FYDO Clinic Update 03/04/2023

New Maiden Name Field

FYDO has a new field to enable users to keep the Maiden Name of a patient on file. When searching for a patient FYDO will also check the Maiden Name field for any matching information enabling easy identification of patients.


Transactions Report

New fields have been added to the Transactions report when exported in Excel – Raw Data format.

New fields include:

  • File Number
  • Batch Number
  • Batch ID


Email Log

Users are now able to view a log of all emails that have been sent from the Documents tab in FYDO. This includes emails to the patient, referring doctor or doctor. This information is displayed in the Communication tab.



Bug Fix

The issue that some users were experiencing with the 2-step authenticator app not remembering them for 30 days has been resolved. (This issue did not affect users that utilise the SMS or Email 2 step authentication option)

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/
