HL7 – Endobase File Format

Sample File

MSH|^~\&|FYDO|ACSS Bondi Hospital|Endobase|ACSS Bondi Hospital|20220208115840||ADT^A08|ACSS96215702|P|2.3.1|||||AU|ASCII|ENG|
PID|1||101||Romero^Michelle^^^Miss||19681119|F|||12 top st^^EAST MELBOURNE^VIC^8002||0211223344|0299887744|||||2111-11111-1||||||||NX123456|||
PV1|1|S|NORTH SYDNEY||||234458GH^Philliposis^M^^^Dr|005803CL^Smith^Sam^^^Dr|||
NK1|1|Sampras^Pete^^^|0^0^RELTN|9 tennis st^BONDI^NSW^2026||0411111111|
IN1|1||HCF|HCF Health Fund||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||1234567|

MSH|^~\&|FYDO|ACSS Bondi Hospital|Endobase|ACSS Bondi Hospital|20220208115840||SIU^S13|ACSS96215702|P|2.3.1|||||AU|ASCII|ENG|
SCH|101-114-1|446|||8^Theatre 1||Endoscopy||20|MIN^Minutes^ISO+|^^^20220208092000^20220208000000|
PID|1||101||Romero^Michelle^^^Miss||19681119|F|||12 top st^^EAST MELBOURNE^VIC^8002||0211223344|0299887744|||||2111-11111-1||||||||NX123456|||
AIL|1|A|8^^^^^^^^Theatre 1|SCHEDULED||20220208092000|0||20|MIN^Minutes^ISO+||BOOKED|



MSH – Message Header

Name Description Segment Fields
Sending Application FYDO MSH-3.1
Sending Facility Hospital Name MSH-4.1
Receiving Application Set to Endobase MSH-5.1
Receiving Facility Hospital Name MSH-6.1
Date/Time of Message YYYYMMDDHHMMSS MSH-7.1
Message Type Message Type MSH-9.1, 9.2
Message Control ID Identification number of message – ADT, SIU etc


SIU^S12 – New Appointment
SIU^S13 – Edited Appt (Nothing may have changed)
SIU^S14 – Modification of Appt (rescheduled time or date, procedure change, doctor change etc)
SIU^S15 – Cancellation of AppointmentSIU
^S17 – Deletion of Appointment (No ADT sent with this message)Consists of the following segments – SCH, PID, RGS (blank), AIS, AIG (blank), AIL, AIP

Version ID HL7 version – 2.3.1 MSH-12.1
Country Code AU MSH-17.1
Character Set ASCII MSH-18.1
Principal Language of Message ENG MSH-19.1


PID – Patient Identification

Demographic Includes Segment Fields
Patient Identifier Medical Record Number PID-3.1
Name Surname, first name, middle name, blank, title PID-5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5
Date of Birth Date of birth – YYYYMMDD PID-7.1
Sex Sex – M,F,U PID-8.1
Address Street Address 1 and 2, Suburb, State, and Postal Code PID-11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5
Phone Number – Home Area code, number for home number type PID-13.1
Phone Number – Work Area code, number for work number type PID-14.1
Medicare Number Medicare number and individual reference number PID-19.1
DVA Card DVA number PID-27.1


PV1 – Patient Visit

Name Description Segment Field
Patient Location Hospital Suburb PV1-3.3
Attending Doctor Provider No, Surname, First Name, blank, blank, title PV1-7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.6
Referring Doctor Provider No, Surname, First Name, blank, blank, title PV1-8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.6


NK1 – Next of Kin

Name Description Segment Field
Name Surname, First Name, blank, blank, title NK1-2.1, 2.2, 2.5
Relationship Relationship to patient NK1-3.1
Home Address Street Address 1 and 2, Suburb, State, and Postal Code NK1-4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4


Home Phone Area code, number for home number type NK1-5.1
Mobile Phone Mobile Phone NK1-6.1


AL1 – Patient Allergies (Repeating Segment)

Name Description/Notes Segment Fields
Allergy Type Allergies AL1-3.2

IN1 – Insurance

Name Description/Notes Segment Fields
Insurer Code Insurer 3 character code INI-3.1
Insurer Name Insurer Description INI-4.1
Fund Membership Number Health Fund Membership Number INI-36.1

SCH – Scheduling Activity Information

Name Description/Notes Segment Fields
Patient Identifier Medical Record Number, Episode Number SCH-1.1
Appointment ID Unique Appointment or Admission Number SCH-2.1
OR/Theatre Identifier Theatre Number SCH-5.1, 5.2
Appointment Reason Procedure Description SCH-7.1
Appointment Duration Length of Appt SCH-9.1
Appointment Duration Units Minutes, hours etc – Will always be MIN SCH-10.1, 10.2, 10.3
Appointment Start Date/Time YYYYMMDDHHMMSS SCH-11.4


AIS – Appointment Information Service

Name Description/Notes Segment Fields
Service ID Procedure Code and Description AIS-3.1, 3.2
Start Date and Time YYYYMMDDHHMMSS – same as SCH-11.4 AIS-4.1
Duration Length of Appt – same as SCH-9.1 AIS-7.1
Duration Units MINS etc – Same as SCH-10.1 etc AIS-8.1, 8.2, 8.3
Status BOOKED always AIS-10.1


AIL – Appointment Information Location

Name Description/Notes Segment Fields
Location Identification Theatre Number and Name AIL-3.1, 3.9
Start Date and Time YYYYMMDDHHMMSS – Same as dates and times above AIL-6.1
Duration Length of Appt – same as above AIL-9.1
Duration Units MINS etc – same as above AIL-10.1, 10.2, 10.3


AIP – Appointment Information Personnel

Name Description/Notes Segment Fields
Personnel Resource ID Anaesthetist ID Code, Surname, First name and Title AIP-3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6
Resource Role Speciality of Doctor AIP-4.2
Personnel Resource ID Treating Doc/Surgeon Code, Surname, First name and Title AIP-8.1, 8.2 , 8.3, 8.6
Resource Role Speciality of Treating Doc/Surgeon AIP-9.2