FYDO Clinic Update – 08/03/2024

New Logs for Template Uploads

Clinics can now access audit logs for Template updates in FYDO. These logs will include the option to download the updated template, enabling users to search superseded versions if necessary.

Please note that this Download feature applies only to templates uploaded after this update and will not affect historical data.  

Bug Fixes:

  • The issue where a Referrings Doctors Type was visually not showing has been resolved.

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update – 23/01/24

New IP Restriction Function

Clinics can now use the new Global Restrict IP function in Settings > Security to simultaneously restrict all users to a specific IP address. While the ability to restrict individual users is still available in Settings > Users, this new feature streamlines the process for applying IP Restrictions across the board.
Only users with the required access levels will be able to make amendments to these settings.

Invoice Export Report Additions

The Invoice Export Report can now be run for All Hospital Locations and All Clinic Locations AT ONCE! This new feature allows multi-location facilities to easily collate invoice data across all their sites simultaneously.

Bug Fixes:

  • The issue some users were experiencing where an Entitlement Card was showing as expired in error has been resolved.

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update – 07/12/23

Accounts (Clinic) Permissions

Clinic Accounts permissions have been moved from the Patient section within user groups to its own section called Accounts (Clinic).

Apply Payments
and Apply Adjustments have also been split into 2 separate permissions. Previously, they were together as a permission.


Security Settings Relocation

The Security Settings, originally located in System Configuration, can now be accessed directly from Settings. This change is designed to provide more control over user access to this section of FYDO.

These Security Settings include:
– Webhooks
– API Key
– 2 Factor Authentication Settings
– Single Sign On Settings

A new permission control has been added to Settings > User Groups. This change helps clinics grant specific users access to System Configuration without necessarily providing access to Security.
The new permission control will be defaulted to ‘D – Deny’ for all users except the Subscriber, who can adjust this setting for the required user groups.


Items Report

Additional fields have been added to the Items Report when exported in raw data format.

  • Patient Mobile
  • Patient Email
  • Patient Address


For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/


FYDO Clinic Update 27/11/23

Batch Hyperlink

On the Invoice Details screen, we have introduced hyperlinks that will take the user to the batch where the invoice is located within the Claiming Medical screen.
Simply, click on the Batch ID, Batch # or the Batch Status of an invoice from the Invoice Details screen to go directly to where the invoice is located.


Patient Stats Report

New filter options have been added to the Patient Stats Report.
This report can now be filtered based on Community Nursing patients start of cycle date (Please note- to retrieve acucare data, a patients cycle information must be kept up to date within their patient file), patients billed within a specific date range and it can also be filtered to show patients billed under a specific doctor.


For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/




FYDO Clinic Update 09/11/2023

Print Multiple Invoices

Users now have the option to print multiple invoices at once for a patient.

Simply Tick the required invoices > Click on the Select drop-down arrow > Print PDF


Bug Fix

  • The issue some users were experiencing with being unable to email invoices has been resolved.

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/


FYDO Clinic Update 06/10/2023

2 Step Authenticator App Additions

FYDO requires all users to complete the 2 Step Authentication process. However, they are given the option to use SMS, Email or an App to complete this verification.
Clinics are now able to require users to utilise an Authenticator App to complete the Two Step Authentication Process. 
The Authenticator App is the most reliable & secure option for 2 Step Verification & clinics are able to enforce the use of this in Settings > System Configuration. 


Download Invoice

We have added a new Download Invoice option to the Accounts screen within a patient file. Clinics who have direct printing setup for FYDO will benefit from this new option, as previously they were unable to download an invoice.


For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/



FYDO Clinic Update 18/09/2023

Appointments Screen Custom View Addition

Users will now be able to create custom views that display the patient’s Preferred Name on the Appointment Screen.

Patient Name Hover Additions

When users hover over the patient’s name, they will now be able to see the patients Preferred Name & their Maiden Name.

Bug Fix

  • The issue some users were experiencing with being unable to reallocate payments has been resolved.

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update 03/08/2023

Letters – Adding Words to the Dictionary

Users are now able to add words to the Dictionary when typing Letters.
When a word is underlined with red that you would like added to the Dictionary, simply Right Click > Add to Dictionary.


IFC Message

We have added the option IFC Message, this gives users the ability to add a customised message or choose a message already created.
To create IFC Messages that will be stored as an option from the drop-down, go to Settings > Invoice/IFC Messages.



For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update 28/07/2023

Interactive Arrears Report

There is now an option to view the Arrears Report in Interactive mode.

When interactive mode is selected, users will be able to view their outstanding debt (arrears), defined down to patient specifics.


This report will allow users to add a Financial Note and Follow Up Date to outstanding debts by Right Clicking on a line and selecting Financial Note. This also allows users to easily navigate to a patients Accounts and/or Patient Details.

Users will be able to filter the Arrears report by Next Follow Up. The options will include: All, Date not Set, Future, Today, as well as Today and Overdue. When selecting today and overdue for example, it will show the user any invoice that is due or overdue based on the Next Follow Up date.



The Interactive view can also be exported to Excel and Excel – Raw Data


Minor ID/Location ID added to the Support Information

Users will now be able to easily identify their Minor ID/ Location ID by hovering over the Support icon in the FYDO main menu.
This ID may assist in easily identifying your clinic when you call FYDO for support (Note: If there are multiple locations in the one FYDO this will display location 1’s ID).


Billing Rule Alert

We have introduced Billing Rule Alerts for multiple Item Numbers.
For example, if item 110 has been billed in the last 12 months for a patient, under the same provider number and a user goes to bill an item 110 within the 12 months, a billing alert will pop up. This is just an alert based on the items rules for claiming and users can still proceed with billing the item or the item can be changed by clicking OK.


Doctor Setup – Hospital

Under a Doctors setup, there is now an option to link a Hospital to their provider number.
This will save time for users when billing for a doctor that has multiple provider numbers and multiple hospital locations, as FYDO will know what hospital to select automatically when when a specific provider number is selected for billing.

To Link a Hospital to a Doctors provider number go to Settings > Doctors


Unblock User Permission – Relocated

The permission setting that allows the ability to Unblock a user, after they have entered their password incorrectly too many times, has been relocated to ensure it is easier to find.
This setting is now found by navigating to Settings > User Groups & selecting the user group that you wish to allow this ability to.
This function will be automatically set to OFF & will need to be assigned to the user groups that require to be able to perform this function.



For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/

FYDO Clinic Update 20/07/2023

Added fields to the Print List – Raw Data Export

There have been additional fields added to the Print List > Export to Raw Data

New patient fields include:

  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Health Fund Details
  • Health Fund Number
  • Pension Number


For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/