FYDO Hospital Update – 19/09/2024

Deleted Transaction Enhancements 

Transactions that have been deleted after being cleared in the End of Day Banking Report will now be listed separately when running the Reports > End of Day Banking for ease of identification.  

A new column has been added to the Deleted Transactions > Excel – Raw Data Report, showing the time and date the deleted transaction was cleared in the End of Day Banking.  

Other Services Revenue Report 

Our new feature, which allows users to run the Episode Stats Report by Health Fund (Group), has now been extended to our Other Services Revenue Report! 

Users can now run this report for the entire Head of Fund Group (by select the Head of Group Fund from ABOVE the line) or continue to run it for an Individual Health Fund (by selecting the individual fund from BELOW the line) 

For single-location databases, this option will be available when the report is opened. However, multi-location databases will need to select the desired Location first to enable this feature in the Fund dropdown.  

Linking Sex, Gender & Title Fields 

Currently, the Sex, Gender & Title fields are linked to auto-populate based on the data entered into one of the fields. This feature saves time during data entry by reducing the amount of information users need to input, while still allowing for manual adjustments if necessary.   

However, a new feature has been added to Settings > Field Defaults that allows facilities preferring staff to enter each piece of information separately for accuracy to disable the linking of these fields and choose Gender Not Linked to Sex.  

Please note, if you choose to unlink the Gender and Sex fields, we recommend ensuring you are asking the patients gender on your preadmit form, so it filters into FYDO. Please email our friendly staff at support@alturahealth.com.au if you need to make this amendment.

Coding Screen Improvements 

Users are now able to view the Proc Notes from the coding screen with our convenient new hover.  

Processing IHC Fund Responses Amendments 

Previously in FYDO, when receiving Processing Reports from the health funds, any claim returned with an approved amount of $0 was automatically marked as Rejected. However, due to the frequent manual reassessment by funds such as Medibank Private, we have updated this logic to now display only the assessment provided by the fund.  

FYDO Hospital Update – 12/09/2024

Combined Invoice & HC21 

Users can now generate a single PDF document that includes the Invoice, HC21 Right Form and any other selected document, such as the Signed HC21 Left Form.  

By selecting Combine HC21 & Inv from the Invoice Options dropdown, hospitals can easily meet the requirements of certain health funds, which mandate that manually submitted claims be in a single PDF file.   

The pop-up screen will appear, allowing users to select imported or scanned documents directly from the patient’s Documents Screen in FYDO for inclusion in the PDF. This simplifies the process of sending items like Type C Certificates.   

Pronouns Field 

FYDO now includes a new field on the Patient Screen for recording Pronouns. This field offers 3 main options in the dropdown menu, while also allowing users to free type and add individual Pronouns.  

This field also has a token, that allows the information to be populated on Lists, Labels, Quick Forms etc  

Chart Tracker 

Further improvements have been made to the Chart Tracker feature in FYDO, including a new function allows users to easily Return a Chart to a default location.  

This feature quickly updates the charts’ location based on the Default Location set in Settings > Chart Locations. 

User Edit Profile 

In line with our evolving sleek new look, the User Edit Profile page has also received a makeover.  

Calendar Year 

Even small improvements matter! We’ve reordering the year dropdown to help users more efficiently select the correct year. 

FYDO Hospital Update – 06/09/2024

Session Expiry Alert 

FYDO will now provide users an alert 2 minutes prior to their sessions expiring, based on the hospital’s individual System Configuration. This alert gives users the option to select Keep Alive to extend their session. If Keep Alive is not selected within the final 2 minutes, FYDO will automatically log out the user as per current protocol.  

OPV & IHI Fields 

Following wonderful feedback from our users, we have decided to swap the order of the Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) and the Online Patient Verification (OPV) fields for ease of use and functionality of the Patient Screen.  

Admission Screen  

The Rehab Status field, on the Admission Screen, has been renamed Program Status to better accommodate our diverse user base. Additionally, the option Middle has also been amended to Middle / Continuation.

Unbilled Revenue Report 

The Unbilled Revenue Report > Summary has been enhanced to show the predicted revenue for each Other Services (OS) Category.  

Cancelled Episodes Report 

Patient episodic Health Fund Details have now been added to the Cancelled Episodes > Excel – Raw Data Export Report.  

Doctors Insurance Field 

The Insurance field, on the Doctors details page, now includes pre-populated options for the most popular Insurance Companies. This field also allows free text entry, so additional companies can by typed in if required.   


All episode webhooks now include current ward and bed details. 

Bug Fix 

The issue that some users were experiencing with the FYDO Drag & Drop feature have now been rectified. 

FYDO Hospital Update – 29/08/2024

Episode Stats Additions

Following the implementation of the Open Access field for referrals, this information has now been included in the Episode Stats – Excel Raw Data Export.

Ready for Pick Up Field

The Ready for Discharge/Ward field, on the Theatre Screen, has been amended to accommodate an additional option. Users now have 2 fields that they can utilise for Ready for Ward and Ready for Pick Up.

Episode Stats Report

For improved fluency and ease of reading, the Health Fund details on the Episode Stats (Detail) Report will now be indicated by the Fund Code, instead of the full Health Fund name, which caused the episodes to span multiple lines

Claim Details

There are now tokens available to print the address information for the Bill To company & Other company in the Claim Details.

A full list of hospital tokens can be found at https://wiki.fydo.cloud/tokens-hospital/

Webhooks & API’s

We have included My Health Record (MHR) Individual Health Identifier (IHI) patient fields in the patient webhooks/APIs along with the MHR consent fields in episode webhooks/APIs.

Two Factor Authentication

Facilities that utilise Single Sign On (SSO) are now able to disable Two-Factor Authentication if desired.

FYDO Hospital Update – 22/08/2024

Bed Tracking – Handover Report

Additional options have been given to enhance the Print Handover feature in Bed Tracking. Users can now Exclude Empty Beds and print this report by Ward.

The patients Status, eg Booking, Admitted etc, can now be printed on the Handover Report using the token <<epistatus>>

Rehab Screen Improvements

The Rehab Screen is now available for Ambulatory Pathway 4, providing a streamlined solution for meeting AROC data extraction requirements.  

FYDO Hospital Update – 15/08/2024

Chart Tracking Capabilities

Our newly enhanced Chart Tracking feature now allows you to assign statuses such as Active, Inactive, Archived or Destroyed.  

Episode Stats Report

The Arrival Time, recorded when a patient is marked as ‘Arrived’, has been added to the Episode Stats Report > Excel – Raw Data Export.  

Podiatric Procedure Claim Default

Hospitals that facilitate Podiatric surgeries can now default all claims to Paperbase, reducing the number of ECLIPSE rejections.  
To do this, go to Settings > Doctors and select Podiatric in the Type field. 

By default, all claims for these doctors will be set to Paperbase when the invoice is raised. However, you can still manually amend this setting on a claim-by-claim basis when raising the invoice.  

Outstanding Debt Alert

Facilities can now set an alert to flag patients with significant outstanding balances when booking appointments. This feature can be configured in Settings > System Configuration by entering a value to the ‘Alert when making an appointment if money outstanding > than…..’ field. 

An alert will be displayed if the patient being selected for a booking has an outstanding balance that exceeds the specified amount.  

FYDO Hospital Update – 08/08/2024

Chart Tracking Capabilities

Phase 2 of this feature has now been implemented, allowing facilities to add their own personalised “Chart Locations”. To make tracking Medical Records easier, this information can be added under Settings > Chart Locations

A new User Group Access Level has also been added to allow or restrict the ability to add new Chart Locations.  

Handover / Bed Tracker Report

Hospitals are now able to generate a Handover List from the Bed Tracking to assist in hospital workflow. Whether you call it a Clinical Handover Sheet, Critical Handover Sheet, Bed Tracking Report, or something completely different, this template is accessible from the Bed Tracking screen by selecting Print Handover. Plus, it can be designed and customised to suit your hospital’s requirements, giving you the information that you need!

Unbilled Revenue API

Unbilled Revenue data can now be produced using the new FYDO API, as follows: 

Bug Fixes

  • Doctors Email Addresses can now be viewed again
  • Doctors Files can now be added again
  • The Expiry Date for Entitlement Cards is no longer a mandatory field

FYDO Hospital Update – 31/07/2024

Chart Tracking Capabilities

Facilities are now able to track charts with FYDOs new Chart Tracking tab.
Phase 2 of this feature will allow facilities to add “Locations”, for around their hospital, to list where the Medical Record currently is.

New Entitlement Card Fields

FYDO now has the capacity to list up to four Entitlement Cards. With the new feature button
+Add new entitlement card visible when editing the Patient Screen.

New tokens will need to be added to any forms that generate this information from FYDO. So please let us know if you have a form that requires amendment, and we can assist.

Occupation Field

A new field has been added to FYDO to document a patients Occupation for facilities that require the collection of that data.

Open Access Flag

Facilities will now be able to identify Open Access referrals, with the new tick box to allow this information to be documented on the Make/Edit Appointment Screen.
Phase 2 of this development will be to add this information to reports.

DRG Contract Additions

We have updated our billing engine rules, to cater for complex, long-stay, DRG contracts.

FYDO Hospital Update – 11/07/2024

New Menu Design

We’re thrilled to announce that our Main Menu has received a fresh, new look! While it remains as functional and easy-to-use as ever, we have enhanced the design to provide you with an even more enjoyable experience.

Additional Referring Doctor Fields

Users are now able to document additional Phone Numbers for the Referring Doctors, with the introduction of 2 new fields. These can be found in Settings > Referring Doctors.

FYDO Hospital Update – 04/07/2024 

Additions to the DRG Fee Set Up 

To assist with complex DRG Health Fund contracts, we have implemented additional fields to improve our simplified billing. There are now 3 steps down fields available for Long Stay ‘LS’ with ‘from’ and ‘to’ days. 

Additions to the Length of Stay Report 

The Length of Stay Report can now be generated based on Booking Time to Pre-Op Time

Additions to Mandatory Fields 

Gender has been added as a mandatory requirement for WA, VIC and TAS submission. If the ‘On admission, make patient fields mandatory’ feature is enabled in your System Configuration, a warning will pop up if this is missing from the patient screen on admission.  

New Webhook Fields Added 

Episode webhooks now have the PreAdmissionContacted and PostDischargeContacted fields with True or False values. 

Bug Fixes 

The issue some users were experiencing with amending the DVA Casebase Fee Set Up has been resolved.