Adding MBS Item Numbers – Hospital

Adding or amending an MBS item in FYDO for the purpose of updating descriptions, adding facility specific cosmetic codes or removing items that are no longer needed.
The item numbers are updated in FYDO with each National Procedure Bandings Update.
Facilities will be responsible for updating the Theatre Band (State) according to their relevant contracts.
  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Items from the General menu
  3. Add all MBS Codes will update all items in your FYDO system according to the current National Procedure Bandings.
  4. Use the filters to search specific categories or groups etc
  5. Use the Show Inactive tick box to view any items that have been made inactive in the database
  6. Use the Export To option to export the list that is shown on the screen to an Excel spreadsheet
  7. Use the Search field to find a specific item number or key word to determine if the item is already in the system. All items that include the searched information in the description will also appear
  8. If the required item number displays, double click anywhere on the line to open the information
  9. If the required item number doesn’t appear, and it needs to be added, click Add Item

  10. Add the item number, or desired code, into the Number NB. This field will never be editable after it has been created & saved
  11. Add the description for the item into the Procedure Name (The Number & Procedure Name fields are both mandatory fields that are required to add an item)
  12. The Notes field is available for any notes that may be required that relate to the item. It has no effect on how the item number is billed or displayed & can only be seen by navigating to this screen
  13. Linked Procedures give the ability to add ICD procedure code base items to link to this item number. This can make coding the ICD procedures easier. (Hovering over the for the explanation of this field at any time)
  14. Category, Group & Sub Group are fields that will pre-populate when a real MBS item number is added. FYDO will look up all these values, from the MBS Schedule, and import them. These values will be updated whenever a new MBS update is loaded & there is no need to edit these manually
  15. Item Type is a field that can help categorise the item being entered. (NB. These Item Types can be added by going to Settings, Item Types & clicking Add Item Type). This field allows the user to allocate items to a group (e.g., cardiology, consults etc) and to run reports on the items that are grouped together by the category
  16. Qty on Hand can be used in conjunction with the item type
  17. Modal is not required for hospitals (this is a clinic related field)
  18. Rule is used to determine the rules to apply step downs etc for doctor billing
  19. 100% Rebate is to be ticked when the Medicare benefit is 100%, rather than 85% for in room services and is only applicable for doctor billing
  20. R-Type is to be ticked if the item requires a referral. NB. This only relates to radiology/imaging items for doctor billing
  21. Stock Item is not required for hospitals (this is a clinic related field)
  22. Ask Quantity is not required for hospitals (this is a clinic related field)
  23. Use the following to ensure the item is classified correctly, according to the relevant banding & accommodation types:
    – Theatre Band (National) – will be updated by FYDO automatically
    – Theatre Band (State)
    – Day Type – will be updated by FYDO automatically
    – Patient Class – will be updated by FYDO automatically
    – DVA Accommodation
  24. Tick Same Day Accom Band 1 Override if the item number can only have a band 1 accommodation billed in conjunction with it, regardless of the anaesthetic type or length of procedure
  25. Tick Accom Item if the item being entered is required to be billed as an accommodation fee, as per the health fund contract
  26. Tick Eclipse Code Mapping if the code being entered requires mapping to be able to be sent via Eclipse for billing. E.g., COL1, PKG38 or D001
  27. Tick Item Excluded from PSG to exclude the item from the IHC PSG/MSG segment when being sent via eclipse. E.g., for NIB endoscopy claims
  28. Tick Miscellaneous/ADA Code if the item is required to show in the Miscellaneous code section for data submission, instead of in the MBS code section. Commonly used for dental codes
  29. Tick Timebase if this item is required to be billed according to the time it takes. Ticking this box will alert the system to look in the Timebase Fees set up for the chargeable fee
  30. Click Save
  31. To Deactivate an item number, follow steps 1-4 above & click Edit
  32. Un-tick the Active box & the word will change to Inactive
  33. Click Save
  34. To Re-Activate an item, simply tick the Inactive box again & click Save
  35. To remove an item number all together click on the Blue Drop Down Arrow on the right of the screen (as seen in the first image above) and click Delete item
  36. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the item. Click Yes

Resetting a Users Mobile Number

If a user needs to amend the mobile number, that is used for 2 step authentication, they can follow the instructions below.

Using the email option for 2 Step Authentication will allow you to received the code via email to be able to log in without the old mobile number. Once logged in you will be able to:

  1. Hover over the User icon (Your Initials)
  2. Select Edit Profile
  3. Select 2 Step Authentication tab
  4. Click Edit
  5. Select Yes to the question Would you like to reset mobile?
  6. Click Save

The next time you log in you will be prompted to set a new mobile number.

Hospital Appointments Screen – Right Click Menu

Most functions available in the Appointments Screen can be accessed by selecting the required episode & using your mouse to right click. This menu can also be accessed with a single click on the appointment time which allows users on tablets to access the menu as well.

  1. Make an Appointment allows users to add a booking
  2. Edit Episode allows users to amend an existing booking
  3. Copy Appointment allows users to copy an existing booking & paste it to another time or date
  4. Cut Appointment allows users to move an existing booking & past it to another time or date
  5. Paste Appointment allows users to place an appointment that they have previously copied or cut
  6. Episodes gives a list of all episodes for that patient, along with financial information
  7. Arrived gives users the ability to mark patients as arrived as they present to the facility
  8. Unarrived gives users the ability to undo the above function if it has been performed accidentally
  9. Excess/Deposit is where a receipt for a patient payment can be generated
  10. Admit is the page where the admission time & information is recorded
  11. Discharge is the page where the discharge time & information is recorded
  12. Theatre is the page where all the theatre information including times, item numbers, other services etc are recorded
  13. Coding is the page that the relevant diagnosis & procedure codes are entered & where the episode can be grouped
  14. Inpatient is where information regarding scheduled inpatient procedures, bed allocation & leave can be recorded
  15. Certificate is where Type C, Type B, psychiatric etc certificates can be entered into FYDO to be transmitted electronically via ECLIPSE
  16. Clinical Indicators is where certain indicators relating to the episode can be recorded. This feature allows for efficient collation of statistical data
  17. Confirmed gives users the option to make appointments as confirmed
  18. Check List allows users to mark off tasks easily & efficiently as they are complete e.g., OEC, IFC, Consent Form etc
  19. Send SMS gives the user the option to send an SMS to the patient or to their pickup person
  20. Chart Labels is where labels can be printed for the patient chart
  21. Wristband is where a wristband label can be printed for the patient
  22. Delete Appointment allows users to remove an appointment from the system. This option does not appear on any reports & is it is only suggested to use this option if the appointment was made in error. (For all cancelled appointments use the Cancelled field in the appointment screen)
  23. Document is where all documents that have been generated in FYDO & have been scanned into FYDO are kept
  24. Create Letter allows users to create letters in FYDO from preloaded templates
  25. Quick Form allows users to print other forms that have been loaded into the database. For example, DVA Claim Forms or Discharge Summaries
  26. HC21 Left will print the side of the HC21 form that the patient must sign
  27. HC21 Right will print the side of the HC21 form that displays all the codes pertaining to the episode & the side that the Authorising Hospital Officer will need to sign for manual claims
  28. HC21 Back will print the back of the HC21 form that is required for Certificates
  29. Create Invoice is where users will go to invoice the episode
  30. IFC is where users will go to generate an Informed Financial Consent for the episode
  31. OEC is where users will go to perform an Online Eligibility Check for the patient for that admission
  32. EMR will be displayed if the facility integrates with an external Electronic Medical Record system

Obtaining ATSI Statistical Data (Hospital)

From time to time, it will be necessary to report on Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander statistics. FYDO makes this extremely easy using the Episode Stats report.
  1. Select Reports from the main menu
  2. Select Episode Stats

  3. In the Group By (Primary) field select Indigenous
  4. Select the date range required in the From & To fields
  5. Click Update

The report will give you the total number & percentage total of episodes that fall under each category.

SMS Template Examples

FYDO allows users to easily & efficiently send SMS/Text Messages to patients’ & pick-up contacts. Templates can be added to FYDO to allow users to send different types of pre-set messages with the click of a button.
SMS templates use “tokens” to draw information from the patients’ appointment & populate the message with the patients’ relevant information.
Below are some examples of text message templates that facilities can use, along with the tokens that will need to be added to ensure the templates work for all patients.

SMS Templates can be added to FYDO by following the instructions in this link:
Adding SMS Templates to FYDO

Pre-Admission Text
Dear <<patFirstN>>, Your appointment at <<EpLoc>> with <<EpDocTitle>> <<EpDocLastN>> on <<EpDayL>> <<EpAdmDate>> will be at <<Time12h>>. Please reply YES to confirm your appointment. Many Thanks


Payment Reminder
Dear <<patFirstN>>, When you arrive for your appointment with <<EpDocTitle>> <<EpDocLastN>> on <<EpAdmDate>> your out of pocket expense will be $<<EpExcessCo>>. This is payable on admission. Please reply YES to confirm you are aware of your hospital fee or call <<EpPhone>> if you have any queries. Many Thanks


Preadmit Paperwork Reminder
Dear <<patFirstN>>, Please click on the link below to complete your admission forms for your appointment on <<EpAdmDate>> at <<Time12h>>. Add preadmit URL in here.


Fasting Times
Dear <<patFirstN>>, In preparation for your procedure on <<EpAdmDate>> at <<Time12h>> please ensure you cease eating food at <<TimeFF12h>> and have no further fluid after <<TimeFW12h>>. Please contact <<EpLoc>> on <<EpPhone>> if you have any queries. Many Thanks


Patient Experience Survey
Dear <<patFirstN>>, Thank you for visiting <<EpLoc>> on <<EpAdmDate>>. If you would like to give feedback regarding your admission, please follow the link below. Add patient survey URL in here.


Dear <<patfirstn>>, Thank you for attending <<EpLoc>>.  We are committed to continuous improvement and would value your feedback.  Please click on the following link to complete our online survey. Add URL to patient survey here.


Pre-Operative Phone Call Reminder
Dear <<patFirstN>>, Please contact <<EpLoc>> on <<EpPhone>> to speak with our nurses regarding your appointment on <<EpAdmDate>>. Many Thanks


Change of Admission Time
Dear <<patFirstN>>, Your admission time for your appointment on <<EpAdmDate>> has changed. Please now arrive at <<EpLoc>> at <<Time12h>>. Many Thanks


Post-Operative Message
Dear <<patFirstN>>, We hope you are recovering well following your procedure at <<EpLoc>> on <<EpAdmDate>>. Please contact us on <<EpPhone>> if you have any concerns or queries. Many Thanks


Estimated Pick Up Time for Patient
Dear <<patFirstN>>, your admission time on <<EpAdmDate>> will be <<Time12h>>. We anticipate that you will be ready for collection from <<EpLoc>> at <<TimeP12h>>.


Estimated Pick Up Time for Pick Up Person
Dear <<PUfirstn>>, we anticipate that <<patFirstN>> will be ready for collection from <<EpLoc>> at <<TimeP12h>>. Please alert staff at reception when you arrive. Many Thanks


Pick Up Person – Patient Ready
Dear <<PUfirstn>>, <<patFirstN>> is now ready to be collected from <<EpLoc>>, <<EpLocAdd1>> <<EpLocSub>>. Please report to reception on arrival. Many Thanks


Dear <<PUfirstn>>, Please return to <<EpLoc>> at <<EpLocAdd1>> <<EpLocAdd2>> <EpLocSub>> as <<patFirstN>> is now ready to be discharged. Many Thanks


Outstanding Account
Dear <<patFirstN>>, following your procedure at <<EpLoc>> your account was finalised & there is now an outstanding amount payable by you. Please call <<EpPhone>> to arrange payment. Many Thanks

Hospital Invoicing / Billing an Episode – Simple

Once the episode is complete, an invoice can be raised to a health fund or patient.
For an invoice to be raised, the episode needs to be:
– Admitted
– Discharged
Theatre Complete tick box checked (depending on the facility requirements)
Coding Grouped (depending on the facility requirements)
  1. Open the Appointments Screen and locate the required episode
  2. Right Click to reveal the menu & select Create Invoice

  3. The Create Invoice page will display with the following necessary information:

    1. All patient information specific to the episode
    2. Billing information including:
      Billing Type
      Theatre Times
    3. Procedure Items being billed
    4. Other Services being billed
    5. The Bill To feature allows other services to be billed to the patient or a third-party company, even if the main invoice is being billed to a health fund. Selecting Patient from this dropdown will create a separate invoice/invoice number for the patient account
    6. The Financial Notes & Episodes notes fields will reflect notes that have been entered into the patients’ Episodes screen.
  4. As long as all required information has been previously entered into the Theatre Screen, there should be few reasons that anything on the Create Invoice page needs to be amended
  5. Click Proceed to see charges

  6. The invoice information is displayed, including:
    Accounting Period (That the revenue will be applied to)
    Bill Type
    ECLIPSE transmission status
  7. The Accommodation charges will be shown
  8. The Theatre & Other Services Charges will be displayed
  9. GST can be amended with a Right Click in the GST Field
  10. Custom Invoice Messages are able to be added. (Invoice Message Templates can also be added in Settings > Invoice / IFC Messages, so that they can easily be selected from the dropdown list)
  11. Invoice template can be selected
  12. Print & Save can be selected when the invoice isn’t able to be sent via ECLIPSE & the user requires a printed or PDF copy of the invoice
  13. Save can be selected when the invoice is able to be transmitted electronically via ECLIPSE & the user does not require a hard copy of the invoice

Once the user has selected Save for an invoice that can be transmitted electronically via ECLIPSE, they will then need to send this invoice by following the FYDO wiki instructions
Claiming Hospital – Not Yet Sent

For a more detailed explanation of FYDO invoicing please see:
Hospital Invoicing / Billing an Episode Detailed

Hospital Invoicing / Billing an Episode – Detailed

Once the episode is complete, an invoice can be raised to a health fund or patient. For an invoice to be raised, the episode needs to be Admitted & Discharged. Depending on the requirements that the facility has stipulated in System Configuration, the Theatre Complete tick box may need to be ticked in order to confirm the item numbers are correct for billing. And the episode may need to be Grouped in order for billing to be able to be done.

A simple invoicing & billing explanation can be found at:
Hospital Invoicing / Billing an Episode – Simple

  1. Navigate to the Appointments Screen
  2. Use the Search field to locate the required episode or
  3. Use the Calendar to select required date & Theatre Tabs to select required theatre
  4. Locate required episode & Right Click to reveal the menu
  5. Select Create Invoice
  6. The Create Invoice page will display with the following necessary information:

    1. All patient information specific to the episode
    2. The health fund being invoiced
    3. Billing Type can usually be left as default. This allows FYDO to review the fees entered for the health fund & bill accordingly by Casebase, Per Diem or DRG
    4. The Status of the invoice being billed: either Full Fee or Basic Fee
    5. The Accommodation Type
    6. The anaesthetic type being billed
    7. The theatre times that the invoice will be based on
    8. The Mode of Separation
    9. The items being billed
    10. The Other Services being billed
    11. The Re-order Item Numbers tick box allows users to keep the item numbers in the order they have been entered in. However, if this box is checked, then FYDO will order the item numbers from highest to lowest banding
    12. The Bill To feature allows other services to be billed to the patient or a third-party company, even if the main invoice is being billed to a health fund. Selecting Patient from this dropdown will create a separate invoice/invoice number for the patient account
    13. The Financial Notes & Episodes notes fields will reflect notes that have been entered into the patients’ Episodes screen.
  7. As long as all required information has been previously entered into the Theatre Screen, there should be few reasons that anything on the Create Invoice page needs to be amended
  8. Click Proceed to see charges

  9. The Accounting Period date, which the revenue will be applied to, is displayed. (The default date that is selected in this field is set in Settings > System Configuration)
  10. The Bill Type that has been used will be displayed
  11. The invoice’s ability to be transmitted via ECLIPSE will be shown with the tick box
  12. The Accommodation charges will be displayed
  13. The Theatre & Other Services Charges will be displayed
  14. GST will be displayed if the fees for that item have been set up to include GST. Otherwise, users are able to calculate the GST amount by Right Clicking in the GST Field
  15. Custom Invoice Messages are able to be added & the user is able to type the required messages. However, Invoice Message Templates can also be added in Settings > Invoice / IFC Messages so that they can easily be selected from the dropdown list
  16. FYDO allows for multiple Invoice Templates to be added. A default template can be set, but if another template is required, it can be selected from the Template dropdown
  17. Print & Save can be selected when the invoice isn’t able to be sent via ECLIPSE & the user requires a printed or PDF copy of the invoice
  18. Save can be selected when the invoice is able to be transmitted electronically via ECLIPSE & the user does not require a hard copy of the invoice


Once the user has selected Save for an invoice that can be transmitted electronically via ECLIPSE, they will then need to send this invoice by following the FYDO wiki instructions Claiming Hospital – Not Yet Sent

Opening the Theatre on a Non-Standard Day / Weekend

FYDO allows users to have the available theatre times & default appointments to be set for every day. However, sometimes facilities will have the need to open a theatre on a day that it would usually not be opened on.
This can easily be done in FYDO by adding a Non-Standard Day to your theatre by following the instructions below.
  1. Open Settings
  2. Select Theatre Data
  3. Double Click on the required Theatre
  4. Select tab Add Non-Std Days
  5. Selected the required Date or click the Close Day tickbox to close the theatre for a day that is usually open
  6. Select the Start Time that the theatre will be available from
  7. Select the End Time that the theatre will be available to
  8. Once the Start Time & End Time have been entered, the appointments will populate with the Default Appointment Type for this theatre
  9. The Appointment Type can be amended using the dropdown under the Type column
  10. Once all required settings are added, click Save
  11. Once Non-Standard dates have been added, a new tab View Non-Std Days will be available where users are able to view all non-standard entries
  12. The user is able to View the appointment times
  13. The non-standard day is also able to be Deleted by selecting the checkbox on the left to display the bin

Unadmit or Undischarge a Hospital Episode

If an episode is accidentally admitted or discharged, the user can Un-admit or Un-discharge following the steps below.
  1. Navigate to the appointment that needs to be Un-admitted and/or Un-discharged
  2. Use the Right Click Menu to select Episodes 
  3. If the episode has been admitted, & discharged, Right Click on the required Episode and select
  4. The user will be asked to Confirm that they are sure they want to un-discharge the episode.
  5. The Right Click process will need to be repeated to then Un-admit the episode
  6. The user will again be prompted to confirm that they want to un-admit the episode.
  7. Once this process has been followed, click Back to Appointments and the episode will have been returned to the status of B for Booked

Hospital Cancer Registry Data

FYDO gives users the ability to enter Cancer Registry information & export the data for ease of submission.
Once the coding has been entered, by following the instructions on Hospital Coding, you are able to click on the Cancer Registry icon.
This will open up a screen that allows you to Add Cancer Information.
Once in the Cancer Registry screen, enter all relevant information for your state & click Save.
The Cancer Registry Data can then be exported in the same manner that you export all your monthly data.
For more information on Data Extracts, see Hospital Data Extracts