FYDO Hospital Update – 09/05/2024
Next of Kin and Emergency Contact Details
Facilities are now able ensure that the Next of Kin and Emergency Contact details are entered prior to admission. This option can be amended in Settings > System Configuration by checking the tick boxes called:
- On admission, make Next of Kin mandatory
- On admission, make Emergency Contact mandatory
If one of these options is selected, a pop-up will alert the user to the specific information that needs to be completed when they attempt to admit the episode.
New Billing Rule
A new billing rule has been added in Fees Setup > Other Settings to accommodate certain contract types. This rule is utilised when Per Diem billing is necessary for the primary item number, but subsequent items have associated Procedure Fees. Selecting this tick box will ensure that all subsequent items only incur Theatre Band Fees.
Defence Health Endoscopy ECLIPSE Claiming
Defence Health have amended the way they require multi-item endoscopy procedures to be transmitted via ECLIPSE. FYDO has now been updated to accommodate these claims and ensure correct payment is processed by the fund.
Type C and Type B Accommodation Billing Rule
An amendment has been made to the application of the Accommodation Band when billing Type C and Type B item number together. If the Type C item number attracts a higher band, it will still be considered the primary procedure. However, if a subsequent procedure is a Type B item, the Type C Accommodation Band will no longer apply. Instead, FYDO will recognise the appropriate accommodation band based on the Type B item number, anaesthetic type, and time in theatre.
Bug Fix
The issue that some facilities were having with their Print List has now been resolved.