FYDO Clinic Update – 12/09/2024

Pronouns Field 

FYDO now includes a new field on the Patient Screen for recording Pronouns. This field offers 3 main options in the dropdown menu, while also allowing users to free type and add individual Pronouns.  

This field also has a token, which allows the information to be populated on Lists, Labels, Quick Forms, etc.  

User Edit Profile 

In line with our evolving sleek new look, the User Edit Profile page has also received a makeover.  

Calendar Year 

Even small improvements matter! We’ve reordered the year dropdown to help users more efficiently select the correct year. 

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update – 06/09/2024

New Look Make Appointment/Edit Appointment Screen

The Make Appointment/Edit Appointment Screen has received a makeover. It has all the same functionalities, just with a fresh new look.

Session Expiry Alert 

FYDO will now provide users an alert 2 minutes prior to their sessions expiring, based on the hospital’s individual System Configuration. This alert gives users the option to select Keep Alive to extend their session. If Keep Alive is not selected within the final 2 minutes, FYDO will automatically log out the user as per current protocol.  

OPV & IHI Fields 

Following wonderful feedback from our users, we have decided to swap the order of the Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) and the Online Patient Verification (OPV) fields for ease of use and functionality of the Patient Screen.  

Doctors Insurance Field 

The Insurance field, on the Doctors details page, now includes pre-populated options for the most popular Insurance Companies. This field also allows free text entry, so additional companies can by typed in if required.   

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update – 30/08/2024

Two-Factor Authentication

Facilities that utilise Single Sign On (SSO) are now able to disable Two-Factor Authentication if desired.
The option to disable can be found under Settings > Security.

Login – Audit Logs

New audit logs have been added to track login activity.

  • Failed login attempt
  • Temporary blocked

User login activity can be tracked by going to Settings > Logs.

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update – 08/08/2024

New Entitlement Card Fields

FYDO now has the capacity to list up to four Entitlement Cards with the new feature button
+Add new entitlement card visible when editing the Patient Screen.

New tokens will need to be added to any forms that generate this information from FYDO. So please let us know if you have a form that requires amendment, and we can assist.

Occupation Field

A new field has been added to FYDO to document a patients Occupation for clinics that collect this data.

Bug Fixes

  • Doctors Email Addresses can now be viewed again
  • Doctors Files can now be added again
  • The Expiry Date for Entitlement Cards is no longer a mandatory field

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update – 20/06/2024

Practice Enhancements

Clinics are now able to easily print address labels for Practices from Settings > Practices.
The Practice Email Address can now also be documented.

Religion added to Patient Screen

Clinics are now able to document a patient’s Religion in the Patient Screen.

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update – 13/06/2024

Patient Stats Report

If a user tries to run the Patient Stats Report for any data that falls outside the restrictions assigned to them, in Settings > User, they will now be shown a pop up of the categories they do have access to.


FYDO now has the ability to provide multiple API Keys, eliminating the need for third parties to share keys. Each API Key now includes a user field where facilities can label the user of each key. This enhancement improves control over disabling third party access and quickly identifies those that possess a key.

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update – 30/05/2024

New User Group Access Level

There is a new access level that allows clinics to restrict users from Creating Custom Views for the Appointments Screen. All users will still have access to utilise the Custom Views that have been created for the clinic and will be able to choose their default preference.

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update – 24/05/2024

SSO – Single Sign On 

FYDO now gives users, and facilities, the option to utilise Single Sign On (SSO). Please click on the link below to view our wiki page for more information on this feature.  

Single Sign On with FYDO

Rename Maiden Name field to Previous Name 

To enhance the usability of the Maiden Name field, we have now renamed it to Previous Name. This change will be reflected across all screens in FYDO.  

Billing Alert for HCF/BUPA Backdated Claims

When billing a patient whose health fund cover is with HCF or BUPA, if the date of service is 3 months prior to the fee levels threshold date, the below alert message will pop-up.

We have introduced this alert message to help avoid preventable rejections and underpayments due to incorrect fees being used for backdated claims.

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update – 17/05/2024

Patient Screen Amendments 

Following the launch of our New Patient Screen, we received some wonderful feedback that has helped us enhance it even further: 

  • In View Mode, each field is outlined. 
  • In Edit Mode, each field is both outlined and shaded. 
  • In Edit Mode, the selected field is indicated with a blue outline.  

Transactions Report – Additional Data to Raw Data Export

The Batch Status of an invoice will now be included in the Transactions Report when exported in Raw Data format.

Bug Fixes:

  • Some users were experiencing issues uploading documents. This has now been resolved

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update – 21/03/2024

Payments Report – Refunds

A new tick-box has been added to the Payments Report called Show Refunds Only.
By ticking this tick-box, it will filter the report to show Refunded amounts only.

Health Fund Number Character Limit

The character limit for the health fund number field has been extended to accommodate 33 characters. This will particularly assist clinics that bill Department of Defence patients, who are required to record the DAN and EPID numbers.

Improvements made to History Notes

Under the Clinical tab in a patient’s file, there has been design improvements made to the History Notes screen. A patients list of History Notes will now auto adjust based on the screen size, as well as a scroll bar has been added to the History Note preview window when viewing long Clinical Notes. These improvements were made due to some users finding details/actions on the History Notes screen were being cut off when using a smaller screen.

Bug Fixes:

  • The Recalls SMS function issue has been resolved. 

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/