FYDO Clinic Update 04/01/2023

1st of January MBS & DVA Community Nursing Schedule

Has been added to FYDO.

For more information about the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Updates, please visit: http://www.mbsonline.gov.au/internet/mbsonline/publishing.nsf/Content/news-230101

For more information about the DVA Community Nursing Fee Schedule Updates, please visit: https://www.dva.gov.au/providers/health-programs-and-services-our-clients/community-nursing-services-and-providers-0


Payments (Clinic) Report

A New Export To option has been added to the Payments (Clinic) Report. Users are now able to export this report to Excel – Raw Data format.


New Letter Defaults 

When creating a new letter the Select a Template, Document Name and Document Type fields will default to the default letter templates details (Note: users can override the default Document Name and Document Type by typing in or clicking on the fields drop down arrow). To set a letter template as the Default go to Settings > Templates > Tick the Default tick box of the letter template you want to make the Default.

Users will also notice that the Referring Details section will automatically prefill to the patients current active referral details.


For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic
