Move a Patient Appointment Time (Hospital)

If a patients admission time changes, there are numerous ways to amend. Any one of the below options will work (you do not have to do ALL of these options in order)

  1. Select the patient, click, hold & drag their booking to the new admission time
  2. Right-Click and select Edit Episode. Type the new appointment time in the Time field & click Save
  3. Right-Click and select Cut Appointment. Click on the new appointment time, Right-Click and select Paste Appointment
  4. To copy a booking select the appropriate booking, Right-Click and select Copy Appointment. Select the desired appointment date & time for the duplicate, Right-Click and select Paste Appointment

Making a Patient Hospital Booking

After creating a Theatre Roster patients can be booked.

  1. Select Appointments from the main menu
  2. Select Date that the booking is required to be made
  3. Select Theatre where booking will be made
  4. Select Time the booking will be made. Then Right-Click on this time slot to display options
  5. Select Make an Appointment from the menu
  6. The Patient Lookup screen will be displayed to search for the required patient
  7. Select a patient from the list displayed, or click Create New Patient if the patient isn’t shown
  8. If Create New Patient was selected, input all known data & click Save
  9. If a patient was selected in Step 7 (or after the new patient details have been saved) the Make Appointment screen will automatically open
  10. Information relating to the theatre, surgeon, anaesthetist, appointment time etc will pre-populate if they have already been entered into the system
  11. Add information required according to your facility work instructions. For example:
      1. Procedure Notes
      2. Length of Booking
      3. Other Notes
      4. Booking Code 1
      5. Food Instructions
      6. Item Numbers
      7. Other Services Codes
      8. Referring Doctor
  12. Click Save

Importing Visicode Data

After the data has been exported from Visicode

  1. In the main menu go to Data I/O and select Visicode Import

  2. Select the Location
  3. Click Choose a file
  4. NB. File must be in a .txt format to be imported. Other file formats will not work
  5. This will produce a list of all the patient information found in the file
  6. Click Import
  7. This will automatically update the Coding & run the Grouper
  8. There will be an Excel spreadsheet download for information purposes. This file will show if any of the data imported was unsuccessful.

Informed Financial Consent – IFC (Hospital)

To provide patients’ with information they can understand regarding the costs involved with their admission/episode

  1. Before an IFC is generated it is advised to run an Online Eligibility Check (OEC) to obtain the out-of-pocket expense for the patient (see “OEC – Online Eligibility Check” instructions)
  2. Once the out-of-pocket cost is known, the IFC can be generated from the Appointments Screen
  3. Search for the required patient or
  4. Navigate to the admission date, theatre & time to locate
  5. Right click to expand the options & select IFC
  6. Patient details & admission details will be pre-populated into the IFC screen
  7. If Item numbers were entered at the time of booking, they will be pre-populated into the IFC screen. Otherwise add them under the MBS/Items heading
  8. Leaving the Bill Type set to Default will allow FYDO to decide how the fees need to be raise, in accordance with the health fund contracts entered into the system
  9. Click Create IFC to see the charges raised for each item
  10. Contracted fees will be displayed
  11. Patient out of pocket will be displayed
  12. IFC Message gives the ability to add a customised message. Use the dropdown to select Custom Message & type the message in the field below
  13. Template gives the ability to choose between the IFC templates that are available in your FYDO
  14. Edit IFC allows you to return to the previous screen to make any changes require to the item numbers etc
  15. Save will generate the IFC & save a copy in the patient Documents
  16. Save & Print will generate the IFC & make it immediately available to view & print. This option will also save a copy in the patients’ Documents

End of Day Banking (Hospital)

  1. Select End of Day Banking from the main menu
  2. This will open the screen where the user can perform the End of Day Banking
  3. For multi-location facilities, ensure the correct location is selected
  4. Check each payment off as it is compared with corresponding data for accuracy
  5. Ensure Totals match the EFTPOS settlement & cash/cheques taken
  6. Total Balance of all revenue received will be shown
  7. Click Save & Print
  8. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to clear the transactions.
  9. Once confirmed with Yes the End of Day Banking Report will be available for printing

Re-Printing End of Day Banking Report

  1. Select Reports from the main menu
  2. Select End of Day Banking
  3. For multi-location facilities, ensure correct location is selected
  4. Select the Date & Time for the required report OR
  5. Select from the list of Last 50 bank deposits
  6. Click Update and the selected report will be displayed on the screen
  7. It can then be Printed or Exported using the corresponding blue buttons at the bottom right of the screen

Delete a Hospital Booking

If an appointment is required to be removed from the system

  1. Search for the patient OR
  2. Navigate to the date & theatre that the patient is booked for
  3. Select the patient & right click to open menu
  4. Select Delete Appointment
  5. You will be prompted to confirm that you are sure you want to delete the appointment
  6. Click Yes
  7. This action is permanent & is not advised if you are required to collate data on cancelled bookings. If statistical information on the cancellation is required then please see instructions on how to Cancel a Booking at

Hospital Data Extraction

Exporting Reportable Data (PHDB/HCP/State specific/Cancer Registry)

  1. Select Data I/O from the left-hand menu
  2. Select Data Extracts
  3. Ensure correct location is selected (for facilities with multiple locations)
  4. Select the month you need to extract
  5. Select the type of data you need to extract
  6. Select Prepare Extract
  7. You will be shown:
    1. Total Number of Episodes for the period
    2. Number of Episodes Ready to be exported
    3. Number of Episodes with Errors that require attention
    4. A list of the episodes that need amendments in order to have your data ready for submission
    5. An option to print the list of errors, or export it for further action
  8. Navigate to the screen that is identified as Where to fix and amend the information that is required. This can be done with a Right Click on the line, or using the Patient Name Hyperlink to navigate to the require screen.
  9. Once all errors have been rectified, follow the above steps again to check that the data is ready to export
  10. Data is ready to export once there are no more errors documented in the list.
  11. Once all errors are rectified the Print & Export To options in the top right corner (e. in the above image) will change to a Submit button. Click Submit
  12. Your data files will be saved in FYDO
  13. You can download this file by using the down arrow ⇓ under the Action column with a normal mouse click (not a Right Click)
  14. You can upload these files directly into the appropriate portal. (Ensuring the file name for BUPA does not contain any symbols)
  15. Once uploaded there is no need to keep a copy of the file on your computer, as you are able to access & download again if required from FYDO.

For instructions on how to Re-Extract Hospital Data visit our wiki page:
Re-Submitting a Hospital Data Extraction

Create a New Patient (Hospital)

There are a number of ways this can be done. Most commonly it would be done while making an appointment.

  1. Once you have navigated to the date & time for the appointment, right click & select Make an Appointment
  2. This will open up the Patient Lookup box where you are able to search for the desired patient
  3. If you are unable to locate the patient click the Create New Patient button
  4. You are required to add a minimum of First & Last Name and all other fields are optional when initially adding a patient (but be aware that certain fields may be required, once the patient is admitted, for reporting purposes)
  5. Once all desired information is entered click Save
  6. The appointment screen will then open to add all required information for that particular booking

Patients are also able to be added without having an appointment scheduled.

  1. Select the Patients tab from the left main menu
  2. Search to see if the patient is already entered into the system
  3. If they have not previously been added, click Create Patient
  4. You are required to add a minimum of First & Last Name and all other fields are optional when initially adding a patient (but be aware that certain fields may be required, once the patient is admitted, for reporting purposes)
  5. Once all desired information is entered click Save

Cancel a Hospital Booking

If a patient cancels their appointment

  1. Search for the patient OR
  2. Navigate to the date & theatre that the patient is booked for
  3. Select the patient & right click to open menu
  4. Select Edit Episode
  5. Use the Cancelled drop down to select a reason for cancellation (N.B these cancelled reasons are fully customisable & can be added or edited in Setting under the Cancelled Reasons option to assist facilities obtain the cancellation data that they require)
  6. Click Save
  7. The patient will now be displayed with a strikethrough & the appointment time will be available to book another patient
  8. To view your screen without the cancelled patients, use the Filter Dropdown and select All Appointments Exc Cancelled
  9. To view the cancelled patients ensure you select All Appointments Inc Cancelled from the Filter Dropdown
  10. To reinstate an appointment, follow the above steps 1 > 4 and remove the cancellation reason from the episode before clicking Save

Hospital Appointments Screen

Navigating the Appointments Screen

  1. Ability to select required date and return to the current day using the Today option
  2. Search – to locate a particular patient/booking
  3. Date being displayed along with Number of patients booked & Minutes the theatre is booked, & still available, for
  4. View – gives the ability to choose how the theatres are displayed
    1. All – shows all theatres for 1 day
    2. Individual – shows 1 theatre for 1 day
    3. Weekly – shows 1 theatre for the whole week
    4. List – shows all appointments in 1 list
  5. Select which Theatre is required
  6. Filter the patients viewed to include/exclude cancelled patients etc
  7. Create Custom Views so that relative information can be easily displayed to enable efficient workflow
  8. Print Theatre Lists, Send Bulk SMS’s to patients & Re-Order Lists