FYDO Clinic Update 28/04/2023

Accounts – Status

We have introduced a new Status on the Accounts screen called No Charges for invoices with a $0.00 invoiced amount.

Claiming Medical

There has been 2 new updates to Claiming Medical:

  1. Claims that are rejected with $0.00 paid will now show with the Status Rejected. Prior, rejected claims would show with the Status Payment Received but with $0.00 in the Paid column.
  2. Users are name able to update a patient’s Fund Membership number and/or Fund UPI number for a claim from Claiming Medical. To change a patient’s Fund Membership number and/or Fund UPI number simply click Action > View Batch Details > Action > Edit Invoice. 



Bug Fixes

Issue with Accounts showing by default in ascending date of service order has now been rectified to show in descending order.

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/
