FYDO Hospital Update 15/07/2022
24-Hour Time
The Edit Episode/Appointment screen now displays all times in 24-hour time. This will be reflected if the users have toggled 24-hour time to be displayed in the Settings screen.
Positioned Time
The Theatre screen now has an additional time, called Positioned Time, which is an optional time. This time is for recording the time the patient was positioned correctly for surgery. This would be of more importance to Orthopaedic surgery where it can take considerable time to position the patient correctly.
Bell Animation
We have removed the animation of the bell for patient alerts on both the appointment list and the patient demographic pages. We hope this will allow our users to no longer feel motion sickness when viewing alerts!
Contact Details
The patient demographics page has been updated in the contact person details. When a user selects the option to “Copy Patient Details” when entering a NOK/Emergency Contact, FYDO will now default copy to patients mailing address instead of residential.
Bug Fixes
- Users were experiencing an issue on the coding screen where the copy previous coding option would disappear after going into the EMR function. This bug has been fixed and users will now still be able to use the copy previous coding function after entering the EMR function.
- The appointment screen has now been updated to include an option of entering “Bed Notes” for overnight/inpatient bookings. This will allow the user to enter any notes relevant to the patient’s overnight stay/nursing staff to update notes for handover.