Single Sign On (SSO) with FYDO

At FYDO, we are committed to continuously enhancing the security and convenience of our platform for our valued customers. And because of that, we use Single Sign On (SSO) to FYDO! This feature will allow you to access FYDO using your existing credentials from Microsoft or Google, simplifying your login process while maintaining the highest level of security.

SSO is a secure authentication process that enables you to log in to multiple applications with a single set of credentials. By integrating SSO, we aim to provide you with a seamless and efficient log in experience.

When you log in, you will notice two buttons for Microsoft and Google account access, as pictured below.

If you are already logged into your browser with either a Google or Microsoft account, you can click on the applicable button to log in. This will take you directly to the FYDO dashboard or the Two-Step Verification Process via SMS, email, or an Authentication App as usual. 

Note– The account you use must already be set up in FYDO to proceed. 

If you are not already logged into your browser with an account, you will be prompted to ‘Pick an account’ or ‘Use another account’ as shown below. You will need to enter your password to proceed. 

You may still use your email and password to log in unless your FYDO account subscriber has forced SSO to be used. In that case, you may receive a message at the top of the screen, as shown: 

If you receive the message above, please try using the Microsoft or Google buttons. If you still have problems logging in, contact your FYDO account subscriber (the person in charge of FYDO at your facility) before reaching out to Altura Health Support. 

If you have forgotten your Microsoft or Google password, please contact your IT department. This issue is separate from FYDO and cannot be addressed by Altura Health Support.

How to enforce SSO in FYDO

SSO authentication can be enforced for all or selected users. Once SSO is enforced, an email invitation will be sent to the applicable user/s, advising them to activate their account via SSO. The user does not need to use the email invitation link; they can go directly to the FYDO website. 

Note: Once a user is required to use SSO by their facility, their existing password will be deleted. 

To enforce SSO for all users: 

  1. Go to Settings > Security and click Edit

  1. Tick the SSO as Mandatory tick box (as shown below) and click Save

If, for any reason, some users are unable to authenticate using SSO, they can be reverted back to the standard email/password authentication method. 

To revert all users to email/password authentication:

  1. Simply untick the SSO as Mandatory box in Settings > Security. 

To revert specific users to email/password authentication: 

  1. Go to Settings > Users
  2. Double-click on required user
  3. Click Edit
  4. Untick SSO Mandatory
  5. Click Save

Reverted users will receive another email invitation to set up their new password. 

You can see which users have SSO enforced and whether they have successfully authenticated using SSO by going to Settings > Users.  

  • SSO Blank: User not forced to use SSO
  • SSO Red Cross: User forced to use SSO but not activated
  • SSO Green Tick: User has activated SSO

Amending a User’s Email Address

There may be instances when a user needs to change their FYDO log in email address. This can be done by the user themselves by following the steps below.
The only exception is the Subscriber who is unable to change their email address themselves & will need to contact FYDO Support if amendments need to be made.
  1. Hover over User Profile (Your Initials)
  2. Select Edit Profile
  3. Select Edit
  4. Amend Email
  5. Click Save

The new email address will need to be used for log ins from there on.

How to change user’s timezone

Need to change your timezone? Read on to learn how!

Note: This setting is unique to the user. Therefore, each user will need to check their own timezone settings.

  1. Hover over the profile icon (Your Initials)
  2. Click on Edit Profile.
  3. Select Edit
  4. Select the desired TimeZone.

Click Save and you’re all done! You have successfully updated your TimeZone on this profile.

Resetting a Users Mobile Number

If a user needs to amend the mobile number, that is used for 2 step authentication, they can follow the instructions below.

Using the email option for 2 Step Authentication will allow you to received the code via email to be able to log in without the old mobile number. Once logged in you will be able to:

  1. Hover over the User icon (Your Initials)
  2. Select Edit Profile
  3. Select 2 Step Authentication tab
  4. Click Edit
  5. Select Yes to the question Would you like to reset mobile?
  6. Click Save

The next time you log in you will be prompted to set a new mobile number.

SMS Template Examples

FYDO allows users to easily & efficiently send SMS/Text Messages to patients’ & pick-up contacts. Templates can be added to FYDO to allow users to send different types of pre-set messages with the click of a button.
SMS templates use “tokens” to draw information from the patients’ appointment & populate the message with the patients’ relevant information.
Below are some examples of text message templates that facilities can use, along with the tokens that will need to be added to ensure the templates work for all patients.

SMS Templates can be added to FYDO by following the instructions in this link:
Adding SMS Templates to FYDO

Pre-Admission Text
Dear <<patFirstN>>, Your appointment at <<EpLoc>> with <<EpDocTitle>> <<EpDocLastN>> on <<EpDayL>> <<EpAdmDate>> will be at <<Time12h>>. Please reply YES to confirm your appointment. Many Thanks


Payment Reminder
Dear <<patFirstN>>, When you arrive for your appointment with <<EpDocTitle>> <<EpDocLastN>> on <<EpAdmDate>> your out of pocket expense will be $<<EpExcessCo>>. This is payable on admission. Please reply YES to confirm you are aware of your hospital fee or call <<EpPhone>> if you have any queries. Many Thanks


Preadmit Paperwork Reminder
Dear <<patFirstN>>, Please click on the link below to complete your admission forms for your appointment on <<EpAdmDate>> at <<Time12h>>. Add preadmit URL in here.


Fasting Times
Dear <<patFirstN>>, In preparation for your procedure on <<EpAdmDate>> at <<Time12h>> please ensure you cease eating food at <<TimeFF12h>> and have no further fluid after <<TimeFW12h>>. Please contact <<EpLoc>> on <<EpPhone>> if you have any queries. Many Thanks


Patient Experience Survey
Dear <<patFirstN>>, Thank you for visiting <<EpLoc>> on <<EpAdmDate>>. If you would like to give feedback regarding your admission, please follow the link below. Add patient survey URL in here.


Dear <<patfirstn>>, Thank you for attending <<EpLoc>>.  We are committed to continuous improvement and would value your feedback.  Please click on the following link to complete our online survey. Add URL to patient survey here.


Pre-Operative Phone Call Reminder
Dear <<patFirstN>>, Please contact <<EpLoc>> on <<EpPhone>> to speak with our nurses regarding your appointment on <<EpAdmDate>>. Many Thanks


Change of Admission Time
Dear <<patFirstN>>, Your admission time for your appointment on <<EpAdmDate>> has changed. Please now arrive at <<EpLoc>> at <<Time12h>>. Many Thanks


Post-Operative Message
Dear <<patFirstN>>, We hope you are recovering well following your procedure at <<EpLoc>> on <<EpAdmDate>>. Please contact us on <<EpPhone>> if you have any concerns or queries. Many Thanks


Estimated Pick Up Time for Patient
Dear <<patFirstN>>, your admission time on <<EpAdmDate>> will be <<Time12h>>. We anticipate that you will be ready for collection from <<EpLoc>> at <<TimeP12h>>.


Estimated Pick Up Time for Pick Up Person
Dear <<PUfirstn>>, we anticipate that <<patFirstN>> will be ready for collection from <<EpLoc>> at <<TimeP12h>>. Please alert staff at reception when you arrive. Many Thanks


Pick Up Person – Patient Ready
Dear <<PUfirstn>>, <<patFirstN>> is now ready to be collected from <<EpLoc>>, <<EpLocAdd1>> <<EpLocSub>>. Please report to reception on arrival. Many Thanks


Dear <<PUfirstn>>, Please return to <<EpLoc>> at <<EpLocAdd1>> <<EpLocAdd2>> <EpLocSub>> as <<patFirstN>> is now ready to be discharged. Many Thanks


Outstanding Account
Dear <<patFirstN>>, following your procedure at <<EpLoc>> your account was finalised & there is now an outstanding amount payable by you. Please call <<EpPhone>> to arrange payment. Many Thanks

Opening the Theatre on a Non-Standard Day / Weekend

FYDO allows users to have the available theatre times & default appointments to be set for every day. However, sometimes facilities will have the need to open a theatre on a day that it would usually not be opened on.
This can easily be done in FYDO by adding a Non-Standard Day to your theatre by following the instructions below.
  1. Open Settings
  2. Select Theatre Data
  3. Double Click on the required Theatre
  4. Select tab Add Non-Std Days
  5. Selected the required Date or click the Close Day tickbox to close the theatre for a day that is usually open
  6. Select the Start Time that the theatre will be available from
  7. Select the End Time that the theatre will be available to
  8. Once the Start Time & End Time have been entered, the appointments will populate with the Default Appointment Type for this theatre
  9. The Appointment Type can be amended using the dropdown under the Type column
  10. Once all required settings are added, click Save
  11. Once Non-Standard dates have been added, a new tab View Non-Std Days will be available where users are able to view all non-standard entries
  12. The user is able to View the appointment times
  13. The non-standard day is also able to be Deleted by selecting the checkbox on the left to display the bin

Adding SMS templates

Do you regularly SMS patients? If so, you can create custom SMS templates to save time typing up the message every time and to send tailored messages, complete with the patient’s name, appointment time, serving doctor, and more.

To begin, first go to Settings.


Then click on SMS Templates under the templates menu.


This reveals the SMS templates currently available. By default, an Appointment Reminder template will be available to you. 


Adding a new SMS template

To add a new SMS template, click on the Add SMS Template button.


Then, select the SMS Type, enter the template Name, and type out the SMS content in the Description field.


SMS Tokens

You can use ‘SMS tokens’ which are commands that look like: <<patfirstn>> to send tailored SMS messages. The aforementioned token for instance dynamically pulls the patient’s first name. 

There are SMS tokens for patient details, appointment details, doctor/ practice details, referral details, and more. 

For a full list of tokens, click the link below:

Once you’re happy with the contents of your SMS template, click Save and you’re done! Your new SMS template will be available next time you wish to send a custom SMS message.

Making a Referring Doctor Inactive

Need to delete or remove an existing referring doctor? Read ahead to find out how we can make them Inactive.

  1. Click on Settings


2. Then, Referring Doctors

This will display a list of all the referring doctors you currently have.

3. Select the doctor you wish to make Inactive by clicking anywhere on their row in the list of doctors.

4. You will now see the details for this doctor, now click on Edit on the top right hand corner of the page. Simply untick the Active box next to Status as shown below.


Now the doctor has been made Inactive; you will not find them when searching for them, and they will not appear on the list of Referring Doctors.

If you wish to view the doctor again, or make them Active again, simply tick the Show Inactive box from the Referring Doctors screen.


You will now be able to see the doctor, and you can edit them as per normal, including making them Active again.

Referring Doctors

To access a list of the referring doctors you have added into Fydo simply follow the below steps:

  1. Click on Settings

2. Then, Referring Doctors


This will display a list of all the referring doctors you currently have.

To add a referring doctor, click the yellow Add Referring Doctor button on the top right hand corner of your screen:


To Edit the details of an existing doctor, simply click anywhere along the row for that doctor, and you will be taken to the edit screen:

To get started editing, click on the Edit button on the top right hand corner of the page.


Whether you decided to Add a new Referring Doctor, or Edit an existing one, you will be met with the same screen:




Simply fill out, or change the fields as needed.

Remember, the required fields for a referring doctor are:

  • Provider Number – You can put a 0 if you do not have the number. Please note that you will need to enter it before submitting your claims, or you will run into rejections.
  • First Name and Surname
  • Type (GP or Specialist) – This affects the length of the referral, GP: 12 months, Specialist: 3 months.
  • Speciality (If Specialist is selected)

While there are a few other fields, they are optional.

Once you are happy with your changes, click the green Save button to lock them in.


You are also able to Create and Edit referrals from within the Patient Details, should you wish to do so, please see our Creating a Patient wiki page.