FYDO Hospital Update – 5/10/2023

New Log for Deleted Theatre Rosters

There is a new log in Settings > Logs that shows when a Theatre Roster has been deleted, who deleted the roster & when.


Nursing Staff & Assistants can automatically populate in the Theatre Screen!

This wonderful new feature will reduce repetative data entry to greatly improve efficiency!

The Nurses & Assistants, listed in the Theatre Roster, will now populate into the Theatre Screen for any linked episodes as they are Admitted.
To utilise this new feature, add the known theatre staff into the Theatre Roster prior to admissions commencing.

As each patient is then admitted, the information in these fields is used to populate the Theatre Screen.

Staff will then only need to amend a small number of episodes when they complete the Theatre Screen, after the theatre visit has been complete, as the majority of the fields will be populated for them already.

Amendments to the Documents Screen

For ease of identifying which Episode a document relates to, the User will now be able to see the Admission Date (instead of the admission number) on the documents screen.


New Permission Levels

The access level that was listed as Edit Episode Transactions, which allowed users to delete and reverse transactions/invoices, has been amended into two separate access levels.
This allows facilities to give users access to one of these functions & not the other if it is required.
The settings for the new options, in each User Group, will be the same as was set for the old access level shown below.
Facilities will then be able to amend each one as required in Settings > User Groups

2 Step Authenticator App Additions

FYDO requires all users to complete the 2 Step Authentication process, however they are given the option to use SMS, Email or an App to complete this verification.
Facilities are now able to require users to utilise an Authenticator App to complete the Two Step Authentication Process. 
The Authenticator App is the most reliable & secure option for 2 Step Verification & facilities are able to enforce the use of this in Settings > System Configuration. 

Changes to DRG Fee Setup

Facilities will no longer be required to enter Short Stay or Long Stay Trims & Fees if it isn’t stipulated in their contract.

Additions to the Casebase Fee Setup

Facilities will now be able to add Outlier Days and Outlier Rates to their Casebase fees if their Health Fund Contract requires it.

Theatre Roster Additions

Facilities will soon be given the ability to add reasons for Theatre Roster cancellations & delays to assist in obtaining statistical & utilisation data.
In preparation for this new functionality we have allowed facilities to add customisable reasons for the below fields:
– Cancelled Reasons (Theatre Roster)
– Theatre Reasons for Delayed Finish
– Theatre Reasons for Delayed Start

Adding reasons to these 3 fields in Settings now will ensure that your facility can utilise this new function as soon as it is implemented in a future update!

Bug Fix

The issue that some  users were experiencing with previous Cancer Registry entries not displaying has been resolved.

FYDO Hospital Update – 28/09/2023

New Patient Address Logs

Any amendments to a patients address, suburb, state or postcode will now be documented in the Logs that can be found in Settings.


Bug Fix

The issue that some users experienced when exporting the reports to Excel – Raw Data has now been resolved.

FYDO Hospital Update – 21/09/2023

Additional EMR shortcuts

Users will now be able to access the EMR shortcut from the Theatre Screen and from the Episodes Screen > Right Click Menu.
This will enable users to access the EMR more efficiently no matter what task they are undertaking.


Additional Wristband Option

Facilities are now able to link 2 different Wristband printers to FYDO to accommodate the printing of Alert Wristbands and General Wristbands.

Inv Hold field on Theatre Screen

The Inv Hold field has been added to the Theatre Screen to allow users to put an invoice on hold more efficiently from there if needed. This is the same field that is already on the Edit Appointment Screen and information populated in one screen will be displayed in the other screen.

The Inv Hold reasons are completely customisable to suit the needs of each facility & can be added in Settings > Invoice Hold Reasons.


Theatre On Hold field on Theatre Screen

A new field has been added to the Theatre Screen to allow users to allocate a reason if the Theatre Complete box is unable to be ticked.

Facilities are able to customise the Theatre On Hold reasons in their own database to suit their needs in Settings > Theatre Hold Reasons.

This new feature will allow users to easily identify what still need to be done in order to be able to tick the Theatre Complete box & invoice the episode.

The Billing Status Report run for the Report Type > Show not billed only will then display this reason for ease of identification.

There will be a new permission level to give users the ability to add Theatre Hold Reasons. As this is a new feature it will be set to Deny for all users by default & will need to be amended for the relevant User Groups.


New My Health Record (MHR) Permission Levels

In preparation for the introductions of the FYDO/MHR integration there has been new permission levels added.
These levels will eventually enable users to Upload to MHR and then there is a separate permission level to allow users to Remove from MHR.
Currently these permission levels will not have any impact on the user or FYDO however facilities are able to give access to these functions now in order to prepare for the implementation of the MHR integration.
As these are new permission levels they will be set to OFF by default & will need to be turned ON for relevant staff.


Bug Fixes

  • The issues that some facilities were experiencing regarding VAED data extracts for overnight patients has been resolved.
  • The issue that some users experienced when using the new Proc List default fields feature, to add Other Services, has been rectified.
  • The issue that some users experienced with Reports > End of Day Banking has been fixed.

FYDO Hospital Update – 14/09/2023

Procedure List Update

The long-anticipated addition to the Proc Notes field in the Edit Appointments screen has now been implemented & facilities can add default settings to their Procedures list to maximise efficiency when booking appointments. Please see our newsletter from Tuesday for more information:
Procedures List Update Newsletter

Appointments Screen Custom View Additions

Users will now be able to create custom views that display information regarding Certificates for the episode. One option is to display a green tick once a certificate has been entered for the episode. The second option is to display the text that has been entered for the certificate. This new option will allow users to easily identify if the certificate has been entered prior to transmitting the claim via ECLIPSE.

Users also now able to display the patients Preferred Name on the Appointment Screen.


Patient Name Hover Additions

When users hover over the patient’s name they will now be able to see the patients Preferred Name & their Maiden Name.


New logs for Preadmit Holding Bay

Additional logs have been added to show if patient information has been updated by Preadmit paperwork being Automatically Linked or Manually Linked by a user.
Updates made to the patients’ screen by Preadmit will also now be recorded in the logs.


New Permission Level

Users can now be prohibited from amending fees while creating an IFC.
This permission level works in conjunction with the already available option called Create Invoice – Edit Charges that enables a user to edit fees when creating an invoice.

FYDO Hospital Newsletter – 12/09/2023

Procedure List Update

Following the exciting announcement in our Hospital Update Newsletter on the 19th of July 2023 (FYDO Hospital Update – 19.07.2023), regarding the new Procedure List features, we are pleased to announce that Phase 2 will be implemented into FYDO this week which will result in it being fully functional.

The new feature allows facilities to pre-set default fields for any item in their Proc Notes list. This will result in certain fields automatically populating when that particular procedure is selected. Reducing repetitive data entry, when adding appointments, resulting in a much more efficient process for users.

Facilities can prepare for this new update by adding defaults into FYDO now!
Procedure List defaults can be added in Settings > Procedures by either double clicking on an existing entry or utilising the “Add Procedure” option to make a new entry.

Fields that can be defaulted are:

  • Anaesthetic Type
  • Appointment Minutes
  • Item Numbers
  • Other Services

There is no requirement to add these defaults. Facilities that choose not to utilise this feature will notice no change in the way that the appointments screen functions. There is also no requirement to add ALL defaults and FYDO will allow users to add only the defaults that they wish.

However, to ensure that this feature doesn’t negatively impact customers that choose NOT TO use it, we need to make you aware of exactly how it will work:

  • Procedures WITH default fields set in ALL options will populate all relevant fields
  • Procedures WITH default fields set in SOME options will populate only the fields with defaults & other fields will still need to be added manually
  • Procedures WITHOUT default fields set will not populate any fields & all information will need to be added manually
  • Fields can be amended after the default has been added however if another option from Proc Notes is selected, after the amendment is made, the field will be reverted to the set default
  • If a user selects an option from Proc Notes that DOES have defaults set but then makes an amendment to another option, that DOESN’T have defaults set, FYDO WILL NOT remove any options added by the first selection. The user will need to manually remove any items that are no longer required. This has been done deliberately to ensure that items are not inadvertently removed for our facilities that do not wish to utilise this feature.


Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions regarding

FYDO Hospital Update – 5/9/2023

Health Fund Codes can now be edited

Users are now able to edit the Fund Code for existing health funds.
This will assist in ensuring all fund codes are correct for ECLIPSE transmissions & enable them to be amended should they ever change. Users will be given an alert if the code they are entering already exists in their database.

Added Health Fund Audit Logs

Any changes made to Health Fund Details in Settings > Health Funds will now be listed in the audit logs.

FYDO Hospital Update – 14/08/2023

New GST Report

There has been a new GST Report added to FYDO that allows users to easily run GST reports on a Cash Basis or an Accrual Basis for any selected timeframe.



New Audit Logs

There are now additional audit logs available in FYDO for the updating of certain patient detail fields.
The logs can be accessed by using the More Actions drop down at the top of the patient screen & clicking on Audit Logs.

This will open the FYDO Logs page & display amendments that have been made to the selected patient.

The Logs page now also allows users to search for MRNs or Text information as highlighted above.


Bug Fix

The issue that affected all database templates, documents & groupers has been resolved.

FYDO Hospital Update – 3/8/2023

Added ability to enter a Certificate for booked episodes

Currently FYDO only allows certificates to be entered for admitted episodes. However, users will now be able to add the certificate information into the booking/episode as soon as it has been made.


New contract start & end date for each Overnight Accommodation Category

To accommodate the function of some health fund contracts, FYDO now gives the ability to add a different Start of Current Fee Date along with a different End of Current Fee Date for each Overnight Accommodation Type.
These start & end dates are not linked with the main contract dates, enabling them to be different if required.

Data Extracts – 1st July 2023 edits for South Australia and Victoria updated

This year only SA and VIC had edits to their Data Extract file formats. These changes have now been implemented.

FYDO Hospital Update – 28/07/2023

History Renamed

The History option, in all right click menus, has been renamed to Episodes across FYDO to reflect the title of the page that this link opens up & to ensure uniformity. Users will now find the link called Episodes in all right click options & this will take them to the same Episodes page that they have always progressed to by using this link, that was previously named History.

New Gender Field will now feed from Preadmit to FYDO

The new Gender Field, that has recently been added to FYDO to accommodate Data Extractions for certain states, is now able to be sent from patients’ Online Preadmit Forms into FYDO.
If you require the new field to be added to your preadmit form, & in turn automatically populated into FYDO, please raise a ticket with us & advise where the new question will be asked on your admission forms.


ASA Score – Additional Options Available

Two new options have been added to the ASA Score dropdown in the Theatre Screen. Users are now able to choose and ASA score of 6 & E.
This field remains optional & only needs to be completed if it complements the workflow & data collation requirements of the facility.


Facility Minor ID added to the Support Information

Users will now be able to easily identify their Minor ID by hovering over the Support icon in the FYDO main menu.
This ID may assist in easily identifying your facility when you call FYDO for support.


New features added to the Documents Screen

Users are now able to filter the Documents Screen according to the Admission Number that it is linked to.

We have also made it easier to ensure documents are linked to the relevant Admission Number by allowing users the option to assign an admission number to each document as it is imported or scanned.


Unblock User Permission – Relocated

The permission setting that allows the ability to Unblock a user, after they have entered their password incorrectly too many times, has been relocated to ensure it is easier to find.
This setting is now found by navigating to Settings > User Groups & selecting the user group that you wish to allow this ability to.
This function will be automatically set to OFF & will need to be assigned to the user groups that require to be able to perform this function.


Condition Onset Indicator Added to Episode Stats Report – Raw Data

The Condition Onset Flag, that is entered at the time of coding, has been added to the Episode Stats Report Excel Export – Raw Data.

Bug Fixes

  • The issue that some users experienced where the adjustments/journals quantity column was reflecting incorrect information has been rectified & this column will now show blank for adjustments, as it does for deposits & payments.
  • The issue that some users experienced where the Other Services quantity was showing incorrectly has been rectified.

FYDO Hospital Update – 19/07/2023

New Feature added to Procedure List / Procedure Notes

Phase 1

FYDO Users are now able to add default settings to each item in the Procedures List. This exciting new feature will eventually mean that when a certain procedure is added to an appointment, the following fields can be populated automatically!

  • Anaesthetic Type
  • Appointment Length
  • Item Numbers
  • Other Services Codes

This wonderful new feature will improve efficiency & reduce repetitive data entry as users will not need to add as much information to the appointments manually for predictable procedures.
As this is only Phase 1, the fields have been added to the Settings > Procedures so that facilities have time to add the required options into their list.
However, the function won’t be implemented into the appointments screen until a future update.

So keep an eye on these newsletters for when Phase 2 is added!



New option in Overnight Accommodation Fees

There has been an additional tick box incorporated into the Overnight Accommodation Fees that allows facilities to Exclude Private Room add on.

This function will be required if a facility IS allowed to charge a Private Room Addon for most of their accommodation types & have therefore ticked the Add Private Room Line on the Invoice (overnight only) in the Other Settings tab.

The new tick box allows for the Add Private Room Line on the Invoice (overnight only) to be counteracted for certain accommodation types if required. Essentially turning the feature off & allowing the accommodation type to function without a private room add on.


Added fields to the Print List Raw Data Extract

There have been additional fields added to the Print List > Export to Raw Data

New patient fields include:

  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Health Fund Details
  • Health Fund Number
  • Pension Number