FYDO Hospital Update – 31/07/2024

Chart Tracking Capabilities

Facilities are now able to track charts with FYDOs new Chart Tracking tab.
Phase 2 of this feature will allow facilities to add “Locations”, for around their hospital, to list where the Medical Record currently is.

New Entitlement Card Fields

FYDO now has the capacity to list up to four Entitlement Cards. With the new feature button
+Add new entitlement card visible when editing the Patient Screen.

New tokens will need to be added to any forms that generate this information from FYDO. So please let us know if you have a form that requires amendment, and we can assist.

Occupation Field

A new field has been added to FYDO to document a patients Occupation for facilities that require the collection of that data.

Open Access Flag

Facilities will now be able to identify Open Access referrals, with the new tick box to allow this information to be documented on the Make/Edit Appointment Screen.
Phase 2 of this development will be to add this information to reports.

DRG Contract Additions

We have updated our billing engine rules, to cater for complex, long-stay, DRG contracts.

FYDO Hospital Update – 11/07/2024

New Menu Design

We’re thrilled to announce that our Main Menu has received a fresh, new look! While it remains as functional and easy-to-use as ever, we have enhanced the design to provide you with an even more enjoyable experience.

Additional Referring Doctor Fields

Users are now able to document additional Phone Numbers for the Referring Doctors, with the introduction of 2 new fields. These can be found in Settings > Referring Doctors.

FYDO Hospital Update – 04/07/2024 

Additions to the DRG Fee Set Up 

To assist with complex DRG Health Fund contracts, we have implemented additional fields to improve our simplified billing. There are now 3 steps down fields available for Long Stay ‘LS’ with ‘from’ and ‘to’ days. 

Additions to the Length of Stay Report 

The Length of Stay Report can now be generated based on Booking Time to Pre-Op Time

Additions to Mandatory Fields 

Gender has been added as a mandatory requirement for WA, VIC and TAS submission. If the ‘On admission, make patient fields mandatory’ feature is enabled in your System Configuration, a warning will pop up if this is missing from the patient screen on admission.  

New Webhook Fields Added 

Episode webhooks now have the PreAdmissionContacted and PostDischargeContacted fields with True or False values. 

Bug Fixes 

The issue some users were experiencing with amending the DVA Casebase Fee Set Up has been resolved. 

FYDO Hospital Update – 27/06/2024

1st July National Procedure Banding Update 

By the 1st of July, the National Procedure Bandings update will be loaded into FYDO. All new items will be added, along with any amendments to the National Banding. 

 1st July Prescribed List / Prostheses Update 

By the 1st of July, the Other Services update will be loaded into FYDO. All new items will be added, and all fees amended.

Additions to the Unbilled Revenue Report 

To further enhance the Unbilled Revenue Report, facilities will now be able to view the Admitting Doctor, Doctor Speciality, and Coding Status of each episode. The Provisional DRG feature in the Edit Appointment screen can now be utilised for inpatients with DRG-based health fund contracts to generate more accurate revenue predictions. 

New Fields added to Theatre Roster API

The getTheatreScheduleSyncList API has been updated to include additional fields from the theatre roster. These new fields are: 

  • “ReasonForDelayedStart”: “” 
  • “ReasonForDelayedStartDesc”: “”
  • “ReasonForDelayedFinish”: “” 
  • “ReasonForDelayedFinishDesc”: “” 


FYDO Hospital Update – 20/06/2024

Religion added to Patient Screen

Facilities are now able to document a patients Religion in the Patient Screen.

Practice Enhancements

Facilities are now able to easily print address labels for Practices from Settings > Practices.
The Practice Email Address can now also be documented.

FYDO Hospital Update – 13/06/2024

Informed Financial Consent (IFC) Tokens

Facilities are now able to add the File Number and Doctors Contact Phone Number to their IFC templates.

  1. File Number <<IFCFileNum>>
    This information is populated from the Patient Screen field called File Number

2. Doctors Contact Phone Number <<IFCDocPh>>
This information is found in Settings > Doctors for each individual Doctor

An example of these new tokens on an IFC are as below:

Revenue Report

The Number of Nights has been added to the Revenue Report > Excel – Raw Data Export.

Billing Status Report > Show Not Billed Only

Users will now be able to efficiently access the Certificates Screen from the Billing Status Report > Show Not Billed Only Report using the Right-Click Menu.

Patient Stats Report

If a user tries to run the Patient Stats Report for any data that falls outside the restrictions assigned to them, in Settings > User, they will now be shown a pop up of the categories they do have access to.


FYDO now has the ability to provide multiple API Keys, eliminating the need for third parties to share keys. Each API Key now includes a user field where facilities can label the user of each key. This enhancement improves control over disabling third party access and quickly identifies those that possess a key.

FYDO Hospital Update – 30/05/2024

Preadmit Form – Manual Link Enhancements

For Preadmit forms that are not automatically linked, FYDO now makes it easier to check for possible matches in the database.

The Link Patient feature will now open the search box with the Date of Birth from the Preadmit Form already populated and searching for possible matches.  

If no matches are found, you can simply click the Patient search option to populate the search with the Name from the Preadmit Form.

New User Group Access Level

There is a new access level that allows facility to restrict users from Creating Custom Views for the Appointments Screen. All users will still have access to utilise the Custom Views that have been created for the facility and will be able to choose their default preference.

FYDO Hospital Update – 24/05/2024

SSO – Single Sign On 

FYDO now gives users, and facilities, the option to utilise Single Sign On (SSO). Please click on the link below to view our wiki page for more information on this feature.  

Single Sign On with FYDO

New Interactive Reports 

We have added to our Interactive Reports collection with new additions to the: 

  • Incomplete > Uncoded Episodes Report 
  • Incomplete > Ungrouped Episodes Report 

These reports have been fitted out with the famous FYDO Right-Click menu, to allow users to easily and efficiently complete tasks at hand. With essential information being displayed, and columns that can be sorted this report will assist in efficiently and workflow improvements for facilities.  

Removing Episodes – New Permission Level 

A new permission level that allows facilities to restrict the ability to Remove Episodes from FYDO. Since this function was previously available to all users, it will be defaulted too ON. Facilities wishing to restrict this functionality from certain User Groups will need to change the setting to OFF.  

Rename Maiden Name field to Previous Name 

To enhance the usability of the Maiden Name field, we have now renamed it to Previous Name. This change will be reflected across all screens in FYDO.  

New Colour Coding Option for Pre-Op 

Facilities, that utilise the Status View in the Appointments Screen, are now able to set a colour for when patients enter Pre-Op. This colour will be triggered as soon as a time is added to the Pre-Op field on the Theatre Screen.  

New Check List Options Added 

There are now two new Check List Options added for facilities to utilise to assist in workflow and the completion of tasks.  

  • Pre-Admission Contacted 
  • Post-Discharge Contacted 

These options are accessible from the Right-Click Menu > Checklist or from the Edit Appointment Screen

Bug Fix 

A couple issues, affecting the new theatre time checkers, have been resolved.  

FYDO Hospital Update – 17/05/2024

New Hyperlink for Theatre Rosters 

This time-saving feature will make updating Theatre Rosters a breeze! With a Hyperlink added to the time, users can now click on the session times, and a new window will open, allowing them to easily amend the roster. Simply close the tab once finished, ensuring you don’t lose the day you are working on in the Appointments Screen!  
Need to change the Anaesthetist for the session? Just click on the hyperlink!  
Need to add Notes or Theatre Staff to the Theatre Booking? Just click on the hyperlink! 

Patient Screen Amendments 

Following the launch of our New Patient Screen, we received some wonderful feedback that has helped us enhance it even further: 

  • In View Mode, each field is outlined. 
  • In Edit Mode, each field is both outlined and shaded. 
  • In Edit Mode, the selected field is indicated with a blue outline.  

Episodes Screen – Audit Amendments 

Based on the feedback received following the redesign of the Episode Screen, the Audit Log information will now be collapsed by default when the page is opened to ensure the screen is as visually pleasing as possible. Users can still view all audit information by simply clicking the arrow to the right of the field. 

Theatre Screen – Additional Features 

Specific times in the Theatre Screen can now be made mandatory! New settings have been added to ensure the required data is ALWAYS entered once the Theatre Complete tick box is marked. These settings can be controlled in System Configuration and amended by anyone within the facility with the necessary access level.  

These settings allow facilities to Hide Positioned Time if it is not a required field for their specialties and make any combination of times mandatory. For instance, since Time in Theatre and Time Out of Theatre are required for billing, facilities can select these options to ensure these times are always entered.  

The trigger for these times being required is the marking of the Theatre Complete tick box. Users will not be able to save the information on the Theatre Screen if any of the required fields are missing.  

Theatre Screen – Checkers 

A number of checkers have been implemented to help ensure times are entered in the correct sequence on the Theatre Screen. These alerts will pop up immediately when an incorrect time is entered. For instance, if a Pre-Op Time is entered that is EARLIER THAN the Admission Time, FYDO will alert the users with an Invalid pop-up.

Another example is if the Procedure Finish Time is EARLIER THAN the Procedure Start Time.  

Theatre Screen – New Field Added 

A new field has been added to allow facilities to record the Surgical Time Out time.  

Theatre Screen – Add New Nurse 

Users can now easily and efficiently add a new nurse to the Nurse List from the Theatre Screen. By opening the Nurse List dropdown, users will see the option to Add Nurse. This feature can only be utilised by staff members with the required access levels to amend the Nurse List in Settings.  

Episode Notes – Audit Log 

An Audit Log is now available for any amendments made to the Episode Notes

Manually Linking Preadmit Forms 

When manually linking a Preadmit form, users must now ensure the patient’s Date of Birth on the form matches the Date of Birth in FYDO. This is in addition to the existing checks for the First Name and Surname, which helps prevent paperwork from being accidentally allocated to the incorrect patient.  

Theatre Roster – Added Features 

Any Surgical Assistant or Other Surgical Assistant entered into a Theatre Booking will now be automatically populated into any new episodes booked within that roster. They will also be updated for all linked bookings (except cancelled, admitted, or discharged episodes), making it easy for staff to update these fields for a whole list of patients in one simple step! 

Bug Fix 

An issue that was affecting the ordering of the Payments (Hospital) Report has now been resolved.  

FYDO Hospital Update – 09/05/2024

Next of Kin and Emergency Contact Details

Facilities are now able ensure that the Next of Kin and Emergency Contact details are entered prior to admission. This option can be amended in Settings > System Configuration by checking the tick boxes called: 

  • On admission, make Next of Kin mandatory 
  • On admission, make Emergency Contact mandatory 

If one of these options is selected, a pop-up will alert the user to the specific information that needs to be completed when they attempt to admit the episode.  

New Billing Rule 

A new billing rule has been added in Fees Setup > Other Settings to accommodate certain contract types. This rule is utilised when Per Diem billing is necessary for the primary item number, but subsequent items have associated Procedure Fees. Selecting this tick box will ensure that all subsequent items only incur Theatre Band Fees.  

Defence Health Endoscopy ECLIPSE Claiming 

Defence Health have amended the way they require multi-item endoscopy procedures to be transmitted via ECLIPSE. FYDO has now been updated to accommodate these claims and ensure correct payment is processed by the fund.  

Type C and Type B Accommodation Billing Rule 

An amendment has been made to the application of the Accommodation Band when billing Type C and Type B item number together. If the Type C item number attracts a higher band, it will still be considered the primary procedure. However, if a subsequent procedure is a Type B item, the Type C Accommodation Band will no longer apply. Instead, FYDO will recognise the appropriate accommodation band based on the Type B item number, anaesthetic type, and time in theatre.  

Bug Fix 

The issue that some facilities were having with their Print List has now been resolved.