FYDO Hospital Update 28/11/2022

ASA Score field added to Theatre Screen

FYDO now has the option to record the ASA Score to the Theatre Screen.

The statistics on the ASA Score can be obtained using the Episode Stats report & exporting it to Excel – Raw Data. This allows users to filter or order patients’ according to their ASA Score. (Currently in column BR)


Casebase Billing Rule Addition

To accommodate different types of health fund contracts the new billing rule allows items to be ordered by Casebase fee, Band then MBS Price.


Webhooks update

When assigning multiple items to an episode, a webhook will now be sent for each item assigned.

Bug Fixes

The issue that users encounter with the documents screen cutting off has now been rectified.

FYDO Hospital Update 21/11/2022

1st November Prostheses List Update Available

The latest edition of the Prosthesis List has been added to FYDO.


Band Mapping Feature Added

FYDO now allows facilities to allocate different bands to item numbers, other than that in the National Procedure Bandings List.
This will be beneficial when health fund contracts stipulate different bandings for certain item numbers.
This new feature has been added to Settings > Band Mappings.


Theatre Roster Report Additions

The Appointment Notes will now show on the Theatre Roster Report.


History Screen Right Click Menu

The option to select Quick Forms has been added to the right-click menu in the History/Episodes screen.
To use this function, right click anywhere on the episode line to display the available options.


Auto Confirm of Appointments with SMS replies

A new feature has been added to Auto Confirm appointments when a patient replies “Y” or “Yes” to an SMS that they have received.
These confirmations can be viewed in the Edit Appointment Screen. Or in the Appointments Screen by adding the confirmed column to a custom view.


Bug Fixes

The IHCP checker for QLD hospitals has been removed. This will assist in data extraction errors relating to Inter Hospital Contracted Patients’.

FYDO Hospital Update 14/11/2022

New Theatre Roster Report Improvements

Our new Theatre Roster Report is now able to be run for dates in the future.


Payment Summary Report Improvements

The Payment report, when run by Report Type Summary, will now group the transactions by their payment types.


Bug Fixes

The DRG error, that was occurring when running the grouper, has now been amended.

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-hospital/

FYDO Hospital Update 7/11/2022

Informed Financial Consent (IFC) printing multiple copies

When generating an IFC there is now the option to print multiple copies.


1st of November MBS & Procedure Bandings

Has been added to FYDO.


Cancer Registry addition for Victoria

The Cancer Registry has been added to the coding screen for facilities in Victoria.
You can now extract the Cancer Registry data as a file, ready for monthly submission.



FYDO Hospital Update – October 2022

Discharge Screen Enhancement

The cursor will now appear in the Discharge Time field when opening the Discharge Screen. This will enable users to simply type the discharge time without having to click in the field first.
Another addition to this field is a Double Click. When the user double clicks in the Discharge Time field the current time will be pre-populated. This will assist users that are discharging in real time.

Preview & Print Eligibility Checks in Bulk

This new feature allows users to easily preview all eligibility checks that have been performed. There is also the option to select multiple OEC’s & print them at once.
This feature can be found in Claiming > Processing & Payment Reports > Eligibility Checks Tab. A list of the OEC’s performed will be shown on the left & a preview will be shown on the right. Individual OEC’s can be downloaded or printed from this preview screen. Alternatively, use the tick boxes on the left to select any number of OEC’s to print at once. Then use the Select dropdown box & click Print PDF or Print Excel to generate a document that includes all selected OEC’s.


Arrears Interactive Report Additions

The option to Right-Click on a line in the Arrears Report, when in Interactive View, has been added. This allows the user to easily navigate to the History Screen for the episode selected. The Interactive view can also be exported to Excel – Raw Data.

New Permission Level – Editing Charges When Invoicing

You can now restrict a user groups’ ability to edit charges while billing, by switching the Create Invoice – Edit charges function to OFF, under the User Groups Permissions screen.

Session Information Displaying in Appointments Screen

Hovering over the theatre name will now enable users to view:

  • Session Times
  • Doctors Name
  • Anaesthetists Name
  • Number of Day Patients
  • Number of Inpatients

Adjust Invoice now opens in a separate tab

When selecting Invoice Options > Adjust Invoice, in the History/Episodes screen, the screen will now open in a new tab. This will enable users to simply close the tab, after performing the adjustment, to return to the screen they were working on.

New Uncoded Filter

There is now the option to view Uncoded episodes in the Appointments Screen by using the Filter dropdown & selecting Uncoded.

Payments Report Addition

The Admission Date has been added to the Payments Report.

Data Extract Improvements

The Period column will now correctly sort files in date order.
The button, that was previously displayed as Submit, has been re-named to Prepare Extract & re-located to assist users in the process of getting the data ready to extract.

Addition of a New Billing Rule

This new billing rule allows the combination of casebase and theatre banding fees, where secondary items do not have a casebase fee. Untick this feature if the health fund contract does not allow theatre bandings to be charged for subsequent item numbers.

Raising a ticket for support

When raising a ticket for FYDO support the user will now receive the information in an email notification as well. This will assist users in being able to see the tickets that they have raised.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with the MRN search, from the Appointments Screen, has now been rectified.
  • The problem with the Bulk Print feature in Processing and Payments Reports > Payments has been fixed & multiple payments can be printed together again.


FYDO Hospital Update 22/07/2022

Mandatory Admission Fields

We have upgraded the admission screen that will now enforce mandatory fields to be entered in the patient screen to enable the user to move forward to the admission screen. Below is the prompt warning that will alert a user to go back and update those fields, if the user selected the green “Go to patient screen” button they will be able to add the appropriate details immediately.

To turn on this feature the administrator will be required to do so through the system configuration in settings. Highlight below is the checkbox required to be ticked.

Monthly Activity Report

For overnight facilities, we have now introduced a “Monthly Activity Report”. This is similar to the report used in Simday to obtain monthly activity figures and can be found in the reports menu under the “Reports – Hospital” tab as highlighted below.

FYDO Hospital Bug Fixes 15/07/2022

  • Users were experiencing an issue on the coding screen where the copy previous coding option would disappear after going into the EMR function. This bug has been fixed and users will now still be able to use the copy previous coding function after entering the EMR function.

FYDO Hospital Update 15/07/2022

24-Hour Time

The Edit Episode/Appointment screen now displays all times in 24-hour time. This will be reflected if the users have toggled 24-hour time to be displayed in the Settings screen.


Positioned Time

The Theatre screen now has an additional time, called Positioned Time, which is an optional time. This time is for recording the time the patient was positioned correctly for surgery. This would be of more importance to Orthopaedic surgery where it can take considerable time to position the patient correctly.


Bell Animation

We have removed the animation of the bell for patient alerts on both the appointment list and the patient demographic pages. We hope this will allow our users to no longer feel motion sickness when viewing alerts!



Contact Details

The patient demographics page has been updated in the contact person details. When a user selects the option to “Copy Patient Details” when entering a NOK/Emergency Contact, FYDO will now default copy to patients mailing address instead of residential.



Bug Fixes

  • Users were experiencing an issue on the coding screen where the copy previous coding option would disappear after going into the EMR function. This bug has been fixed and users will now still be able to use the copy previous coding function after entering the EMR function.
  • The appointment screen has now been updated to include an option of entering “Bed Notes” for overnight/inpatient bookings. This will allow the user to enter any notes relevant to the patient’s overnight stay/nursing staff to update notes for handover.

FYDO Hospital Update 02/06/2022

Financial Notes – Next Follow Up

This week’s update has include a super helpful follow up tool for debt collection. To access this new feature, when you are in the patients episode/history screen, select “Financial Notes” in the bottom left note section, and it will now bring up an empty date field.

Once entering a date into this field when completing your financial follow ups, it will flow through into our new interactive reporting detailed in this update (see below). Users will be able to filter their arrears report based off this next follow up date. This will make it user-friendly in following up outstanding debts in a timely manner.


Interactive Arrears Report – Phase 1

We are improving the way our users can utilize FYDO’s reporting functions and have released phase 1 of our interactive reporting. We have started with the arears report. There is now an option under Reports Types called “Interactive.”

When interactive mode is selected, users will be able to view their outstanding debt (arrears), defined down to patient specifics.

When entering a next follow up date on the patient episode screen, this report will now enable a user to filter their arrears report by next follow up. The options will include: all, date not set, future, today, as well as today and overdue. When selecting today and overdue for example, it will show the user any invoice that is due or overdue based on the Next Follow Up date..

This is just phase 1 of this interactive report, we plan to add a right click menu that will allow you to go to the patient screen, the history screen etc. However we wanted to release phase 1 and wait for further feedback and then work on phase 2.


QLD Hospitals ONLY: Changes to the admission state specific data

Our QLD Facilities will notice that an additional 5 drop down menus have been added to the admission screen. This is to allow for QLD Mental Health sites to submit data to QLD as an updated prerequisite for reporting. The 5 highlighted drop down options below only apply to mental health sites and can be ignored by all other sites.

FYDO Hospital Update 24/05/2022

New Check Boxes

FYDO has been updated to include a new check box functions to make completing your OEC and pre-admissions tasks easier to view. On the Edit Appointment screen, underneath the “other notes” free text box, there are now four check box options: OEC Received, OEC Checked, Admission Form Received, and Chart Ready. When these actions take place, users can manually check the box which will correspond to a green tick on the appointment screen, these will also be recorded in the audit trail.

Please keep in mind these green ticks do not naturally show on your default Appointment layout. You will need to create a custom view and add these green ticks if you wish to see them.

Theatre Roster Monthly Views

FYDO Theatre Roster Monthly view has now been updated to show the number of patients booked for each session showing on the main screen without having to click into each session.

24hr Time

Users can now select to view their Appointments in 24hr time. To do this, the user simply needs to go to settings > System Configuration > Appointment Display Time and select 24hour time.

If you do not have permission to make these changes you will need to speak to someone within your organisation that does have access.

Default View Update

FYDO has rolled out a fantastic new and useful tool on the main appointments screen where you can now create your own relevant customised appointment screen. Once you have tailored your appointment screen to include all columns suitable to your needs, simply save this view and it will be visible to all staff at your site. You can also favourite this view by selecting the heart icon which will make FYDO default to this view when opening the appointment screen.