Cancel a Hospital Booking

If a patient cancels their appointment

  1. Search for the patient OR
  2. Navigate to the date & theatre that the patient is booked for
  3. Select the patient & right click to open menu
  4. Select Edit Episode
  5. Use the Cancelled drop down to select a reason for cancellation (N.B these cancelled reasons are fully customisable & can be added or edited in Setting under the Cancelled Reasons option to assist facilities obtain the cancellation data that they require)
  6. Click Save
  7. The patient will now be displayed with a strikethrough & the appointment time will be available to book another patient
  8. To view your screen without the cancelled patients, use the Filter Dropdown and select All Appointments Exc Cancelled
  9. To view the cancelled patients ensure you select All Appointments Inc Cancelled from the Filter Dropdown
  10. To reinstate an appointment, follow the above steps 1 > 4 and remove the cancellation reason from the episode before clicking Save