FFluid24hB>>Fasting Fluid – Prior to Planned Time in Theatre in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<FFood12hC>>Fasting Food – Prior to Procedure Time in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<FFood24hC>>Fasting Food – Prior to Procedure Time in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<FFluid12hC>>Fasting Fluid – Prior to Procedure Time in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<FFluid24hC>>Fasting Fluid – Prior to Procedure Time in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<EpEstRS>>Estimated Recovery Time
Booking time + Length of Booking
e.g 1315
<<EpEstRS12h>>Estimated Recovery Time
Booking time + Length of Booking
e.g. 1:15 PM
<<EpEstRS24h>>Estimated Recovery Time
Booking time + Length of Booking
e.g. 13:15
<<EpAdmNo>>Admission Number 
<<Notes>>Other Notes 
<<ProcNotes>>Procedure Notes 
<<Book1ID>>Booking Code 1 ID 
<<Book1>>Booking Code 1 
<<Book2ID>>Booking Code 2 ID 
<<Book2>>Booking Code 2 
<<PatCatID>>Patient Category IDe.g. I/P, D/O
<<PatCat>>Patient Categorye.g. Inpatient, Day Only
<<Ana1ID>>Anaesthetic Type 1 IDe.g. L, R
<<Ana1>>Anaesthetic Type 1e.g. Local, Regional
<<Ana2ID>>Anaesthetic Type 2 IDe.g. L, R
<<Ana2>>Anaesthetic Type 2e.g. Local, Regional
<<EpAnaL>>Local AnaestheticShows as X if Anaesthetic Type 1
<<EpAnaN>>No AnaestheticShows as X if Anaesthetic Type 1
<<EpAnaIV>>IV Sedation AnaestheticShows as X if Anaesthetic Type 1
<<EpAnaR>>Regional AnaestheticShows as X if Anaesthetic Type 1
<<EpAnaG>>General AnaestheticShows as X if Anaesthetic Type 1
<<Food>>Food Instructions 
<<PTime>>Planned Time in Theatree.g 1315
<<PTime12h>>Planned Time in Theatre 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<PTime24h>>Planned Time in Theatre 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<ATime>>Admission Timee.g 1315
<<ATime12h>>Admission Time 12hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<ATime24h>>Admission Time 24hre.g. 13:15
<<DTime>>Discharge Timee.g 1315
<<DTime12h>>Discharge Time 12hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<DTime24h>>Discharge Time 24hre.g. 13:15
<<CanID>>Cancelled Id 
<<ConID>>Confirmed Id 
<<NHTP>>Nursing Home Type Patient 
<<oecR>>Check List – OEC RecievedY = ticked
<<oecC>>Check List – OEC Checked Y = ticked
<<IFC>>Check List – IFC CompletedY = ticked
<<AFR>>Check List – Admission Form ReceivedY = ticked
<<CR>>Check List – Chart ReadyY = ticked
<<ConR>>Check List – Consent ReceivedY = ticked
<<PreCon>>Check List – Pre-Admission ContactedY = ticked
<<PostCon>>Check List – Post-Discharge ContactedY = ticked

Inpatient Details

Token NameDataNotes
<<EpProDis>>Proposed Discharge Date 
<<EpProN>>Based on the proposed discharge date, number of nightse.g. HBF
<<EpWard>>Current Warde.g. Health Benefits Fund
<<EpBed>>Current Bed 

Health Fund Details

Token NameDataNotes
<<EpFundID>>Health Fund IDThis is the unique ID for the health fund in the database
<<EpFund>>Health Fund Codee.g. HBF
<<EpFundName>>Health Fund Namee.g Health Benefits Fund
<<EpFundNo>>Health Fund Membership Number 
<<EpCoPay>>Co Payment 
<<EpExcessCo>>Excess + Co Payment 
<<EpInsStatusID>>Insurance Status ID 
<<EpInsStatus>>Insurance Status 

Other Episode Information

Token NameDataNotes
<<Ep1stSym>>Date of 1st Symptom 
<<Ep1stCon>>Date of Consult for 1st Symptom 
<<EpCom>>Compensable Status 
<<EpMotor>>Motor Vehicle Accident 
<<EpOtherAcc>>Other Accident 
<<EpVet>>Veterans Claims 
<<EpStud>>Student Claim 
<<EpStudInst>>Student Institution 

MBS / Other Services

Token NameDataNotes
<<MBSCode1>>1st MBS CodeThis is for the 1st visit to theatre
<<MBSDesc1>>1st MBS DescriptionThis is for the 1st visit to theatre
<<MBSCode10>>10th MBS CodeThis is for the 1st visit to theatre
<<MBSDesc10>>10th MBS DescriptionThis is for the 1st visit to theatre
<<MBSDescS1>>1st MBS Short DescriptionThis is for the 1st visit to theatre
<<OSCode1>>1st Other Service Code 
<<OSDesc1>>1st Other Service Description 
<<OSCode10>>10th Other Service Code 
<<OSDesc10>>10th Other Service Description 

ICD Codes and DRG

Token NameDataNotes
<<ICDDCode1>>1st Diagnosis Code 
<<ICDDDesc1>>1st Diagnosis Code Description 
<<ICDDCode10>>10th Diagnosis Code 
<<ICDDDesc10>>10th Diagnosis Code Description 
<<ICDDcodes>>Lists all ICD diagnosis codes sequentially, excluding the principal diagnosiseg. code 2, code 3, code 4……
<<ICDPCode1>>1st Procedure Code 
<<ICDPDesc1>>1st Procedure Code Description 
<<ICDPCode10>>10th Procedure Code 
<<ICDPDesc10>>10th Procedure Code Description 
<<ICDPCodes>Lists all ICD procedure codes sequentially, excluding the principal procedureeg. code 2, code 3, code 4……
<<EpDRG>>DRG Code 
<<EpDRGDesc>>DRG Description 
<<EpGV>>Grouper Version 
<<EpUnplan>>Unplanned visit to theatre ID 

Claim Details

Token NameDataNotes
<<EpInjuryDate>>Injury Datedd/mm/yyyy
<<EpClaimNo>>Claim Number 
<<EpClaimInsID>>Claim Biller ID 
<<EpClaimIns>>Claim Biller Name 
<<EpClaimCon>>Claim Biller Contact 
<<EpClaimInsAdd1>>Claim Biller Address Line 1
<<EpClaimInsAdd2>>Claim Biller Address Line 2
<<EpClaimInsAdd3>>Claim Biller Address
<<EpClaimInsSub>>Claim Biller Suburb
<<EpClaimInsPost>>Claim Biller Post Code
<<EpClaimInsState>>Claim Biller State
<<EpClaimEmpID>>Claim Employer ID 
<<EpClaimEmp>>Claim Employer Name 
<<EpClaimEmpCon>>Claim Employer Contact 
<<EpClaimEmpAdd1>>Claim Employer Address Line 1
<<EpClaimEmpAdd2>>Claim Employer Address Line 2
<<EpClaimEmpAdd3>>Claim Employer Address Line3
<<EpClaimEmpSub>>Claim Employer Suburb
<<EpClaimEmpPost>>Claim Employer Post Code
<<EpClaimEmpState>>Claim Employer State

Theatre Screen

Token NameDataNotes
<<Visit>>Theatre Visite.g Visit 1 or Visit 2 etc
<<VisitDate1>> … <<VisitDate10>>Theatre Datedd/mm/yyyy
<<Pop>Pre Operation Timee.g 1315
<<Pop12h>>Pre Operation Time 12hr timee.g. 1:15 PM
<<Pop24h>>Pre Operation Time 24hr timee.g. 13:15
<<AnaS1>> … <<AnaS10>>Anaesthetic Start Timee.g 1315
<<AnaS112h>> … <<AnaS1012h>>Anaesthetic Start Time 12hr timee.g. 1:15 PM
<<AnaS124h>> … <<AnaS1024h>>Anaesthetic Start Time 24hr timee.g. 13:15
<<ProcS1>> … <<ProcS10>>Procedure Start Timee.g 1315
<<ProcS112h>> … <<ProcS1012h>>Procedure Start Time 12hr timee.g. 1:15 PM
<<ProcS124h>> … <<ProcS1024h>>Procedure Start Time 24hr timee.g. 13:15
<<ProcF1>> … <<ProcF10>>Procedure Finish Timee.g 1315
<<ProcF12h>> … <<ProcF1012h>>Procedure Finish Time 12hr timee.g. 1:15 PM
<<ProcF124h>> … <<ProcF1024h>>Procedure Finish Time 24hr timee.g. 13:15
<<TimeI1>> … <<TimeI10>>Time In Theatree.g 1315
<<TimeI112h>> … <<TimeI1012h>>Time In Theatre 12hr timee.g. 1:15 PM
<<TimeI124h>> … <<TimeI1024h>>Time In Theatre 24hr timee.g. 13:15
<<TimeO1>> … <<TimeO10>>Time out of Theatree.g 1315
<<TimeO112h>> … <<TimeO1012h>>Time out of Theatre 12hr timee.g. 1:15 PM
<<TimeO124h>> … <<TimeO1024h>>Time out of Theatre 24hr timee.g. 13:15
<<Scrub1>> … <<Scrub10>>Scrub Nursee.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<ScrubID1>> … <<ScrubID10>>Scrub Nurse ID 
<<NurAss1>> … <<NurAss10>>Nurse Assistante.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<NurAssID1>> … <<NurAssID10>>Nurse Assistant ID 
<<Scout1>> … <<Scout10>>Scoute.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<ScoutID1>> … <<ScoutID10>>Scout ID 
<<OthNur1>> … <<OthNur10>>Other Nursee.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<OthNurID1>> … <<OthNurID10>>Other Nurse ID 
<<Other1>> … <<Ostaff10>>Other Staffe.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<OtherID1>> … <<OstaffID10>>Other Staff ID 
<<SurgAssis1>> … <<SurgAssis10>>Surgical Assistante.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<SurgAssID1>> … <<SurgAssID10>>Surgical Assistant ID 
<<OthSurg1>> … <<OthSurg10>>Other Surgical Assistante.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<OthSurgID1>> … <<OthSurgID10>>Other Surgical Assistant ID 
<<Compli1>> … <<Compli10>>Complications 
<<Rec1>>Recovery 1 Timee.g 1315
<<Rec112h>>Recovery 1 Time 12hr timee.g. 1:15 PM
<<Rec124h>>Recovery 1 Time 24hr timee.g. 13:15
<<Rec2>>Recovery 2 Timee.g 1315
<<Rec212h>>Recovery 2 Time 12hr timee.g. 1:15 PM
<<Rec224h>>Recovery 2 Time 24hr timee.g. 13:15
<<Rec3>>Recovery 3 Timee.g 1315
<<Rec312h>>Recovery 3 Time 12hr timee.g. 1:15 PM
<<Rec324h>>Recovery 3 Time 24hr timee.g. 13:15
<<Ready>>Ready for Discharge/Warde.g 1315
<<Ready12h>>Ready for Discharge/Ward 12hr timee.g. 1:15 PM
<<Ready24h>>Ready for Discharge/Ward 24hr timee.g. 13:15
<<TheatreNotes>>Theatre Notes 

Admission Screen – PHDB/HCP 

Token NameDataNotes
<<RADesc>>Re-Admissione.g. description
<<RA>>Re-Admission IDe.g. the ID the value saved in the db
<<StartDay>>Starting Day 
<<TranFDesc>>Transferred From 
<<TranF>>Transferred From ID 
<<DIDesc>>Discharge Intent 
<<DI>>Discharge Intent ID 
<<UOADesc>>Urgency of Admission 
<<UOA>>Urgency of Admission ID 
<<SORDesc>>Source of Referral 
<<SOR>>Source of Referral ID 
<<CTDesc>>Care Type 
<<CT>>Care Type ID 
<<RSDesc>>Rehab Status 
<<RS>>Rehab Status ID 
<<SDSDesc>>Same Day Status 
<<SDS>>Same Day Status ID 
<<PIDesc>>Payer Identifier 
<<PI>>Payer Identifier ID 
<<AWei>>Adm Weight 
<<AmbNum>>Ambulance Number 

Admission Screen – State fields

Token nameDataNotes
<<CTSDesc>>Care Typee.g. description
<<CTS>>Care Type IDe.g. the ID the value saved in the db
<<SRSDesc>>Source of referral 
<<SRS>>Source of referral ID 
<<ILOSSDesc>>Intended Length of Stay
Planned Same Day (QLD)
<<ILOSS>>Intended Length of Stay
Planned Same Day (QLD) ID
<<ASSDesc>>Admission Status 
<<ASS>>Admission Status ID 
<<ISSDesc>>Insurance Status 
<<ISS>>Insurance Status ID 
<<CTYSDesc>>Contract Type 
<<CTYS>>Contract Type ID 
<<CRSDesc>>Contract Role 
<<CRS>>Contract Role ID 
<<ESSDesc>>Election Status 
<<ESS>>Election Status ID 
<<ATSDesc>>Admission Type 
<<ATS>>Admission Type ID 
<<UPRADesc>>Unplanned Readmission 
<<UPRA>>Unplanned Readmission ID 
<<UOASDesc>>Urgency of Admission 
<<UOAS>>Urgency of Admission ID 
<<EPSSDesc>>Elective Patient Status 
<<EPSS>>Elective Patient Status ID 
<<RAS>>Re-Admission ID 
<<DISDesc>>Discharge Intent 
<<DIS>>Discharge Intent ID 
<<LSSDesc>>Legal Status 
<<LSS>>Legal Status ID 
<<CSSDesc>>Contract Status 
<<CSS>>Contract Status ID 
<<PTDesc>>Previous Treatment 
<<PT>>Previous Treatment ID 
<<MOASDesc>>Mode of Admission 
<<MOAS>>Mode of Admission ID 
<<AACDesc>>Account Class 
<<AAC>>Account Class ID 
<<AATDesc>>Accommodation Type 
<<AAT>>Accommodation Type ID 
<<ASDesc>>Admission Source 
<<AS>>Admission Source ID 
<<CFADesc>>Criterion for Admission 
<<CFA>>Criterion for Admission ID 
<<CSIDesc>>Contract/Spoke Identifier 
<<CSI>>Contract/Spoke Identifier ID 
<<PCSDesc>>Patient Category 
<<PCS>>Patient Category ID 
<<SORPDesc>>Source Of Referral – Professional 
<<SORP>>Source Of Referral – Professional ID 
<<SORLDesc>>Source Of Referral – Location 
<<SORL>>Source Of Referral – Location ID 
<<SORTDesc>>Source Of Referral – Transport 
<<SORT>>Source Of Referral – Transport ID 
<<CHSDesc>>Contracted Hospital 
<<CHS>>Contracted Hospital ID 

Discharge Screen – PHDB/HCP 

Token nameDataNotes
<<MOSDesc>>Mode of Separation 
<<MOS>>Mode of Separation ID 
<<TranTDesc>>Transferred To 
<<TranT>>Transferred To Desc 
<<TOCDesc>>Transfer Out Code 
<<TOC>>Transfer Out Code ID 
<<VTODesc>>Visit to Theatre 
<<VTO>>Visit to Theatre ID 
<<PCDesc>>Palliative Care 
<<PC>>Palliative Care ID 
<<PCD>>Days In Palliative Care 
<<MHLSDesc>>Mental Health Legal Status 
<<MHLS>>Mental Health Legal Status ID 
<<WTPI>>Was the patient involuntary? Show as Y, N
<<ID>>Involuntary Days 
<<ICUD>>Days in ICU 
<<ICUH>>Hrs in ICU 
<<MVH>>Hrs in Mechanical Ventilation 
<<DiedDate>>Deceased Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<DiedTime>>Deceased Time (raw) e.g for 1:30 PM
show as: 1330
<<DiedT12h>>Deceased Time 12 hr e.g for 1:30 PM
show as: 01:30 PM
<<DiedT24h>>Deceased Time 24 hr e.g for 1:30 PM
show as 13:30
<<Autopsy>>AutopsyShow as: Y, N
<<DiedCause>>Cause of Death 
<<HITHV>>HITH Visits 

Discharge Screen – State

Token nameDataNotes
<<MOSS>>Mode of Separation IDe.g. the ID the value saved in the db
<<MOSSDesc>>Mode of Separatione.g. description
<<FSS>>Funding Source/Arrangement ID 
<<FSSDesc>>Funding Source/Arrangement 
<<RTS>>Referral To ID
Separation Referral (VIC)
<<RTSDesc>>Referral To
Separation Referral (VIC)
<<MHLSS>>Mental Health Legal Status ID 
<<MHLSSDesc>>Mental Health Legal Status 
<<Char>>Chargeable Status ID 
<<CharDesc>>Chargeable Status 
<<Comp>>Compensable Status ID 
<<CompDesc>>Compensable Status 
<<PC1A>>Palliative care – 1st admission ID 
<<PC1ADesc>>Palliative care – 1st admission 
<<PCPA>>Palliative Care – previous admission ID 
<<PCPADesc>>Palliative Care – previous admission 
<<AOS>>Accommodation Occupied ID 
<<AOSDesc>>Accommodation Occupied 
<<Client>>Client Status ID 
<<ClientDesc>>Client Status 
<<CES>>Contracting Establishment ID 
<<CESDesc>>Contracting Establishment 
<<PSS>>Payment Status ID 
<<PSSDesc>>Payment Status 
<<ITRAS>>Intent to Readmit ID 
<<ITRASDesc>>Intent to Readmit 
<<DAC>>Account Class ID 
<<DACDesc>>Account Class 
<<DAT>>Accommodation Type ID 
<<DATDesc>>Accommodation Type 