FYDO Hospital Update – 20/2/2023

Preadmit Additional Feature

FYDO can now import the Emergency Contact & Pick Up Person from Preadmit.
If the patients are asked to provide these details when they complete their online admission form, through Preadmit, we are now able to update these details in FYDO.
Please contact us if your facility would like to utilise this feature.


New Referral Date Feature

FYDO now has the ability to allow facilities the choice of either requiring a referral date or allowing staff to enter the referring doctor without a referral date being necessary.
This feature can be activated by selecting Allow referral to be entered without a referral date/period in the Settings > System Configuration menu.


New ‘End of Current Fees’ feature

There is a new field that facilities can utilise in the Fees Setup. It allows for the End of Current Fees date to be entered. The next step we will undertake, in developing this feature, is to alert the user if they are trying to bill an episode that falls after the end date of the current fees. The implementation of the next development stage is expected to be in the next few weeks.


New ‘Estimated Recovery Time’ feature

The Estimated Recovery Time can now be added to print list templates. This time calculates by adding the Length of the Booking to the Booking time.
Therefore, Booking Time + Length of Booking = Estimated Recovery Time.

Theatre lists can then be generated in order of this Estimated Recovery Time using Order of List. This list will be beneficial as a Recovery List to enable recovery to see the patients’ order as they are expected out of theatre.
