Invoice Export Report

This report enables an Excel spreadsheet to be created of all invoice data for a selected date range.

How to Export the Invoice Export Report:

  1. Click on the Reports Icon
  2. Under Financial Reports, Click on Invoice Stats
  3. Change filters as required, or if you are wanting All Invoice Data for a specific date range, leave filters as the default filter options > Add the required To and From Date Range > Click Export
  4. Report will be Exported as an ExcelRaw file.
    By default, most computers will store downloads to your Downloads folder on your computer, or wherever you have set your browser to store your downloads on your computer.

Payments Report (Clinic)

This report gives a list of all payments received in the selected date period either by Accounting Period, Audit Date or Date of Service. The data is able to be shown in formats such as Detailed, Summary and Summary Categories.

Filter options include:

  • Location
  • Department
  • Doctor
  • Payment Type
  • Group By options
  • From and To Date Range

How to Print/Export the Payments Report:

  1. Click on the Reports Icon
  2. Under Reports – Clinic, Click on Payments
  3. Change filters as required > Click Update
  4. Report will generate below the filters section.
    To Print the report, Click the Print button.
    To Export the report, Click the Export To button and choose either Excel, Excel – Raw Data or PDF.

Patient Stats Report

The Patient Stats Report gives the ability to obtain extensive patient demographics data.

  • Medicare Patients
  • Deceased Patients
  • Archived Patients
  • DVA Patients
  • Indigenous Status
  • Referral Expired
  • Preferred Doctor
  • Health Fund
  • Gender
  • Surveys
  • Ability to stipulate Birth date range
  • Ability to stipulate Created range
  • Ability to stipulate Postcode range
  • Community Nursing Cycle
  • Ability to stipulate Billed range
  • Doctor

How to Print/Export the Patient Stats Report:

  1. Click on the Reports Icon
  2. Under Patient Reports, Click on Patients Stats
  3. Change filters as required, or if you are wanting All Patient Demographics, leave filters as the default filter options > Click Update
  4. Report will generate below the filters section.
    To Print the report, Click the Print button.
    To Export the report, Click the Export To button and choose either Excel or PDF.

Arrears Report (Clinic)

This shows all invoices without a zero-dollar balance. It can be run by Location, Department, Fund, Bill Type, Doctor, Period that the account has been outstanding for (e.g. 30 days & over). It can be run as the following Report Types:

  1. Detail – Showing every patient and the balance
  2. Summary – Showing each bill type and the balance
  3. Interactive – Enabling follow up dates and notes to be accessible, to facilitate efficient workflow in debt recovery

How to Print/Export the Arrears Report (Summary and Detail):

  1. Click on the Reports Icon
  2. Under Reports – Clinic, Click on Arrears
  3. Change filters as required > Click Update
  4. Report will generate below the filters section.
    To Print the report, Click the Print button.
    To Export the report, Click the Export To button and choose either Excel, Excel – Raw Data or PDF.

How to Export the Arrears Report (Interactive):

  1. Click on the Reports Icon
  2. Under Reports – Clinic, Click on Arrears
  3. Select Interactive > Change filters as required > Click Update
  4. Report will generate below the filters section.
    Click the Export To button and choose either Excel or Excel – Raw Data.