Tokens – Mailing Label

Token Name Data Notes
<<PracticeName>> Practice Name
<<Title>> Title
<<FirstName>> First Name
<<LastName>> Surname
<<MailingAdd1>> Location Address 1
<<MailingAdd2>> Location Address 2
<<MailingAdd3>> Location Address 3


Tokens – Documents & Letters


Token Name Data Notes
<<DocFullName>> Doctor Full Name eg. SMITH, John
<<DocFirstname>> Doctor First Name eg. John
<<DocSurname>> Doctor Second Initial eg. SMITH
<<DocTitle>> Doctor Title
<<DocID>> Doctor ID
<<DocAdd1>> Doctor Address 1
<<DocAdd2>> If Address Line 2 is empty, this will show Suburb State Postcode
otherwise it will show Address Line 2
<<DocAdd3>> If Address Line 2 is empty, this will show nothing
otherwise it will show Suburb State Postcode
<<DocSuburb>> Doctor Suburb UPPERCASE
<<DocState>> Doctor State UPPERCASE
<<DocPC>> Doctor Post Code
<<DocMob>> Doctor Mobile 9999 999 999
<<DocPh>> Doctor Phone 99 9999 9999
<<DocFax>> Doctor Fax 99 9999 9999
<<DocEmail>> Doctor Email
<<DocQualif>> Doctor Qualification
<<DocLoc>> Doctor Location
<<DocProv>> Doctor Provider Number
<<DocABN>> Doctor ABN
<<DocInvAs>> Invoice As for Clinic
<<DocAccName>> Doctor Account Name
<<DocBSB>> Doctor BSB
<<DocAccNum>> Doctor Account Number
<<DocBankAdd>> Doctor Bank Address
<<DocBank>> Doctor Bank Name
<<RefFullName>> Referring Doctor Full Name eg. SMITH, John
<<RefFirstName>> Referring Doctor First Name eg. John
<<RefSurname>> Referring Doctor Surname eg. SMITH
<<RefTitle>> Referring Doctor Title
<<RefID>> Referring Doctor ID
<<RefPractice>> Referring Doctor Practice
<<RefPracId>> Referring Doctor Practice ID
<<RefAdd1>> Referring Doctor Address 1
<<RefAdd2>> If Address Line 2 is empty, this will show Suburb State Postcode
otherwise it will show Address Line 2
<<RefAdd3>> If Address Line 2 is empty, this will show Suburb State Postcode
otherwise it will show Address Line 2
<<RefSuburb>> Referring Doctor Suburb UPPERCASE
<<RefState>> Referring Doctor State UPPERCASE
<<RefPC>> Referring Doctor Postcode
<<RefMob>> Referring Doctor Mobile 9999 999 999
<<RefPh>> Referring Doctor Phone 99 9999 9999
<<RefFax>> Referring Doctor Fax 99 9999 9999
<<RefEmail>> Referring Doctor Email
<<RefQualif>> Referring Doctor Qualification
<<RefSpecID>> Referring Dr Speciality ID
<<RefSpec>> Referring Dr Speciality Description
<<RefLoc>> Referring Doctor Location
<<RefProv>> Referring Doctor Provider Number

Tokens – OEC


Token Name Data Notes
<<mrn>> Patient Medical Record Number
<<firstname>> Patient First Name
<<initial>> Patient Second Initial
<<lastname>> Patient Family Name
<<dob>> Patient Date of Birth dd/mm/yyyy
<<sex>> Patient Gender 1 – Male
2 – Female
<<SexDesc>> Patient Gender Description
<<AdmNum>> Admission Number
<<Fund>> Fund Code
<<Membership>> Membership Number
<<UPI>> Fund UPI
<<Facility>> Facility Provider Number
<<Accind>> Accident Indicator
<<AccDate>> Accident Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<AdmDate>> Admission Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<DisDate>> Discharge Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<SDInd>> Same Day Indicator
<<LOS>> Length of Stay
<<OECCode>> Presenting Illness Code
<<OECCDesc>> Presenting Illness Description
<<OECItem>> Presenting Illness Item Number
<<OECIDesc>> Presenting Illness Item Description
<<EAInd>> Emergency Admission Indicator
<<ComInd>> Compensation Claim Indicator
<<PEAInd>> Pre-existing ailment Request Indicator
<<tranId>> Transaction ID
<<OECType>> OEC Type
<<ReqDate>> Date Requested dd/mm/yyyy
<<ReqTime>> Time Requested



Token Name Data Notes
<<OECID>> Account Reference ID
<<AssCde>> Claim Fund Assesment Code A = Accepted
<<FinSts>> Financial Status Y = Financial
<<FundRef>> Fund Reference ID
<<FundSts>> Fund Status Code
<<FundStsText>> Fund Status Text
<<MedSts>> Medicare Status Code
<<MedStsText>> Medicare Status Text
<<PEA>> Pre-existing Ailment Potential Indicator
<<ProcessSts>> Process Status Code
<<CoPay>> CoPayment Amount
<<CoDesc>> CoPayment Days Remaining
<<CoRem>> CoPayment Description
<<Exc>> Excess Amount
<<ExcDesc>> Excess Amount Description
<<ExcBonus>> Excess Bonus Amount
<<BenLim>> Benefit Limitations
<<Exclusion>> Exclusion Description
<<TableName>> Table Name
<<TableDesc>> Table Description
<<TableScale>> Table Scale
<<ClaimExp>> Response back from the Fund

Item Section for OEC


Token Name Data Notes
Type Type Code
TypeDesc Type Description
Code Code
Charge Charge Amount
DOS Date Of Service dd/mm/yyyy
MBSRate Schedule Fee
HFCode Service Fund Assessment Code
HFAmt Fund Benefit Amount
MedCode Medicare Explanation Code
MedText Medicare Explanation Text
MedAmt Medicare Benefit Amount

Tokens – Informed Financial Consent (IFC Hospital)

Location of IFC

Token Name Data Notes
<<IFCLocId>> Location e.g. 1, 2
<<IFCLoc>> Location e.g. ACSS Private Hospital
<<IFCLocAdd1>> Location Address Line 1  
<<IFCLocAdd2>> Location Address Line 2  
<<IFCLocSuburb>> Location Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<IFCLocState>> Location State e.g. NSW
<<IFCLocPostcode>> Location Postcode  
<<IFCLocPhone>> Location Phone e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<IFCLocFax>> Location Fax e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<IFCLocEmail>> Location Email Address  
<<IFCLocAbn>> Location ABN  
<<IFCLocACN>> Location ACN  
<<IFCLocBSB>> Location BSB  
<<IFCLocAccNo>> Location Account Number  
<<IFCLocAccName>> Location Account Name  
<<IFCLocProvNo>> Location Provider Number  
<<IFCUser>> Name of User Generating the IFC  
<<IFCUserFN>> First Name of User Generating the IFC  


Patient Fields

Token Name Data Notes
<<IFCPatFullName>> Patient name  
<<IFCMRN>> Patient MRN  
<<IFCFileNum>> Patient File Number
<<IFCDOB>> Patient date of birth  
<<IFCSexID>> Patient gender e.g. M, F
in db, 1 = M etc
<<IFCSex>> Patient gender e.g. Male, Female
<<IFCMed>> Patient Medicare Number  
<<IFCMedRef>> Patient Medicare Reference  
<<IFCAdd1>> Patient Address Line 1  
<<IFCAdd2>> Patient Address Line 2  
<<IFCSuburb>> Patient Suburb  
<<IFCState>> Patient State  
<<IFCPC>> Patient Postcode  
<<IFCMobile>> Patient Mobile format 9999 999 999
<<IFCPhoneH>> Patient Phone Home format 02 9999 9999
<<IFCPhoneW>> Patient Home Work format 02 9999 9999


Episode Fields

Token Name Data Notes
<<IFCAdmDate>> Admission date  
<<IFCDisDate>> Discharge date  
<<IFCPatCat>> Patient Category Shows ‘Day Only’ or ‘Inpatient’ depending on the discharge date
<<IFCAnaID>> Anaesthetic type e.g. N, I
<<IFCAna>> Anaesthetic type e.g. None, IV/Sedation
<<IFCStatusID>> Insurance status E.g. F, B
<<IFCStatus>> Insurance status e.g. Full Fee, Basic fee
<<IFCFundtable>> Fund Table  
<<IFCFundVer>> Fund Verification  
<<IFCDJ>> Fund date joined Dd/mm/yyyy
<<IFCMins>> Minutes in theatre e.g. 999
<<IFCFundName>> Fund e.g. Medibank
<<IFCFundNo>> Membership number  
<<IFCFundId>> Fund e.g. 1
<<IFCFund>> Fund e.g. MBP
<<IFCExcess>> Excess Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCcopay>> Co-pay Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCDefben>> Default Benefit Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCAccom>> Accommodation e.g. Accom – Medical
<<IFCAccomID>> Accommodation e.g. 1, 2
<<IFCRoomID>> Room type e.g. S, P convert 1 to S, 2 to P
<<IFCRoom>> Room Type e.g. Shared, Private
<<IFCPDis>> Proposed Discharge Date only applicable if overnight i.e. Inpatient
<<IFCN>> Number of Nights only applicable if overnight i.e. Inpatient
<<IFCProcNote>> Procedure Note  


Doctor Fields

Token Name Data Notes
<<IFCDocID>> Doctor/Surgeon e.g. 1, 2
<<IFCDoc>> Doctor full name e.g Michelle ROMERO
<<IFCDocFirstN>> Doctor first name e.g. Michelle
<<IFCDocLastN>> Doctor last name e.g. ROMERO
in uppercase
<<IFCDocTitle>> Doctor title e.g. Dr
<<IFCDocProvNo>> Doctor provider number e.g. 123456AF
<<IFCDocSpecID>> Doctor speciality e.g. 1,2
<<IFCDocSpec>> Doctor speciality e.g. Radiology
<<IFCDocPh>> Doctor Phone format 99 9999 9999
<<IFCDocFax>> Doctor Fax format 99 9999 9999
<<IFCDocMob>> Doctor Mobile format 9999 999 999


Subtotal Charges

Token Name Data Notes
<<IFCNotes>> Notes from review screen  
<<IFCDisc>> Discount as a percentage  
<<IFCDiscAmt>> Discount as a dollar value  
<<IFCSubTotalC>> Sums all charges before any discount is applied Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCAccomC>> Sums all charges where csrvtypecode = A Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCAccomR>> Sums all rebates where csrvtypecode = A Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCAccomDif> Difference in Accommodation Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCTheatreC>> Sums all charges where csrvtypecode = T Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCTheatreR>> Sums all rebates where csrvtypecode = T Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCTheatDif>> Difference in Theatre Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCOtherC>> Sums all charges where csrvtypecode = O Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCOtherR>> Sums all rebates where csrvtypecode = O Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCOtherDif>> Difference in Other Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCBundledC>> Sums all charges where csrvtypecode = C, R Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCBundledR>> Sums all rebates where csrvtypecode = C, R Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCBundDif>> Difference in Bundled Fees Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99


Total Charges

Token Name Data Notes
<<IFCTotalC>> Sums all charges Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCTotalR>> Sums all rebates Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCGap>> Charges less rebate plus (excess + copay and default benefit) Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCTotDif>> Charges less rebate Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99
<<IFCTotR2>> Sum of all rebates less (excess + Copayment)) Currency
e.g 999,999,999.99


Grid Items

Token Name Data Notes
<<DateFrom>> Date from  
<<DateTo>> Date to   
<<Item>> Item  
<<Desc>> Description  
<<DescShort>> Description, the first 50 characters only  
<<Type>> Type  
<<Charge>> Charge  
<<GST>> GST  
<<Rebate>> Rebate  
<<Diff>> Difference between Charge and Rebate  
<<Band>> Band  
<<Qty>> Quantity   
<<BillTo>> Bill to  

Tokens – General

Token Name Data Notes
<<CurrentDate>> Current Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<LongDate>> Long Date dd Month yyyy
e.g. 9 February 2021
<<CurrentTime24h>> Current Time in 24 hr e.g. 13:30
<<CurrentTime12h>> Current Time in 12 hr e.g 1:15 PM
<<PrintedBy>> Name of user that printed document

Tokens – Statement (Hospital)

Token Name Data Notes
<<StAdmDate>> Statement Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<StInvNo>> Statement Invoice Number
<<StPatName>> Statement Patient Name e.g SURNAME, Firstname
<<StDoc>> Statement Doctor e.g SURNAME, Firstname
<<StCharge>> Sum all transaction lines where the transaction type (csrvcodetype) = A, T,C,R,O
<<StBalance>> Balance due
<<StPage>> Shows the current page e.g. if the statement needs to be a total of 4 pages, it prints which page it is
e.g. could be page 2 of 4
<<StTotpages>> Shows the total pages required to print the statement

Tokens – Invoice (Hospital)

Location of Invoice

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvLocId>> Location ID
<<InvLocName>> Location Name
<<InvLocAdd1>> Location Address Line 1
<<InvLocAdd2>> Location Address Line 2
<<InvLocSuburb>> Location Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<InvLocState>> Location State e.g. NSW
<<InvLocPostcode>> Location Postcode
<<InvLocPhone>> Location Phone e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<InvLocFax>> Location Fax e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<InvLocEmail>> Location Email Address
<<InvLocAbn>> Location ABN
<<InvLocACN>> Location ACN
<<InvLocBSB>> Location BSB
<<InvLocAccNo>> Location Account Number
<<InvLocAccName>> Location Account Name
<<InvLocProvNo>> Location Provider Number


Invoice Particulars

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvLabel>> Invoice Type e .g. Tax Invoice, Receipt
<<InvMessage>> Invoice Message
<<InvPage>> Current Page Shows the current page e.g. if the invoice needs to be a total of 4 pages, it prints which page it is
e.g. could be page 2 of 4
<<InvTotPages>> Total Pages


Bill To

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvBillTo>> Biller Name
<<InvBillToAdd1>> Biller Address Line 1
<<InvBillToAdd2>> Biller Address Line 2
<<InvBillToAdd3>> Biller Address Line 3


Patient ID and Invoice Number

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvMRN>> MRN
<<InvNo>> Invoice Number
<<InvEpi>> Episode ID
<<InvAdmNum>> Admission Number


Invoice Grid

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvCodeType>> Transaction Type e.g.
A – Accoommodation
T – Theatre
C – Casemix
O – Other Services
D – Deposits
P – Payments
J – Adjustments
<<InvCode>> Item
<<InvDesc>> Item Description
<<InvDescShort>> Item Description first 50 characters only
<<invBand>> Band
<<InvDOS>> Date of Service dd/mm/yyyy
<<InvDST>> Date of Service To dd/mm/yyyy
<<InvDOT>> Accounting Period Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<InvAudit>> Audit Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<InvQty>> Quantity
<<InvGst>> GST
<<InvAmt>> Charge
<<InvAmtExGst>> Amount Excluding GST


Doctor Invoiced

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvDocID>> Doctor ID
<<InvDocFullname>> Doctor Full Name e.g. CITIZEN, John
<<InvDocFirstname>> Doctor First Name
<<InvDocSurname>> Doctor Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<InvDocTitle>> Doctor Ttitle
<<InvDocProviderNum>> Doctor Provider Number


Health Fund Invoiced

Token Name Data Notes
<<InvFundID>> Health Fund ID This is the unique ID for the health fund in the database
<<InvFund>> Health Fund Code e.g. HBF
<<InvFundName>> Health Fund Name e.g Health Benefits Fund
<<InvFundNo>> Health Fund Membership Number


Total Charges/Balances

Token Name Data Notes
<<TotCharges>> Sum of all Charges Sum all transaction lines where the transaction type (csrvcodetype) = A, T,C,R,O
<<TotDeposits>> Sum of all Deposits Sum all transaction lines where the transaction type (csrvcodetype) = D
<<TotPayments>> Sum of all Payments Sum all transaction lines where the transaction type (csrvcodetype) = P
<<TotAdjustments>> Sum of all Adjustments Sum all transaction lines where the transaction type (csrvcodetype) = J
<<TotGST>> Sum of all GST Sum of GST for all transaction lines where the transaction type (csrvcodetype) = A, T,C,R,O
<<InvCharExGst>> Sum Excluding GST Sum of all charges EXCLUDING GST
<<TotBalance>> Balance Due Balance due = InvCharges + InvDeposits + InvPayments + InvAdjustments



Token Name Data Notes
<<BPAYsb>> Sub biller This is something BPAY will give the organisation
<<BPAYISC>> Internal code This is something BPAY will give the organisation
<<BPAYref>> BPAY reference You can choose between the MRN or the invoice. This can be set from Settings > Locations

Tokens – Patient

These tokens apply throughout the entire system, for use in templates, to obtain information from the Patient Screen.

Token Name Data Notes
<<patMRN>> MRN  
<<patTitle>> Title  
<<patFirstN>> First Name  
<<patMInitial>> Middle Initial  
<<patPrefN>> Preferred Name  
<<patLastN>> Surname (Capitals) e.g. CITIZEN
<<patLastN2>> Surname (Lower Case) e.g. Citizen
<<patFullname>> First Name + Surname e.g. John CITIZEN
<<patGender>> Sex e.g. M, F
<<patGenderID>> Sex ID 1 – Male, 2 – Female
<<patGenderDesc>> Sex Description e.g. Male, Female, Intersex
<<patPronoun>> Pronouns
<<patDOB>> Date of Birth dd/mm/yyyy
<<patAge>> Age if under 1 year, then will show in months
<<patExtId>> External ID  
<<patFileNum>> File Number  
<<patMDID>> MDID  
<<patadd1>> Address Line 1  
<<patadd2>> Address Line 2  
<<patSuburb>> Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<patState>> State e.g. NSW
<<patZIP>> Postcode  
<<patPhoneH>> Phone (Home) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<patPhoneW>> Phone (Work) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<patMobile>> Mobile e.g. 0415 123 123
<<patEmail>> Email Address  


Health Fund Details

Token Name Data Notes
<<patFundID>> Health Fund ID This is the unique for the health fund in the database
<<patFund>> Health Fund Code e.g. HBF
<<patFundDesc>> Health Fund Name e.g Health Benefits Fund
<<patFundMembership>> Health Fund Membership Number  
<<patFundUPI>> Health Fund Universal Position Number (UPI)  
<<patFundInsSts>> Insurance Status ID  
<<patFundInsStsDesc>> Insurance Status  
<<patFundAliasFirstN>> Health Fund Alias First Name  
<<patFundAliasLastN>> Health Fund Alias Surname e.g. CITIZEN


Medicare/DVA/Other Card Details

Token Name Data Notes
<<patMedNo>> Medicare Number e.g. 2111-11111-1
<<patMedRef>> Medicare Issue Number  
<<patMedExp>> Medicare Expiry e.g. mm/yyyy
<<patMedElig >> Medicare Eligibility ID  
<<patMedEligDesc>> Medicare Eligibility  
<<patDVA>> DVA Card Number  
<<patDVAColourID>> DVA Card Colour ID e.g. W, G
<<patDVAColour>> VA Card Colour e.g. White, Gold
<<patDVAAuthNo>> DVA Authorisation Number  
<<patDVAAuthDate>> DVA Authorisation Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<patConcession>> Concession Card  
<<patConExp>> Concession Card Expiry  mm/yyyy
<<patPension>> Pension Card
<<patPenExp>> Pension Card Expiry mm/yyyy
<<patSafetyNet>> Safety Net Card
<<patSafetyExp>> Safety Net Card Expiry mm/yyyy
<<patAmbul>> Ambulance Card
<<patAmbExp>> Ambulance Card Expiry mm/yyyy


Other Patient Info

Token Name Data Notes
<<patIndigID>> Indigenous Status ID  
<<patIndig>> Indigenous Status  
<<patMaritalID>> Marital Status ID  
<<patMarital>> Marital Status  
<<patLanguageID>> Language Spoken at Home ID  
<<patLanguage>> Language Spoken at Home  
<<patCountryID>> Country of Birth ID  
<<patCountry>> Country of Birth  
<<patEmpStsID>> Employment Status ID  
<<patEmpSts>> Employment Status  
<<patOccupation>> Occupation
<<patReligion>> Religion
<<patReligionID>> Religion ID
<<patAllergy>> Allergy  
<<patAllergyFlag>> Allergy This will show the word Allergy, rather than the actual allergies
<<patAlert>> Alert  
<<patOSvisitor>> Overseas Visitor Answer  e.g. Yes or No
<<patOSvisitorID>> OverseasVisitor Answer ID  e.g. 1 or 0
<<patOSVisitorCountryID>> Overseas Visitor Country ID  
<<patOSVisitorCountry>> Overseas Visitor Country  
<<patInterpreter>> Interpreter Required Answer  e.g. Yes or No
<<patInterpreterID>> Interpreter Required Answer ID  e.g. 1 or 0
<<patInterpreterLangID>> Interpreter Language ID  
<<patInterpreterLang>> Interpreter Language  
<<patDeceased>> Deceased date dd/mm/yyyyy
<<patNote>> Notes  


Mailing Address

Token Name Data Notes
<<patMailadd1>> Mailing Address Line 1  
<<patMailadd2>> Mailing Address Line 2  
<<patMailSuburb>> Mailing Address Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<patMailState>> Mailing Address State e.g. NSW
<<patMailZIP>> Mailing Address Postcode  


Referring Doctor

Token Name Data Notes
<<patRefID>> Referring Doctor ID  
<<patRef>> Referring Doctor Full Name e .g. CITIZEN, John
<<patRefTitle>> Referring Doctor Title  
<<patRefFirstn>> Referring Doctor First Name  
<<patRefLastn>> Referring Doctor Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<patRefProv>> Referring Doctor Provider Number  
<<patRefSpecID>> Referring Doctor Speciality ID  
<<patRefSpec>> Referring Doctor Speciality  
<<patRefDate>> Referral Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<patRefPeriod>> Referral Period  
<<patRefFV>> Referral First Consult/Visit dd/mm/yyyy
<<patRefPract>> Referring Doctor Practice Name  
<<patRefAdd1>> Referring Doctor Address Line 1  
<<patRefAdd2>> Referring Doctor Address Line 2 / Suburb State Postcode This token will work out if the Referring Doctor has characters in address line 2. If it doesn’t it will put the suburb + state + postcode.
<<patRefAdd3>> Referring Doctor Address Line 2 / Suburb State Postcode This token will work out if the Referring Doctor has characters in address line 2. If it doesn’t it will keep this token empty.
<<patRefSuburb>> Referring Doctor Suburb  
<<patRefState>> Referring Doctor State  
<<patRefPC>> Referring Doctor Postcode  
<<patRefP>> Referring Doctor Phone 99 9999 9999
<<patRefF>> Referring Doctor Fax 99 9999 9999
<<patRefEmail>> Referring Doctor Email  


GP / Family Doctor

Token Name Data Notes
<<patGPID>> GP ID e.g. this is the unique Id in the database
<<patGPTitle GP Title  
<<patGPFullname>> GP Full Name e.g. CITIZEN, John
<<patGPFirstname>> GP First Name  
<<patGPSurname>> GP Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<patGPSpec>> GP Speciality  
<<patGPSpecID>> GP Speciality ID  
<<patGPProvNo>> GP Provider Number  
<<patGPPract>> GP Practice Name  
<<patGPAdd1>> GP Address Line 1  
<<patGPAdd2>> GP Address Line 2 / Suburb State Postcode This token will work out if the GP has characters in address line 2. If it doesn’t it will put the suburb + state + postcode.
<<patGPAdd3>> GP Address Line 2 / Suburb State Postcode This token will work out if the GP has characters in address line 2. If it doesn’t it will keep this token empty.
<<patGPSuburb>> GP Suburb  
<<patGPState>> GP State  
<<patGPPC>> GP Postcode  
<<patGPPhone>> GP Phone 99 9999 9999
<<patGPFax>> GP Fax 99 9999 9999
<<patGPEmail>> GP Email  


Next of Kin

Token Name Data Notes
<<NOKTitle>> Next of Kin Title  
<<NOKfirstn>> Next of Kin First Name  
<<NOKlastn>> Next of Kin Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<NOKrelation>> Next of Kin Relationship  
<<NOKadd1>> Next of Kin Address Line 1  
<<NOKadd2>> Next of Kin Address Line 2  
<<NOKSuburb>> Next of Kin Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<NOKState>> Next of Kin State e.g. NSW
<<NOKPostcode>> Next of Kin Postcode  
<<NOKPhoneH>> Next of Kin Phone (Home) e .g. 02 1234 5678
<<NOKPhoneW>> Next of Kin Phone (Work) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<NOKMobile>> Next of Kin Mobile e.g. 0415 123 123


Emergency Contact

Token Name Data Notes
<<ECTitle>> Emergency Contact Title  
<<ECfirstn>> Emergency Contact First Name  
<<EClastn>> Emergency Contact Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<ECrelation>> Emergency Contact Relationship  
<<ECadd1>> Emergency Contact Address Line 1  
<<ECadd2>> Emergency Contact Address Line 2  
<<ECSuburb>> Emergency Contact Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<ECState>> Emergency Contact State e.g. NSW
<<ECPostcode>> Emergency Contact Postcode  
<<ECPhoneH>> Emergency Contact Phone (Home) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<ECPhoneW>> Emergency Contact Phone (Work) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<ECMobile>> Emergency Contact Mobile e.g. 0415 123 123



Token Name Data Notes
<<ContTitle>> Contributor Title  
<<ContFirstn>> Contributor First Name  
<<ContLastn>> Contributor Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<ContRelation>> Contributor Relationship  
<<ContAdd1>> Contributor Address Line 1  
<<ContAdd2>> Contributor Address Line 2  
<<ContSuburb>> Contributor Suburb e.g. BONDI
<<ContState>> Contributor State e.g. NSW
<<ContPostcode>> Contributor Postcode  
<<ContPhoneH>> Contributor Phone (Home) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<ContPhoneW>> Contributor Phone (Work) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<ContMobile>> Contributor Mobile e.g. 0415 123 123


Pick Up Person

Token Name Data Notes
<<PUfirstn>> Pickup Up Person First Name  
<<PUlastn>> Pickup Up Person Surname e.g. CITIZEN
<<PUrelation>> Pickup Up Person Relationship  
<<PUPemail>> Pickup Up Person Email  
<<PUphoneh>> Pickup Up Person (Home) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<PUphonew>> Pickup Up Person (Work) e.g. 02 1234 5678
<<PUMobile>> Pickup Up Person Mobile e.g. 0415 123 123

Tokens – Hospital

Token Name Data Notes
<<EpLocId>> Location ID  
<<EpLoc>> Location Name  
<<EpProv>> Location Provider Number  
<<EpLocAdd1>> Location Address 1  
<<EpLocAdd2>> Location Address 2  
<<EpLocSub>> Location Suburb  
<<EplocState>> Location State  
<<EpLocZip>> Location Postcode  
<<EpPhone>> Location Phone 99 9999 9999
<<EpFax>> Location Fax 99 9999 9999
<<EpLocEmail>> Location Email  
<<EpLocAccName>> Location Bank Account Name  
<<EpLocBSB>> Location BSB  
<<EpLocAccNum>> Location Bank Account Number  
<<EpLocBank>> Location Bank Name  
<<EpLocBankAdd>> Location Bank Address  

Theatre List Details

Token Name Data Notes
<<EpTheatreId>> Theatre ID  
<<EpTheatre>> Theatre Name  
<<EpSessTimes>> Surgeon Session Times Surgeon Theatre Booking from and to time
<<EpSessShort>> Surgeon Session Times – just the start time  
<<EpSessNote>> Session Note  
<<EpSessAppNote>> Session Appointment Note  

Admitting Doctors Details

Token Name Data Notes
<<EpDocId>> Doctor ID  
<<EpDoc>> Doctor Full Name e.g CITIZEN, John
<<EpDocFirstN>> Doctor First Name  
<<EpDocI>> Doctor First Name Initial  
<<EpDocLastN>> Doctor Surname e.g CITIZEN
<<EpDocTitle>> Doctor Title  
<<EpDocProvNo>> Doctor Provider Number  
<<EpDocQualif>> Doctor Qualification  
<<EpDocSpecID>> Doctor Speciality ID  
<<EpDocSpec>> Doctor Speciality  
<<EpDocAdd1>> Doctor Address Line 1  
<<EpDocAdd2>> Doctor Address Line 2  
<<EpDocSuburb>> Doctor Suburb  
<<EpDocPC>> Doctor Postcode  
<<EpDocState>> Doctor State  
<<EpDocMob>> Doctor Mobile 0415 999 999
<<EpDocEmail>> Doctor Email  
<<EpDocPh>> Doctor Phone 99 9999 9999
<<EpDocFax>> Doctor Fax 99 9999 9999

Anaesthetist Details

Token Name Data Notes
<<EpAnaId>> Anaesthetist ID  
<<EpAna>> Anaesthetist Full Name e.g. CITIZEN, John
<<EpAnaFirstN>> Anaesthetist First Name  
<<EpAnaI>> Anaesthetist First Name Initial  
<<EpAnaLastN>> Anaesthetist Surname  
<<EpAnaTitle>> Anaesthetist Title  
<<EpAnaProvNo>> Anaesthetist Provider Number  
<<EpAnaSpecID>> Anaesthetist Speciality ID  
<<EpAnaSpec>> Anaesthetist Speciality  
<<EpAnaAdd1>> Anaesthetist Address Line 1  
<<EpAnaAdd2>> Anaesthetist Address Line 2  
<<EpAnaSuburb>> Anaesthetist Suburb  
<<EpAnaPC>> Anaesthetist Postcode  
<<EpAnaState>> Anaesthetist State  
<<EpAnaMob>> Anaesthetist Mobile 0415 999 999
<<EpAnaEmail>> Anaesthetist Email  
<<EpAnaPh>> Anaesthetist Phone 99 9999 9999
<<EpAnaFax>> Anaesthetist Fax 99 9999 9999

Episode Appointment Details

Token Name Data Notes
<<EpMRN>> MRN  
<<EpNo>> Episode ID  
<<Seq>> Sequential number for each episode on the theatre list  
<<Date>> Appointment Date dd/mm/yyyy
Is the same as the admission date
<<EpAdmDate>> Admission Date  
<<EpDayS>> Admission Name of Day – Short e.g. Mon
<<EpDayL>> Admission Name of Day e.g. Monday
<<EpMthS>> Admission Name of Month – Short e.g. Apr
<<EpMthL>> Admission Name of Month e.g. April
<<EpYear>> Current Year  
<<EpDisDate>> Discharge Date  
<<Time>> Appointment Time e.g 1315
<<Time12h>> Appointment Time in 12 hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<Time24h>> Appointment Time in 24 hr e.g. 13:15
<<ATypeID>> Appointment Type ID  
<<AType>> Appointment Type  
<<Len>> Appointment Length  
<<TimeA>> Calculated Arrival Time e.g 1315
<<TimeA12h>> Calculated Arrival Time in 12 hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<TimeA24h>> Calculated Arrival Time in 24 hr e.g. 13:15
<<TimeP>> Calculated Pickup Time e.g 1315
<<TimeP12h>> Calculated Pickup Time in 12 hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<TimeP24h>> Calculated Pickup Time in 24 hr e.g. 13:15
<<TimeFF>> Calculated Fasting Time Food e.g 1315
<<TimeFF12h>> Calculated Fasting Time Food in 12 hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<TimeFF24h>> Calculated Fasting Time Food in 24 hr e.g. 13:15
<<TimeFW>> Calculated Fasting Time Water e.g 1315
<<TimeFW12h>> Calculated Fasting Time Water in 12 hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<TimeFW24h>> Calculated Fasting Time Water in 24 hr e.g. 13:15
<<FFood12hA>> Fasting Food – Prior to Booking Time in 12 hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<FFood24hA>> Fasting Food – Prior to Booking Time in 24 hr e.g. 13:15
<<FFluid12hA>> Fasting Fluid – Prior to Booking Time in 12 hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<FFluid24hA>> Fasting Fluid – Prior to Booking Time in 24 hr e.g. 13:15
<<FFood12hB>> Fasting Food – Prior to Planned Time in Theatre in 12 hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<FFood24hB>> Fasting Food – Prior to Planned Time in Theatre in 24 hr e.g. 13:15
<<FFluid12hB>> Fasting Fluid – Prior to Planned Time in Theatre in 12 hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<FFluid24hB>> Fasting Fluid – Prior to Planned Time in Theatre in 24 hr e.g. 13:15
<<FFood12hC>> Fasting Food – Prior to Procedure Time in 12 hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<FFood24hC>> Fasting Food – Prior to Procedure Time in 24 hr e.g. 13:15
<<FFluid12hC>> Fasting Fluid – Prior to Procedure Time in 12 hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<FFluid24hC>> Fasting Fluid – Prior to Procedure Time in 24 hr e.g. 13:15
<<EpEstRS>> Estimated Recovery Time
Booking time + Length of Booking
e.g 1315
<<EpEstRS12h>> Estimated Recovery Time
Booking time + Length of Booking
e.g. 1:15 PM
<<EpEstRS24h>> Estimated Recovery Time
Booking time + Length of Booking
e.g. 13:15
<<EpAdmNo>> Admission Number  
<<Notes>> Other Notes  
<<ProcNotes>> Procedure Notes  
<<Sess>> Session  
<<Book1ID>> Booking Code 1 ID  
<<Book1>> Booking Code 1  
<<Book2ID>> Booking Code 2 ID  
<<Book2>> Booking Code 2  
<<PatCatID>> Patient Category ID e.g. I/P, D/O
<<PatCat>> Patient Category e.g. Inpatient, Day Only
<<Ana1ID>> Anaesthetic Type 1 ID e.g. L, R
<<Ana1>> Anaesthetic Type 1 e.g. Local, Regional
<<Ana2ID>> Anaesthetic Type 2 ID e.g. L, R
<<Ana2>> Anaesthetic Type 2 e.g. Local, Regional
<<EpAnaL>> Local Anaesthetic Shows as X if Anaesthetic Type 1
<<EpAnaN>> No Anaesthetic Shows as X if Anaesthetic Type 1
<<EpAnaIV>> IV Sedation Anaesthetic Shows as X if Anaesthetic Type 1
<<EpAnaR>> Regional Anaesthetic Shows as X if Anaesthetic Type 1
<<EpAnaG>> General Anaesthetic Shows as X if Anaesthetic Type 1
<<Food>> Food Instructions  
<<PTime>> Planned Time in Theatre e.g 1315
<<PTime12h>> Planned Time in Theatre 12 hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<PTime24h>> Planned Time in Theatre 24 hr e.g. 13:15
<<ATime>> Admission Time e.g 1315
<<ATime12h>> Admission Time 12hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<ATime24h>> Admission Time 24hr e.g. 13:15
<<DTime>> Discharge Time e.g 1315
<<DTime12h>> Discharge Time 12hr e.g. 1:15 PM
<<DTime24h>> Discharge Time 24hr e.g. 13:15
<<CanID>> Cancelled Id  
<<Can>> Cancelled  
<<ConID>> Confirmed Id  
<<Con>> Confirmed  
<<NHTP>> Nursing Home Type Patient  
<<oecR>> Check List – OEC Recieved Y = ticked
<<oecC>> Check List – OEC Checked Y = ticked
<<IFC>> Check List – IFC Completed Y = ticked
<<AFR>> Check List – Admission Form Received Y = ticked
<<CR>> Check List – Chart Ready Y = ticked
<<ConR>> Check List – Consent Received Y = ticked
<<PreCon>> Check List – Pre-Admission Contacted Y = ticked
<<PostCon>> Check List – Post-Discharge Contacted Y = ticked

Inpatient Details

Token Name Data Notes
<<EpProDis>> Proposed Discharge Date  
<<EpProN>> Based on the proposed discharge date, number of nights e.g. HBF
<<EpWard>> Current Ward e.g. Health Benefits Fund
<<EpBed>> Current Bed  

Health Fund Details

Token Name Data Notes
<<EpFundID>> Health Fund ID This is the unique ID for the health fund in the database
<<EpFund>> Health Fund Code e.g. HBF
<<EpFundName>> Health Fund Name e.g Health Benefits Fund
<<EpFundNo>> Health Fund Membership Number  
<<EpExcess>> Excess  
<<EpCoPay>> Co Payment  
<<EpExcessCo>> Excess + Co Payment  
<<EpInsStatusID>> Insurance Status ID  
<<EpInsStatus>> Insurance Status  

Other Episode Information

Token Name Data Notes
<<Ep1stSym>> Date of 1st Symptom  
<<Ep1stCon>> Date of Consult for 1st Symptom  
<<EpCom>> Compensable Status  
<<EpMotor>> Motor Vehicle Accident  
<<EpOtherAcc>> Other Accident  
<<EpVet>> Veterans Claims  
<<EpStud>> Student Claim  
<<EpStudInst>> Student Institution  

MBS / Other Services

Token Name Data Notes
<<MBSCode1>> 1st MBS Code This is for the 1st visit to theatre
<<MBSDesc1>> 1st MBS Description This is for the 1st visit to theatre
<<MBSCode10>> 10th MBS Code This is for the 1st visit to theatre
<<MBSDesc10>> 10th MBS Description This is for the 1st visit to theatre
<<MBSDescS1>> 1st MBS Short Description This is for the 1st visit to theatre
<<OSCode1>> 1st Other Service Code  
<<OSDesc1>> 1st Other Service Description  
<<OSCode10>> 10th Other Service Code  
<<OSDesc10>> 10th Other Service Description  

ICD Codes and DRG

Token Name Data Notes
<<ICDDCode1>> 1st Diagnosis Code  
<<ICDDDesc1>> 1st Diagnosis Code Description  
<<ICDDCode10>> 10th Diagnosis Code  
<<ICDDDesc10>> 10th Diagnosis Code Description  
<<ICDDcodes>> Lists all ICD diagnosis codes sequentially, excluding the principal diagnosis eg. code 2, code 3, code 4……
<<ICDPCode1>> 1st Procedure Code  
<<ICDPDesc1>> 1st Procedure Code Description  
<<ICDPCode10>> 10th Procedure Code  
<<ICDPDesc10>> 10th Procedure Code Description  
<<ICDPCodes> Lists all ICD procedure codes sequentially, excluding the principal procedure eg. code 2, code 3, code 4……
<<EpDRG>> DRG Code  
<<EpDRGDesc>> DRG Description  
<<EpGV>> Grouper Version  
<<EpUnplan>> Unplanned visit to theatre ID  

Claim Details

Token Name Data Notes
<<EpInjury>> Injury  
<<EpInjuryDate>> Injury Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<EpClaimNo>> Claim Number  
<<EpClaimInsID>> Claim Biller ID  
<<EpClaimIns>> Claim Biller Name  
<<EpClaimCon>> Claim Biller Contact  
<<EpClaimInsAdd1>> Claim Biller Address Line 1
<<EpClaimInsAdd2>> Claim Biller Address Line 2
<<EpClaimInsAdd3>> Claim Biller Address
<<EpClaimInsSub>> Claim Biller Suburb
<<EpClaimInsPost>> Claim Biller Post Code
<<EpClaimInsState>> Claim Biller State
<<EpClaimEmpID>> Claim Employer ID  
<<EpClaimEmp>> Claim Employer Name  
<<EpClaimEmpCon>> Claim Employer Contact  
<<EpClaimEmpAdd1>> Claim Employer Address Line 1
<<EpClaimEmpAdd2>> Claim Employer Address Line 2
<<EpClaimEmpAdd3>> Claim Employer Address Line3
<<EpClaimEmpSub>> Claim Employer Suburb
<<EpClaimEmpPost>> Claim Employer Post Code
<<EpClaimEmpState>> Claim Employer State

Theatre Screen

Token Name Data Notes
<<Visit>> Theatre Visit e.g Visit 1 or Visit 2 etc
<<VisitDate1>> … <<VisitDate10>> Theatre Date dd/mm/yyyy
<<Pop> Pre Operation Time e.g 1315
<<Pop12h>> Pre Operation Time 12hr time e.g. 1:15 PM
<<Pop24h>> Pre Operation Time 24hr time e.g. 13:15
<<AnaS1>> … <<AnaS10>> Anaesthetic Start Time e.g 1315
<<AnaS112h>> … <<AnaS1012h>> Anaesthetic Start Time 12hr time e.g. 1:15 PM
<<AnaS124h>> … <<AnaS1024h>> Anaesthetic Start Time 24hr time e.g. 13:15
<<ProcS1>> … <<ProcS10>> Procedure Start Time e.g 1315
<<ProcS112h>> … <<ProcS1012h>> Procedure Start Time 12hr time e.g. 1:15 PM
<<ProcS124h>> … <<ProcS1024h>> Procedure Start Time 24hr time e.g. 13:15
<<ProcF1>> … <<ProcF10>> Procedure Finish Time e.g 1315
<<ProcF12h>> … <<ProcF1012h>> Procedure Finish Time 12hr time e.g. 1:15 PM
<<ProcF124h>> … <<ProcF1024h>> Procedure Finish Time 24hr time e.g. 13:15
<<TimeI1>> … <<TimeI10>> Time In Theatre e.g 1315
<<TimeI112h>> … <<TimeI1012h>> Time In Theatre 12hr time e.g. 1:15 PM
<<TimeI124h>> … <<TimeI1024h>> Time In Theatre 24hr time e.g. 13:15
<<TimeO1>> … <<TimeO10>> Time out of Theatre e.g 1315
<<TimeO112h>> … <<TimeO1012h>> Time out of Theatre 12hr time e.g. 1:15 PM
<<TimeO124h>> … <<TimeO1024h>> Time out of Theatre 24hr time e.g. 13:15
<<Scrub1>> … <<Scrub10>> Scrub Nurse e.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<ScrubID1>> … <<ScrubID10>> Scrub Nurse ID  
<<NurAss1>> … <<NurAss10>> Nurse Assistant e.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<NurAssID1>> … <<NurAssID10>> Nurse Assistant ID  
<<Scout1>> … <<Scout10>> Scout e.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<ScoutID1>> … <<ScoutID10>> Scout ID  
<<OthNur1>> … <<OthNur10>> Other Nurse e.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<OthNurID1>> … <<OthNurID10>> Other Nurse ID  
<<Other1>> … <<Ostaff10>> Other Staff e.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<OtherID1>> … <<OstaffID10>> Other Staff ID  
<<SurgAssis1>> … <<SurgAssis10>> Surgical Assistant e.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<SurgAssID1>> … <<SurgAssID10>> Surgical Assistant ID  
<<OthSurg1>> … <<OthSurg10>> Other Surgical Assistant e.g. SAMPRAS, Pete
<<OthSurgID1>> … <<OthSurgID10>> Other Surgical Assistant ID  
<<Compli1>> … <<Compli10>> Complications  
<<Rec1>> Recovery 1 Time e.g 1315
<<Rec112h>> Recovery 1 Time 12hr time e.g. 1:15 PM
<<Rec124h>> Recovery 1 Time 24hr time e.g. 13:15
<<Rec2>> Recovery 2 Time e.g 1315
<<Rec212h>> Recovery 2 Time 12hr time e.g. 1:15 PM
<<Rec224h>> Recovery 2 Time 24hr time e.g. 13:15
<<Rec3>> Recovery 3 Time e.g 1315
<<Rec312h>> Recovery 3 Time 12hr time e.g. 1:15 PM
<<Rec324h>> Recovery 3 Time 24hr time e.g. 13:15
<<Ready>> Ready for Discharge/Ward e.g 1315
<<Ready12h>> Ready for Discharge/Ward 12hr time e.g. 1:15 PM
<<Ready24h>> Ready for Discharge/Ward 24hr time e.g. 13:15
<<Side>> Side  
<<Path>> Pathology  
<<TheatreNotes>> Theatre Notes  

Admission Screen – PHDB/HCP 

Token Name Data Notes
<<RADesc>> Re-Admission e.g. description
<<RA>> Re-Admission ID e.g. the ID the value saved in the db
<<StartDay>> Starting Day  
<<TranFDesc>> Transferred From  
<<TranF>> Transferred From ID  
<<DIDesc>> Discharge Intent  
<<DI>> Discharge Intent ID  
<<UOADesc>> Urgency of Admission  
<<UOA>> Urgency of Admission ID  
<<SORDesc>> Source of Referral  
<<SOR>> Source of Referral ID  
<<CTDesc>> Care Type  
<<CT>> Care Type ID  
<<RSDesc>> Rehab Status  
<<RS>> Rehab Status ID  
<<SDSDesc>> Same Day Status  
<<SDS>> Same Day Status ID  
<<PIDesc>> Payer Identifier  
<<PI>> Payer Identifier ID  
<<IHCPDesc>> IHCP  
<<AWei>> Adm Weight  
<<AmbNum>> Ambulance Number  

Admission Screen – State fields

Token name Data Notes
<<CTSDesc>> Care Type e.g. description
<<CTS>> Care Type ID e.g. the ID the value saved in the db
<<SRSDesc>> Source of referral  
<<SRS>> Source of referral ID  
<<ILOSSDesc>> Intended Length of Stay
Planned Same Day (QLD)
<<ILOSS>> Intended Length of Stay
Planned Same Day (QLD) ID
<<ASSDesc>> Admission Status  
<<ASS>> Admission Status ID  
<<ISSDesc>> Insurance Status  
<<ISS>> Insurance Status ID  
<<CTYSDesc>> Contract Type  
<<CTYS>> Contract Type ID  
<<CRSDesc>> Contract Role  
<<CRS>> Contract Role ID  
<<ESSDesc>> Election Status  
<<ESS>> Election Status ID  
<<ATSDesc>> Admission Type  
<<ATS>> Admission Type ID  
<<UPRADesc>> Unplanned Readmission  
<<UPRA>> Unplanned Readmission ID  
<<UOASDesc>> Urgency of Admission  
<<UOAS>> Urgency of Admission ID  
<<EPSSDesc>> Elective Patient Status  
<<EPSS>> Elective Patient Status ID  
<<RASDesc>> Re-Admission  
<<RAS>> Re-Admission ID  
<<DISDesc>> Discharge Intent  
<<DIS>> Discharge Intent ID  
<<LSSDesc>> Legal Status  
<<LSS>> Legal Status ID  
<<CSSDesc>> Contract Status  
<<CSS>> Contract Status ID  
<<PTDesc>> Previous Treatment  
<<PT>> Previous Treatment ID  
<<MOASDesc>> Mode of Admission  
<<MOAS>> Mode of Admission ID  
<<AACDesc>> Account Class  
<<AAC>> Account Class ID  
<<AATDesc>> Accommodation Type  
<<AAT>> Accommodation Type ID  
<<ASDesc>> Admission Source  
<<AS>> Admission Source ID  
<<CFADesc>> Criterion for Admission  
<<CFA>> Criterion for Admission ID  
<<CSIDesc>> Contract/Spoke Identifier  
<<CSI>> Contract/Spoke Identifier ID  
<<PCSDesc>> Patient Category  
<<PCS>> Patient Category ID  
<<SORPDesc>> Source Of Referral – Professional  
<<SORP>> Source Of Referral – Professional ID  
<<SORLDesc>> Source Of Referral – Location  
<<SORL>> Source Of Referral – Location ID  
<<SORTDesc>> Source Of Referral – Transport  
<<SORT>> Source Of Referral – Transport ID  
<<CHSDesc>> Contracted Hospital  
<<CHS>> Contracted Hospital ID  

Discharge Screen – PHDB/HCP 

Token name Data Notes
<<MOSDesc>> Mode of Separation  
<<MOS>> Mode of Separation ID  
<<TranTDesc>> Transferred To  
<<TranT>> Transferred To Desc  
<<TOCDesc>> Transfer Out Code  
<<TOC>> Transfer Out Code ID  
<<VTODesc>> Visit to Theatre  
<<VTO>> Visit to Theatre ID  
<<PCDesc>> Palliative Care  
<<PC>> Palliative Care ID  
<<PCD>> Days In Palliative Care  
<<MHLSDesc>> Mental Health Legal Status  
<<MHLS>> Mental Health Legal Status ID  
<<WTPI>> Was the patient involuntary?  Show as Y, N
<<ID>> Involuntary Days  
<<ICUD>> Days in ICU  
<<ICUH>> Hrs in ICU  
<<MVH>> Hrs in Mechanical Ventilation  
<<DiedDate>> Deceased Date  dd/mm/yyyy
<<DiedTime>> Deceased Time (raw)  e.g for 1:30 PM
show as: 1330
<<DiedT12h>> Deceased Time 12 hr  e.g for 1:30 PM
show as: 01:30 PM
<<DiedT24h>> Deceased Time 24 hr  e.g for 1:30 PM
show as 13:30
<<Autopsy>> Autopsy Show as: Y, N
<<DiedCause>> Cause of Death  
<<HITHV>> HITH Visits  

Discharge Screen – State

Token name Data Notes
<<MOSS>> Mode of Separation ID e.g. the ID the value saved in the db
<<MOSSDesc>> Mode of Separation e.g. description
<<FSS>> Funding Source/Arrangement ID  
<<FSSDesc>> Funding Source/Arrangement  
<<RTS>> Referral To ID
Separation Referral (VIC)
<<RTSDesc>> Referral To
Separation Referral (VIC)
<<MHLSS>> Mental Health Legal Status ID  
<<MHLSSDesc>> Mental Health Legal Status  
<<Char>> Chargeable Status ID  
<<CharDesc>> Chargeable Status  
<<Comp>> Compensable Status ID  
<<CompDesc>> Compensable Status  
<<PC1A>> Palliative care – 1st admission ID  
<<PC1ADesc>> Palliative care – 1st admission  
<<PCPA>> Palliative Care – previous admission ID  
<<PCPADesc>> Palliative Care – previous admission  
<<AOS>> Accommodation Occupied ID  
<<AOSDesc>> Accommodation Occupied  
<<Client>> Client Status ID  
<<ClientDesc>> Client Status  
<<CES>> Contracting Establishment ID  
<<CESDesc>> Contracting Establishment  
<<PSS>> Payment Status ID  
<<PSSDesc>> Payment Status  
<<ITRAS>> Intent to Readmit ID  
<<ITRASDesc>> Intent to Readmit  
<<DAC>> Account Class ID  
<<DACDesc>> Account Class  
<<DAT>> Accommodation Type ID  
<<DATDesc>> Accommodation Type