List Re-Ordering Feature (Session Priority)
FYDO allows users the ability to re-order lists with a fabulous feature that resembles the SimDay function Session Priority. This feature allows users to easily re-order patients’, move all patients’ appointments up at once (in the case of a cancellation) and set appointment times according to each appointment length.
This feature will work from the admission time of the FIRST patient on the list. It will then slot all other patients’ into their corresponding admission times, according to the appointment lengths.
The difference with using the List Re-Ordering feature is that it allows users to easily move a patients’ appointment up or down the list & will shuffle the other patients’ admission times to accommodate. Whereas other methods of moving appointments do not impact the admission times of any other patients.
To utilise this function, navigate to the Appointments Screen and locate the list that you wish to change.
Select an appointment in the required session & use the Select an Action dropdown & click on List Re-Ordering.
This will display a pop-up box that allows you to drag patients up or down the list.
If you do not wish to change the order of the list, and only wish to move all patients up after a cancellation, then simply open the pop-up box & click OK. This will move all patient’s appointment times up the list.
You will notice in the below video that we used the Procedure to sort the patients & once we clicked ok FYDO also filled in the gaps that were left from cancelled appointments.