FYDO Hospital Update – 04/04/2024

New ‘Copy Next of Kin’ Feature

There is now an additional option added to the Emergency Contact, Contributor and Pick Up Person tabs, which enables users to copy the Next of Kin details. While the option to Copy Patient Details remains available, this new feature will reduce repetitive data entry, particularly when the Next of Kin, Emergency Contact, Contributor and Pick Up Person are all the same.

Episode Screen Heading Amendments

The important information displayed at the top of each Episodes Screen has been updated to now include the File Number. This enhancement will be particularly advantageous for facilities that utilise both the File Number and the MRN.

New Rehab Screen

Rehabilitation facilities are now able to capture data for the Australasian Rehabilitation Outcomes Centre (AROC) and the Australian National Subacute and Non-Acute Patient (AN-SNAP) datasets.
