FYDO Hospital Update – 27/02/2023

Bulk SMS amendments

When sending bulk SMSs the screen will now default to All appointments. This will assist in sending additional bulk SMSs to patients’ after they have already received an SMS & replied to it.


New Billing Rule for Overnight Facilities

Facilities are now able to select how an inpatient episode is billed if it crosses over the contract threshold date.
Options that are available are:

  • Admission – bill the whole episode as per the contracted fees on the admission date
  • Discharge – bill the whole episode as per the contracted fees on the discharge date
  • As Is which will bill the old contracted fees before the threshold date & then revert to the current contracted fees after the threshold date.


Reports Favourites Feature

The ability to choose favourite reports is now available on a user level. This will enable each user to select the reports, that are most useful to them, to be displayed when they hover over the Reports icon
Reports can be added to the users short-list by clicking the star to the left of the desired report.
The complete list of reports will still be available for all users by simply clicking on the Reports icon, as opposed to just hovering over it.


Bug Fix

The issue that was occurring that prohibited some reports to be marked as a favourite has now been rectified.

FYDO Hospital Update – 20/2/2023

Preadmit Additional Feature

FYDO can now import the Emergency Contact & Pick Up Person from Preadmit.
If the patients are asked to provide these details when they complete their online admission form, through Preadmit, we are now able to update these details in FYDO.
Please contact us if your facility would like to utilise this feature.


New Referral Date Feature

FYDO now has the ability to allow facilities the choice of either requiring a referral date or allowing staff to enter the referring doctor without a referral date being necessary.
This feature can be activated by selecting Allow referral to be entered without a referral date/period in the Settings > System Configuration menu.


New ‘End of Current Fees’ feature

There is a new field that facilities can utilise in the Fees Setup. It allows for the End of Current Fees date to be entered. The next step we will undertake, in developing this feature, is to alert the user if they are trying to bill an episode that falls after the end date of the current fees. The implementation of the next development stage is expected to be in the next few weeks.


New ‘Estimated Recovery Time’ feature

The Estimated Recovery Time can now be added to print list templates. This time calculates by adding the Length of the Booking to the Booking time.
Therefore, Booking Time + Length of Booking = Estimated Recovery Time.

Theatre lists can then be generated in order of this Estimated Recovery Time using Order of List. This list will be beneficial as a Recovery List to enable recovery to see the patients’ order as they are expected out of theatre.

FYDO Hospital Update – 13/2/23

Printing Fees

FYDO now offers users the ability to print out health fund or contracted fees. This can be done by going to Settings > Fee Setup and selecting the Print option in the top right corner. The option to print the current fees or the old fees are both available.


Length of Stay Report Additions

The Length of Stay Report can now be Ordered by Time From. This option will place the episodes in order of the first time selected. For example, in the demo below, by Admission Time.

The Length in Minutes has also been added to the report when users Export to > Excel – Raw Data to assist with data collection.  


NSW Health amendments

NSW Health does not require the patient marital status to be included in the data extract unless the episode is a mental health admission, so we have removed the mandatory requirement.


Bug Fix

Alert for Multiple Theatre Visits is showing on the Theatre Screen again.

FYDO Hospital Update – 6/2/2023

Online Patient Verification (OPV) tick added to the Appointment Screen

Users can now clearly see if the OPV check has been successful with the addition of the Blue Tick to the Appointments Screen.  The OPV check is required to be able to send claims via ECLIPSE & also for certain data extracts to be successful.

Australian South Sea Islander (ASSI) information added to Episode Stats Report

Users will now be able to view & filter patients by their ASSI status by exporting the Episode Stats Report to raw data. This information will show in column X of the excel spreadsheet, after the indigenous status information.

Additional user access options

Facilities can now give users access to 3 additional functions.

These functions allow certain users to access, edit & delete the Communications information. The communications tab can be located by going to the patient screen & selecting the Communication Tab.
It is a great spot for doctors, nurses & administration staff to add notes relating to the patient.

Two-Step Authentication App Option

Users are now given the option to use a Two-Step Authentication App when logging into FYDO, as opposed to the SMS or Email options. The SMS & Email options are still available, however the Authentication App is a more secure, timely & reliable option. Especially for facilities that have poor mobile phone reception or slow internet speeds. Please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/fydo-two-step-authentication/ for more information on this addition to FYDO.

FYDO Hospital Update – 25/01/2023

New “List” View in the appointments screen

There is a new view available in the FYDO Appointments Screen, that replicates the “All View” from SimDay, allowing users to view all appointments for the day as one continual List.
This view allows users to order the episodes by Time, Name, Surgeon, or List (theatre).
This is the first stage of our new List View release, with the ability to customise this view coming in the future.


New email field for the Next of Kin

There is now a field available to add the Next of Kin email address in FYDO, if this is required by the facility. Once saved, the email address will create a hyperlink that can be clicked on to send an email to the NOK.


Billing Status Report Addition

Payment and Adjustment information can now be added to the Billing Status Report, when it is run for Show All – Inv Detail.
Selecting this box will ensure all payments & adjustments are shown, along with all the invoice information.
To see the invoice information only, simply leave this box un-ticked.


New Report for NSW Health

A new report has been added to assist New South Wales hospitals with submitting their statistical data. The Patient Statistical Data for NSW Health Report will allow hospitals to collate this required information with ease.


Bug Fixes

For Queensland Hospitals > when discharging DVA patients’ the Compensable Status field will now pre-populate to the correct option.

FYDO Hospital Update – 09/01/2023

“Other Notes” can now be added to the Appointment Screen Custom Views

The Other Notes section in FYDO (previously on the bottom right corner of the patient screen in SimDay) can now be added to the custom views on the Appointments Screen.
The Other Notes can be added by opening the Patient Screen & selecting the Other tab, along the top. Then simply click Edit and type the required Notes before selecting Save.

These notes are specific to the patient, not just an individual episode. Therefore, they will show on ALL of that patients’ episodes that are entered.
When creating the custom view the user has the option of displaying the Icon or the Text for this field. If the Icon option is added, the user will be able to hover over it to reveal the notes.


Procedure Notes Field Amendments

The Proc Notes field in the Edit Appointment screen has been amended to now allow up to 250 characters. (Previously this was capped at 180 characters)


Revenue Report Amendments

Users are now able to run the revenue report using the filters for Group By (Primary) as Health fund & the Group By (Secondary) as MBS. This gives information that will assist in certain tasks, such as contract negotiations etc


User Options Addition

FYDO now allows users to nominate an email address, other than their log in email, to raise their support tickets from. This in turn means that the additional email address will receive the confirmation emails, when tickets are raised for support, & will allow the FYDO support team to reply to the nominated email also.
One instance of this new feature being of benefit is when users have been set up using personal email addresses. It will allow the ticket to be raised from the nominated facility email address, as opposed to the users personal email address, preventing sensitive information from being transmitted to unauthorised email addresses.


Bug Fixes

The issue with the custom appointment screen views dropping off has been rectified.


FYDO Hospital Update – 04/01/2023

FYDO Server Security Update

The FYDO Server Security Update was successful & concluded quicker than expected. Thank you for your cooperation as we implemented these changes to improve our system, further enhancing the security of your data.


Data Extracts Additional Feature

When Preparing Data Extracts there is now the option to Right Click on each line to navigate to the required page in order to amend the information. E.g., Admission Screen, Discharge Screen, Theatre Screen etc. The Patient Name has also been changed to a hyperlink, to enable to user to navigate to the Patient Screen as well.


Session Information Hover Option

The option to see the session information, when hovering over the theatre name, has been added to the All View in the appointments screen.
Simply hover over the theatre name, at the top of each column, to display the session information for that theatre.


Cancelled Episodes Report

The Other Notes field, from the edit appointment screen, has been added to the Cancelled Episodes Report.


Appointment Custom Views

For customised appointment screen views to hold, when moving in and out of screens, FYDO now has the ability to set a favourite custom view for each different view type!
For example:

A favourite All View
A favourite Individual View
A favourite Weekly View

This allows the user to change between custom view types by simply selecting the type in the top right corner. This action will then automatically load the users favourite view for that type.
To implement this change, FYDO will now only show you the available views for the option that you have selected.
E.g., As below, the ALL option is selected in the top right, therefore when hovering over the eye icon , on the left, only the ALL Custom views will be shown.

To set a favourite firstly go into the ‘View Type’, in the top right corner, and hover over the eye icon to see the custom views that are specific to that Type. Then click on the heart next to the desired favourite view.


Appointments Screen Hover for Status Description

Users are now able to hover over the Status (S), Coding (C) & Billing (B) column titles to show the full description of what the letters that show on the screen represent.


SA Health – ISAAC Data Extraction Amendments

Morphology codes will no longer be included in the ISAAC Data extractions from FYDO, as per their requirements. Any data extractions done prior to this week, that need to be amended, can be rectified by simply re-extracting the data.


Mental Health Same Day BUPA Patients

To increase the acceptance of BUPA same day mental health claims, we have implemented the mapping of service codes for accommodation type items, specified on BUPA agreements.


Bug Fixes

The EMR option has been returned to the appointments screen right-click menu.

FYDO Hospital Update – 19/12/2022

Revenue Report – New Options

There has been a new Group By option added to the Revenue Report that allows the user to sort the information grouped by Doctor/Surgeon (Provider Number). This will be of assistance for any facility that has doctors/surgeons entered in their system more than once.


Doctor & Anaesthetist added to all screens

FYDO will now display the doctor/surgeon & anaesthetist names in the heading of all screens. E.g., admission screen, theatre screen, coding screen, clinical indicator screen etc.


Allergies Amendment

FYDO now recognises Nil as not being an allergy. This enables users to acknowledge that they have identified the patient has no allergies, without the alert icon showing on the appointment screen or other screens.


Length of Stay Report – New Option

There has been a new option added to the Length of Stay report that allows users to collect data from the Admission Time to the Pre-Operative Time, and if the pre-operative time is blank, it will then revert to using the Anaesthetic Start Time.
This gives users the ability to run 1 report to obtain certain reporting data that they require.


Billing Status Report Addition

There is now an additional feature that is available when running the Billing Status Report. If the Report Type is set as Show not billed only there is another option that allows the user to omit episodes that have an invoice raised for $0.


Theatre Utilisation Information

FYDO now shows the user the utilisation minutes & percentage for any given theatre booking. This information can be obtained by finding the desired theatre booking, right clicking & selecting Edit Roster.
Once the theatre times have been added for the episodes, the user is given the option to view the information Based On > Time in Theatre to Time Out of Theatre. This feature will tell the user:

  1. The Total Number of Minutes that the session is booked for
  2. The Total Number of Appointments booked in for that session
  3. The Total Number of Minutes Utilised for the session
  4. The Percentage of Session that is Utilised
  5. Allows the user to easily navigate to the Appointment Screen or the Theatre Screen


Additional User Permission Abilities

FYDO now allows access to be given to user groups for different types of reports. This allows facilities to give users access to reports that they require, while restricting access to reports that are not necessary for their role.


Clinical Notes now available for hospital users

FYDO hospital users are now able to utilise the Clinical Notes function. This feature allows for notes to be added to the patients’ file.
Each user can be given access to this feature from Settings > Users > Select User > Edit > Tick ‘Allow Clinical Notes’. Once given access they can add notes by using the Clinical tab in the patients’ file using the Notes tab.
Notes can be viewed by selecting the History Notes tab.


Accommodation Type field for VIC Hospitals

For same day patients’, the accommodation type field on the discharge screen will override the admission screen field so that they are matching.


DVA Program Numbers

For Mental Health Facilities, the Program Number field in the appointment no longer needs to be assigned for DVA patients.


Bug Fixes

The issue with funds, that have no outstanding arrears, showing on the arrears report unnecessarily has now been rectified.

FYDO Hospital Update – 7/12/2022

Opening the Patient Screen

This new feature will open the patient screen in a new tab which allows the user to return to view the appointments screen, in the original tab, without having to close the patient screen.


Accommodation Step Down Editing Feature for Overnight Facilities

Users are now able to select the relevant accommodation type for the admission when billing the episode.
This feature also enables 2 different accommodation types to be billed for the same admission when required.


Discounts by a percentage

Users are now able to apply a percentage discount to any item when creating an invoice.
Right clicking in any of the fee fields will display the Discount by Percentage option.
Once selected, the user can enter the discount percent that they want to apply (e.g., 5%) and click OK. The original fee will then be reduced by the percentage discount that was applied.


Bug Fixes

  • The Minimum Balance Function is now working for the Interactive Arrears Report
  • The On Hold Function is now working & claims in the ‘Claiming Hospital – Not Yet Sent’ tab will reflect when claims are On Hold
  • When a new referral is added to the appointment screen, it will now be reflected in the patient screen

FYDO Hospital Update – 5/12/22

New Search field in History/Episodes Screen

A field has been added to the History/Episodes screen that allows the user to search for an invoice number within the patient’s episodes.
This has been designed to assist with efficiently locating the desired admission when the patient has a high number of episodes.


Theatre Screen Automatic Tab

When entering times into the theatre screen the curser will now automatically move to the next field, to enable the user to keep typing the times without having to utilise the tab key (as it functioned in SimDay).


Ability to Email Documents from FYDO

Users are now able to email documents from FYDO. This can be done from the Documents Screen by using the little down arrow on the right of the required document.

To enable this feature, the facility will first need to set up the sender email details in Settings > System Configuration.
Once the require information is entered as above the Email Document box will open, giving the option to email:

  • The Patient Email
  • The Referring Doctor Email
  • The Doctor Email

If these email addresses have previously been entered into the system, the email field will pre-populate once a tick box is selected. If the details haven’t previously been entered, the user is able to type the require email address in the field.


Bug Fixes

Issue with the ordering of Casebase Multi items has been resolved.