Tokens – Clinic

Token NameDataNotes
<<ListID>>Appointment ID 
<<ListLoc>>Location ID 
<<ListLocName>>Location Name 
<<ListLocAdd1>>Location Address Line 1 
<<ListLocAdd2>>Location Address Line 2If no address line 2, then this will be the Suburb State and Postcode
<<ListLocAdd3>>Location Address Line 3If no address line 2, then this will be the empty
<<ListLocSub>>Location Suburb 
<<ListLocState>>Location State 
<<ListLocZip>>Location Postcode 
<<ListPhone>>Location Phone 
<<ListFax>>Location Zip 
<<ListLocAccName>>Location Account Name 
<<ListLocBSB>>Location BSB 
<<ListLocAccNum>>Location Account Number 
<<ListLocBank>>Location Bank Name 
<<ListLocBankAdd>>Location Bank Address 
<<ListDocId>>Doctor ID 
<<ListDocFullName>>Doctor Namee.g. CITIZEN, John
<<ListDocTitle>>Doctor Title 
<<ListDocFirstname>>Doctor First Name 
<<ListDocSurname>>Doctor Surnamee.g CITIZEN
<<ListDocProviderNum>>Doctor Provider Number 
<<ListDocQualif>>Doctor Qualification 
<<ListDocSpec>>Doctor Speciality ID 
<<ListDocSpecDesc>>Doctor Speciality 
<<ListDocFPayee>>Doctor Fund Payee 
<<ListDate>>Appointment Datedd/mm/yyyy
<<ListDayS>>Appointment Name of Day – Shorte.g. Mon
<<ListDayL>>Appointment Name of Daye.g. Monday
<<ListMthS>>Appointment Name of Month – Shorte.g. Apr
<<ListMthL>>Appointment Name of Monthe.g. April
<<ListTime>>Appointment Timee.g 1315
<<ListTime12h>>Appointment Time in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<ListTime24h>>Appointment Time in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<ListAType>>Appointment Type ID 
<<ListATypeDesc>>Appointment Type 
<<ListAMins>>Appointment Length 
<<ListTimeA>>Calculated Arrival Timee.g 1315
<<ListTimeA12h>>Calculated Appointment Time in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<ListTimeA24h>>Calculated Appointment Time in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<ListTimeP>>Calculated Pickup Timee.g 1315
<<ListTimeP12h>>Calculated Pickup Time in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<ListTimeP24h>>Calculated Pickup Time in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<ListTimeFF>>Calculated Fasting Time Foode.g 1315
<<ListTimeFF12h>>Calculated Fasting Time Food 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<ListTimeFF24h>>Calculated Fasting Time Food 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<ListTimeFW>>Calculated Fasting Time Watere.g 1315
<<ListTimeFW12h>>Calculated Fasting Time Water 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<ListTimeFW24h>>Calculated Fasting Time Water 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<ListNotes>>Appointment Notes 
<<ListBillType>>Appointment Bill Type e.g. Medicare, not just the raw  value
<<ListFeeLevelId>>Appointment Fee Level ID 
<<ListFeeLevel>>Appointment Fee Level 
<<ListArrived>>Arrived Timee.g 1315
<<ListArrived12h>>Arrived Time in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<ListArrived24h>>Arrived Time in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<ListSeen>>Seen Timee.g 1315
<<ListSeen12h>>Seen Time in 12 hre.g. 1:15 PM
<<ListSeen24h>>Seen Time in 24 hre.g. 13:15
<<ListCanId>>Cancelled Flag Id 
<<ListCan>>Cancelled Flag 
<<ListConId>>Confirmed Id 
<<ListBook1>>Booking Code 1 
<<ListBook1ID>>Booking Code 1 ID 
<<ListBook2>>Booking Code 2 
<<ListBook2ID>>Booking Code 2 ID 
<<ListI1>>Item CodeIf adding more than one item, the token will need to be added as per the example below:

<<List1Desc>>Item Description If adding more than one item, the token will need to be added as per the example below:
