Opening the Theatre on a Non-Standard Day / Weekend

FYDO allows users to have the available theatre times & default appointments to be set for every day. However, sometimes facilities will have the need to open a theatre on a day that it would usually not be opened on.
This can easily be done in FYDO by adding a Non-Standard Day to your theatre by following the instructions below.
  1. Open Settings
  2. Select Theatre Data
  3. Double Click on the required Theatre
  4. Select tab Add Non-Std Days
  5. Selected the required Date or click the Close Day tickbox to close the theatre for a day that is usually open
  6. Select the Start Time that the theatre will be available from
  7. Select the End Time that the theatre will be available to
  8. Once the Start Time & End Time have been entered, the appointments will populate with the Default Appointment Type for this theatre
  9. The Appointment Type can be amended using the dropdown under the Type column
  10. Once all required settings are added, click Save
  11. Once Non-Standard dates have been added, a new tab View Non-Std Days will be available where users are able to view all non-standard entries
  12. The user is able to View the appointment times
  13. The non-standard day is also able to be Deleted by selecting the checkbox on the left to display the bin