Tokens – Informed Financial Consent (IFC Hospital)

Location of IFC

Token NameDataNotes
<<IFCLocId>>Locatione.g. 1, 2
<<IFCLoc>>Locatione.g. ACSS Private Hospital
<<IFCLocAdd1>>Location Address Line 1 
<<IFCLocAdd2>>Location Address Line 2 
<<IFCLocSuburb>>Location Suburbe.g. BONDI
<<IFCLocState>>Location Statee.g. NSW
<<IFCLocPostcode>>Location Postcode 
<<IFCLocPhone>>Location Phonee.g. 02 1234 5678
<<IFCLocFax>>Location Faxe.g. 02 1234 5678
<<IFCLocEmail>>Location Email Address 
<<IFCLocAbn>>Location ABN 
<<IFCLocACN>>Location ACN 
<<IFCLocBSB>>Location BSB 
<<IFCLocAccNo>>Location Account Number 
<<IFCLocAccName>>Location Account Name 
<<IFCLocProvNo>>Location Provider Number 
<<IFCUser>>Name of User Generating the IFC 
<<IFCUserFN>>First Name of User Generating the IFC 


Patient Fields

Token NameDataNotes
<<IFCPatFullName>>Patient name 
<<IFCMRN>>Patient MRN 
<<IFCFileNum>>Patient File Number
<<IFCDOB>>Patient date of birth 
<<IFCSexID>>Patient gendere.g. M, F
in db, 1 = M etc
<<IFCSex>>Patient gendere.g. Male, Female
<<IFCMed>>Patient Medicare Number 
<<IFCMedRef>>Patient Medicare Reference 
<<IFCAdd1>>Patient Address Line 1 
<<IFCAdd2>>Patient Address Line 2 
<<IFCSuburb>>Patient Suburb 
<<IFCState>>Patient State 
<<IFCPC>>Patient Postcode 
<<IFCMobile>>Patient Mobileformat 9999 999 999
<<IFCPhoneH>>Patient Phone Homeformat 02 9999 9999
<<IFCPhoneW>>Patient Home Workformat 02 9999 9999


Episode Fields

Token Name Data Notes
<<IFCAdmDate>> Admission date  
<<IFCDisDate>> Discharge date  
<<IFCPatCat>> Patient Category Shows ‘Day Only’ or ‘Inpatient’ depending on the discharge date
<<IFCAnaID>> Anaesthetic type e.g. N, I
<<IFCAna>> Anaesthetic type e.g. None, IV/Sedation
<<IFCStatusID>> Insurance status E.g. F, B
<<IFCStatus>> Insurance status e.g. Full Fee, Basic fee
<<IFCFundtable>> Fund Table  
<<IFCFundVer>> Fund Verification  
<<IFCDJ>> Fund date joined Dd/mm/yyyy
<<IFCMins>> Minutes in theatre e.g. 999
<<IFCFundName>> Fund e.g. Medibank
<<IFCFundNo>> Membership number  
<<IFCFundId>> Fund e.g. 1
<<IFCFund>> Fund e.g. MBP
<<IFCExcess>> Excess Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCcopay>> Co-pay Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCDefben>> Default Benefit Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCAccom>> Accommodation e.g. Accom – Medical
<<IFCAccomID>> Accommodation e.g. 1, 2
<<IFCRoomID>> Room type e.g. S, P convert 1 to S, 2 to P
<<IFCRoom>> Room Type e.g. Shared, Private
<<IFCPDis>> Proposed Discharge Date only applicable if overnight i.e. Inpatient
<<IFCN>> Number of Nights only applicable if overnight i.e. Inpatient
<<IFCProcNote>> Procedure Note  


Doctor Fields

Token Name Data Notes
<<IFCDocID>> Doctor/Surgeon e.g. 1, 2
<<IFCDoc>> Doctor full name e.g Michelle ROMERO
<<IFCDocFirstN>> Doctor first name e.g. Michelle
<<IFCDocLastN>> Doctor last name e.g. ROMERO
in uppercase
<<IFCDocTitle>> Doctor title e.g. Dr
<<IFCDocProvNo>> Doctor provider number e.g. 123456AF
<<IFCDocSpecID>> Doctor speciality e.g. 1,2
<<IFCDocSpec>> Doctor speciality e.g. Radiology
<<IFCDocPh>> Doctor Phone format 99 9999 9999
<<IFCDocFax>> Doctor Fax format 99 9999 9999
<<IFCDocMob>> Doctor Mobile format 9999 999 999


Subtotal Charges

Token Name Data Notes
<<IFCNotes>> Notes from review screen  
<<IFCDisc>> Discount as a percentage  
<<IFCDiscAmt>> Discount as a dollar value  
<<IFCSubTotalC>> Sums all charges before any discount is applied Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCAccomC>> Sums all charges where csrvtypecode = A Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCAccomR>> Sums all rebates where csrvtypecode = A Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCAccomDif> Difference in Accommodation Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCTheatreC>> Sums all charges where csrvtypecode = T Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCTheatreR>> Sums all rebates where csrvtypecode = T Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCTheatDif>> Difference in Theatre Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCOtherC>> Sums all charges where csrvtypecode = O Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCOtherR>> Sums all rebates where csrvtypecode = O Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCOtherDif>> Difference in Other Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCBundledC>> Sums all charges where csrvtypecode = C, R Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCBundledR>> Sums all rebates where csrvtypecode = C, R Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCBundDif>> Difference in Bundled Fees Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99


Total Charges

Token Name Data Notes
<<IFCTotalC>> Sums all charges Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCTotalR>> Sums all rebates Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCGap>> Charges less rebate plus (excess + copay and default benefit) Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCTotDif>> Charges less rebate Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCTotR2>> Sum of all rebates less (excess + Copayment)) Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99


Grid Items

Token Name Data Notes
<<DateFrom>> Date from  
<<DateTo>> Date to   
<<Item>> Item  
<<Desc>> Description  
<<DescShort>> Description, the first 50 characters only  
<<Type>> Type  
<<Charge>> Charge  
<<GST>> GST  
<<Rebate>> Rebate  
<<Diff>> Difference between Charge and Rebate  
<<Band>> Band  
<<Qty>> Quantity   
<<BillTo>> Bill to  