Hospital Data Extraction

Exporting Reportable Data (PHDB/HCP/State specific/Cancer Registry)

  1. Select Data I/O from the left-hand menu
  2. Select Data Extracts
  3. Ensure correct location is selected (for facilities with multiple locations)
  4. Select the month you need to extract
  5. Select the type of data you need to extract
  6. Select Prepare Extract
  7. You will be shown:
    1. Total Number of Episodes for the period
    2. Number of Episodes Ready to be exported
    3. Number of Episodes with Errors that require attention
    4. A list of the episodes that need amendments in order to have your data ready for submission
    5. An option to print the list of errors, or export it for further action
  8. Navigate to the screen that is identified as Where to fix and amend the information that is required. This can be done with a Right Click on the line, or using the Patient Name Hyperlink to navigate to the require screen.
  9. Once all errors have been rectified, follow the above steps again to check that the data is ready to export
  10. Data is ready to export once there are no more errors documented in the list.
  11. Once all errors are rectified the Print & Export To options in the top right corner (e. in the above image) will change to a Submit button. Click Submit
  12. Your data files will be saved in FYDO
  13. You can download this file by using the down arrow ⇓ under the Action column with a normal mouse click (not a Right Click)
  14. You can upload these files directly into the appropriate portal. (Ensuring the file name for BUPA does not contain any symbols)
  15. Once uploaded there is no need to keep a copy of the file on your computer, as you are able to access & download again if required from FYDO.

For instructions on how to Re-Extract Hospital Data visit our wiki page:
Re-Submitting a Hospital Data Extraction
