Discharge Screen Enhancement
The cursor will now appear in the Discharge Time field when opening the Discharge Screen. This will enable users to simply type the discharge time without having to click in the field first.
Another addition to this field is a Double Click. When the user double clicks in the Discharge Time field the current time will be pre-populated. This will assist users that are discharging in real time.
Preview & Print Eligibility Checks in Bulk
This new feature allows users to easily preview all eligibility checks that have been performed. There is also the option to select multiple OEC’s & print them at once.
This feature can be found in Claiming > Processing & Payment Reports > Eligibility Checks Tab. A list of the OEC’s performed will be shown on the left & a preview will be shown on the right. Individual OEC’s can be downloaded or printed from this preview screen. Alternatively, use the tick boxes on the left to select any number of OEC’s to print at once. Then use the Select dropdown box & click Print PDF or Print Excel to generate a document that includes all selected OEC’s.
Arrears Interactive Report Additions
The option to Right-Click on a line in the Arrears Report, when in Interactive View, has been added. This allows the user to easily navigate to the History Screen for the episode selected. The Interactive view can also be exported to Excel – Raw Data.
New Permission Level – Editing Charges When Invoicing
You can now restrict a user groups’ ability to edit charges while billing, by switching the Create Invoice – Edit charges function to OFF, under the User Groups Permissions screen.
Session Information Displaying in Appointments Screen
Hovering over the theatre name will now enable users to view:
- Session Times
- Doctors Name
- Anaesthetists Name
- Number of Day Patients
- Number of Inpatients
Adjust Invoice now opens in a separate tab
When selecting Invoice Options > Adjust Invoice, in the History/Episodes screen, the screen will now open in a new tab. This will enable users to simply close the tab, after performing the adjustment, to return to the screen they were working on.
New Uncoded Filter
There is now the option to view Uncoded episodes in the Appointments Screen by using the Filter dropdown & selecting Uncoded.
Payments Report Addition
The Admission Date has been added to the Payments Report.
Data Extract Improvements
The Period column will now correctly sort files in date order.
The button, that was previously displayed as Submit, has been re-named to Prepare Extract & re-located to assist users in the process of getting the data ready to extract.
Addition of a New Billing Rule
This new billing rule allows the combination of casebase and theatre banding fees, where secondary items do not have a casebase fee. Untick this feature if the health fund contract does not allow theatre bandings to be charged for subsequent item numbers.
Raising a ticket for support
When raising a ticket for FYDO support the user will now receive the information in an email notification as well. This will assist users in being able to see the tickets that they have raised.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with the MRN search, from the Appointments Screen, has now been rectified.
- The problem with the Bulk Print feature in Processing and Payments Reports > Payments has been fixed & multiple payments can be printed together again.