FYDO Clinic Update 15/06/2023

End of Day Banking

The End of Day Banking has been relocated to the main menu. This is to assist in easy access for staff performing this task, as they no longer need to enter the settings menu.

The permissions associated with the End of Day Banking have not changed. However, they have also been relocated in the User Groups to come under their own heading.


Gender Field

We have added a Gender field to the Patient Details screen. This field will automatically populate based on the sex.

For example – when Male is selected as Sex, Gender will automatically change to “Man, or boy, or male” and Female Sex has been mapped to “Woman, or girl, or female.” However, the Gender field can be overwritten to any other value provided.


Bug Fix

  • The issue that users were experiencing when using the Save As option for a letter is now resolved
  • The issue some users were experiencing with a doctors Default Bill Type not working has now been resolved
  • The issue some users were experiencing when billing using the bill type Private – Other has now been resolved


For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/
