FYDO Clinic Update – 16/01/2025

Recurring Appointment Feature 

Users can now utilise the Make Recurring feature to add multiple bookings for the same patient on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. Appointments can even be made on certain days of the week, e.g. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Appointments in a recurring series also include additional options for Edit Appointments or Delete Appointments

Patient Screen Improvements 

A great new feature has been introduced to the Patient Screen to avoid simultaneous edits by multiple users. If a record is being edited, other users attempting to access it will receive a pop-up notification and will be prevented from making changes.

Additionally, if a user has the Patient Screen open, and changes are made to the record while they are viewing it, they will be alerted when they click “Edit”. This ensures they are aware of any updates to the information. 

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/