FYDO Hospital Update – 28/11/2024

Preadmit Features

The Preadmit Holding Bay has received a makeover! This new design enhances readability and now displays the Doctor and Admission Date information, supporting an exciting new feature that allows facilities to link admission forms to specific episodes! 

An additional column has also been added for flags, paving the way for another exciting upcoming update – watch this space! 

When committing a Preadmit form, users will now see a specific pop-up message depending on whether the patient has any future bookings. If the linked patient has a booking for the current or a future date, the pop-up will prompt the user to assign the form to a specific episode! 

AND the user will be able to ensure the Check List item for Admission Form Received is automatically ticked, right from this one screen! 

Alternatively, if the patient has no upcoming appointments, a different pop-up will alert the user that the form can still be committed but will not be assigned to a specific episode. 

SMS Additions 

The Admission Form Received status is now visible on the Bulk SMS screen. This enhancement simplifies sending SMS reminders specifically to patients who have not yet completed their forms.  Additionally, a new filter allows the screen to display only patients whose admission forms have not been received.  

Move Theatre Bookings 

We’re excited to introduce a new feature that makes managing Doctors’ Theatre Bookings more efficient! With this update, an entire booking – patients and all – can now be moved in bulk. This enhancement is particularly helpful when a surgeon changes theatres. Instead of moving appointments one by one, users can simply update the Theatre Booking and confirm the change. All linked patient appointments will automatically be rescheduled to a new theatre/day, saving valuable time and effort.   

Overnight Accommodation Fees 

To accommodate the ever-changing health fund contract requirements for Overnight Accommodation Fees, we have extended the number of allowed step-downs from 6 to 15. This update aligns with recent changes introduced by health funds, which provide more step-down options for larger overnight hospitals.  

Outstanding Debt Alert 

In August, we introduced a feature that enabled facilities to add an alert for patients with outstanding balances during the booking process. This feature has now been enhanced to include an outstanding days field, ensuring that the alert is triggered only for debts overdue by the specified duration.  

FYDO Hospital Update – 21/11/2024

Theatre Roster Additions 

Facilities are now able to store Files within a Theatre Roster! This feature has been designed to allow facilities to save information, such as the Doctors Theatre List, against the corresponding session. Any number of Files can be added, so any amended lists or documents can also be saved and will be stored there in case they are ever needed.  

Episode Stats Additions 

Additional fields are being added to the Episode Stats > Excel – Raw Data Export to enable facilities to easily obtain required information. New data includes: 

  • DocScan – Document Scanned Checklist item is marked 

  • ReAdm – HCP/PHDB Re-Admission field ID, from the Admission Screen 

  • ReAdmDesc – Description for above Re-Admission field 

  • ModeOfSepPHDBDesc – HCP/PHDB Mode of Separation, from the Admission Screen 

  • PayorIden – HCP/PHDB Payer Identifier ID, from the Admission Screen 

  • PayorIdenDesc – Description for above Payer Identifier field 

  • FundSource – State Specific Data for Funding Source/Agreement field, from the Discharge Screen 

FYDO Hospital Update – 14/11/2024

Other Services Only Invoice 

Facilities are now able to raise an Other Services Only Invoice to a “fund”. The screen will still default to “Uninsured”, as this is the most common use case, but the Fund dropdown is now activated, allowing the fund selection to be amended if needed.   

New Invoice Override Feature – PHASE 1 

In some instances, facilities may be unable to raise an invoice for an episode. These episodes can now be removed from the Billing Status > Show Not Billed Only Report by using the new Invoice Override feature! 

This feature is accessible in the Episode Screen, under Financial Notes. If it’s determined that an invoice isn’t necessary, users can go directly from the Show Not Billed Only Report to the Episode Screen and select the Invoice Override tick box. Once marked, the episode will no longer appear in the Show Not Billed Only Report.

There is an audit log associated with this box along with a new permission level. By default, this permission will inherit the settings from the existing option to Delete Transactions. 

This feature is now available but will not affect the Billing Status > Show Not Billed Only Report until Phase 2 is implemented in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to our newsletters for the next update on this feature!   

Appointments Report 

The Health Fund Name and Number have been added to the Appointments Report > Excel – Raw Data Export.  

Bug Fix 

The issue that some users experienced with the Cancer Registry Data Extract has been resolved.  

FYDO Clinic Update – 08/11/2024

Exporting Letters 

Users can now Export Letters as Word documents, enabling them to download and edit the form/letter with any additional information as needed.  

New Access Level 

In addition to the existing option to restrict access to edit document names and types, there is now an option to prevent users from Editing Letters.  

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Hospital Update – 08/11/2024

Exporting Letters 

Users can now Export Letters as word documents, enabling them to download and edit the form with any additional information as needed.  

Arrears Report Improvements 

The Interactive Arrears Report now has an additional export feature, allowing it to be saved as a PDF.  

The Raw Data Export has also been enhanced. Previously, the Date Sent was displaying for ECLIPSE Claims; now, it will also appear for Paperbased Claims.  

Billing Status Report Improvements 

The Billing Status Report has received several exciting improvements for the Report Types > Inv Summary and Inv Detail featuring: 

  1. A new Group By to organise the report by Date or Fund 

  1. A new Patient Category filter to sort the report based on the patient’s category 

  1. New Date Type options that allow selection based on Audit Date or Date of Service 

AN-SNAP Class Enhancement 

FYDO can now calculate the AN-SNAP Class for Rehabilitation admissions, using the latest Version 5 classification standards. This feature ensures compliance with current guidelines and supports accurate patient classification and reporting.  

New Access Level 

In addition to the existing option to restrict access to edit document names and types, there is now an option to prevent users from Editing Letters.  

GST Report Additions 

The GST Report now includes a total Charge inc GST amount for improved clarity.  

FYDO Clinic Update – 24/10/2024

Delayed SMS Improvements 

Delayed SMS messages can now be cancelled. While FYDO has always allowed users to schedule SMS messages to be sent at specific times, you now can cancel a scheduled SMS if needed.  
To cancel, go to the patient’s Communications Tab and select Cancel Delayed SMS from the menu.  
The audit log has also been upgraded to reflect these new functions.   

SMS History Makeover

The SMS History Screen has been redesigned to improve readability and align with FYDO’s modern look and feel.  

New Arrived Icon for Appointments

Users now have the option to add an Arrived Icon to their Custom appointment views.
Previously, users only had the option to show the Arrived Time.

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Hospital Update – 24/10/2024

Informed Financial Consent Additions 

Facilities now have the option to add the following fields to IFC templates: 

  • Patient Title  

  • Patient Given Name 

  • Patient Surname 

  • Patient Email Address 

Please see our wiki page Tokens – Informed Financial Consent (IFC) for a full list of our IFC tokens. And reach out to one of our friendly staff if you need assistance making amendments to your IFC templates.  

Delayed SMS Improvements 

Delayed SMS messages can now be cancelled. While FYDO has always allowed users to schedule SMS messages to be sent at specific times, you now can cancel a scheduled SMS if needed.  
To cancel, go to the patient’s Communications Tab and select Cancel Delayed SMS from the menu.  
The audit log has also been upgraded to reflect these new functions.   

SMS History Makeover

The SMS History Screen has been redesigned to improve readability and align with FYDO’s modern look and feel.  

New Un-Insured Fees Field 

Facilities can now record any Un-Insured Fees that a patient must pay in the Edit Appointment Screen. This new field will be especially helpful for documenting excesses, co-payments AND gap fees, as each amount can be entered separately.   

The Appointments Screen default view has been updated to reflect the Out Of Pocket (OOP) costs. This column will display the total of all amounts entered in the Excess, Co-Payment AND Un-Insured fields. Users can hover over the OOP figure to see the breakdown of the costs.  
This new OOP column can be added to any Custom View.  

Additionally, this field will appear on the IFC Screen, and new tokens are available to print these details on documents such as the IFC, theatre list, or send via SMS if required.   

FYDO Clinic Update – 17/10/2024

New Checklist Added to Appointments

The new Check List feature allows users to effortlessly mark when a letter has been created for a patient’s appointment, eliminating the need to go through the patient’s documents to check.

The Check List can be accessed from the Appointments Screen Right-Click Menu, as well as on the Edit Appointment Screen.

Users can also add the Letter Created tick to their Custom appointment views, making it easy to see on the Appointments Screen whether a letter has been created for a patient.

Drag & Drop Alert 

Users will now receive an alert when using the FYDO Drag & Drop feature, helping to prevent appointments from being moved accidentally.  

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Hospital Update – 17/10/2024

Bed Tracker Improvements 

The FYDO Bed Tracker has exciting new additions with extra columns in the Daily View. Along with new Weekly and Monthly view options! 

New fields added to the Daily View are: 
– Sex
– Health Fund
– Length of Stay
– Procedure Notes
– Allergies
– Hover on Patient Name to display “Preferred Name”

The new Weekly View can be displayed using the dropdown to select Week. 

The new Monthly View can be displayed using the dropdown to select Month. 

Procedure List Improvements 

The Procedures populating the Proc Notes field on the Edit Appointments Screen, can now be defaulted based on the assigned Doctor/ Surgeon! 

This wonderful new feature allows hospitals to set unique defaults for each doctor, such as appointment lengths or prosthesis preferences. Making booking entries a breeze! 

  • Once configured, only procedures linked to All Doctors or the admitting doctor will appear in the dropdown list, streamlining the process of booking patients. 

  • The Procedure List, in settings, will show which doctors are linked to each procedure.  

  • Use the new Doctor Field when setting up a procedure entry to assign it to a specific doctor. 

And each item can be linked using the new Doctor field when setting the entry up.  

In the Proc Notes field on the Make / Edit Appointment Screen, only the Procedure linked to that Doctor / Surgeon (or all doctors) will be shown.   

Linked procedure will display with the word Linked to indicate their association with the relevant doctor.  

New Check List Option – Documents Scanned 

You can now use the FYDO Check List feature to manually mark when a document or patients’ chart has been scanned, either into FYDO Documents or your EMR system. The new tick box on the Check List gives the ability to document the task being performed AND identifying that it has been done on the Appointments Screen! 

Please reach out to one of our friendly staff if you’d like assistance in creating a Custom View to show this information.

Create Invoice – New Edit Invoice Option 

When creating an invoice, users can now move from the second Create Invoice page back to the first using the Edit Invoice button.  

This button works just like the Edit IFC button on the Informed Financial Consent page.  

Bed Tracker – Religion Filter 

The Handover Report from the Bed Tracker now has the option to filter patients by Religion.  

The patient’s religion information can also be populated on the handover report, so if you’d like this amendment made, please contact our friendly staff and they can assist you.  

Claiming Hospital – Not Yet Sent 

Paper based Health Fund claims with a zero-dollar balance (e.g. when the patients’ excess amount has covered the entire procedure cost) will now appear on the Claiming Hospital > Not Yet Sent tab. This allows users to Mark as Sent when the claims are manually submitted to the fund.  

Drag & Drop Alert 

Users will now receive an alert when using the FYDO Drag & Drop feature, helping to prevent appointments from being moved accidentally.  

Bug Fix 

The issue that some users experienced with verifying Concession Cards has been resolved.  

FYDO Clinic Update – 10/10/2024

Concession Card OPV

The issue with verifying patient Concession Cards on the patient screen has been resolved. 

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/