FYDO Clinic Update 12/05/2023

Processing & Payments Reports > Payments Tab Additions

The Payments Tab has now been divided into Clinic & Hospital. This change will benefit facilities that utilise both the FYDO Hospital & the FYDO Clinic modules. For facilities that only utilise one of the modules, there will be no significant change. The user will just need to ensure they click on the relevant tab for their facility.


Appointments Report

The Appointments Report can now be used to filter for appointments not yet invoiced. To ensure the report is accurate, users need to bill from the Appointment screen, as the report picks up on the green invoiced tick against a patients appointment.


User Location Access

Users can now have their access restricted to a specific location in FYDO. User location access can be found under Settings > Users.


For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/
