Altura Health Data Storage & Security Policy

The purpose of this policy is to explain how Altura Health safeguards all information to prevent loss or misuse of data.
It outlines the important timeframes regarding backups & the information restoration processes that apply to all Altura Health customers.


  • All data is stored on Amazon servers located within the SYD data centre
  • All data is encrypted at rest and in transit



  • The database is backed up every 6 hours
  • The documents e.g. imported document & typed letters are backed up once daily
  • Backup restoration can be performed within 24 hours
  • Backups are stored on Amazon storage servers



  • Altura Health engages in regular penetration testing and certification with third party industry experts
  • A copy of the most recent security assessment results can be obtained by contacting us via email at or by calling 02) 9632 0026


Account Access

  • FYDO requires 2 step authentication which can be setup either via email, SMS code or google authenticator
  • Each account is given the option to do this each login, or utilise the ‘Remember me for 30 days’ feature