Receipt a Patient Payment (Hospital)

Receipting a patient payment on admission e.g., Excess payment, payment of account etc

  1. Select required patient & Right-Click to expand menu
  2. Select Excess/Deposit

  3. Complete required information
  4. Deposit type
      1. Fund Excess for all excess payments or payments that are required to be applied to a health fund invoice
      2. Patient Account Deposit for all payments to go towards an uninsured invoice
  5. Transaction Date will automatically populate with the current date
  6. Select payment Type e.g., EFTPOS, Cash, Cheque etc
  7. Enter the Amount that has been paid
  8. Select the Payment Description relative to the payment being made. NB. These descriptions are fully customisable & can be amended to suit the facility. This can be done in Settings > Deposit Types
  9. Complete Drawer, Reference, Bank & Branch when payment is made via Cheque
  10. Select Save or Save & Print to produce a printed copy of the receipt

Both Fund Excess & Patient Account Deposit receipts can be processes simultaneously to save the user following the above process twice.

These transactions can be found by selecting the required patient & using the Right-Click to display the menu and selecting History.

Select the required episode date from the list at the top of the screen.

The receipt can then be re-printed by using the Invoice Options on the right of the History screen & selecting Deposit Copy.
