FYDO Clinic Update – 21/03/2024

Payments Report – Refunds

A new tick-box has been added to the Payments Report called Show Refunds Only.
By ticking this tick-box, it will filter the report to show Refunded amounts only.

Health Fund Number Character Limit

The character limit for the health fund number field has been extended to accommodate 33 characters. This will particularly assist clinics that bill Department of Defence patients, who are required to record the DAN and EPID numbers.

Improvements made to History Notes

Under the Clinical tab in a patient’s file, there has been design improvements made to the History Notes screen. A patients list of History Notes will now auto adjust based on the screen size, as well as a scroll bar has been added to the History Note preview window when viewing long Clinical Notes. These improvements were made due to some users finding details/actions on the History Notes screen were being cut off when using a smaller screen.

Bug Fixes:

  • The Recalls SMS function issue has been resolved. 

For previous updates, please visit https://wiki.fydo.cloud/updates-clinic/
