FYDO Clinic Update – 07/12/23
Accounts (Clinic) Permissions
Clinic Accounts permissions have been moved from the Patient section within user groups to its own section called Accounts (Clinic).
Apply Payments and Apply Adjustments have also been split into 2 separate permissions. Previously, they were together as a permission.
Security Settings Relocation
The Security Settings, originally located in System Configuration, can now be accessed directly from Settings. This change is designed to provide more control over user access to this section of FYDO.
These Security Settings include:
– Webhooks
– API Key
– 2 Factor Authentication Settings
– Single Sign On Settings
A new permission control has been added to Settings > User Groups. This change helps clinics grant specific users access to System Configuration without necessarily providing access to Security.
The new permission control will be defaulted to ‘D – Deny’ for all users except the Subscriber, who can adjust this setting for the required user groups.
Items Report
Additional fields have been added to the Items Report when exported in raw data format.
- Patient Mobile
- Patient Email
- Patient Address
For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/