FYDO Hospital Update – 13/06/2024

Informed Financial Consent (IFC) Tokens

Facilities are now able to add the File Number and Doctors Contact Phone Number to their IFC templates.

  1. File Number <<IFCFileNum>>
    This information is populated from the Patient Screen field called File Number

2. Doctors Contact Phone Number <<IFCDocPh>>
This information is found in Settings > Doctors for each individual Doctor

An example of these new tokens on an IFC are as below:

Revenue Report

The Number of Nights has been added to the Revenue Report > Excel – Raw Data Export.

Billing Status Report > Show Not Billed Only

Users will now be able to efficiently access the Certificates Screen from the Billing Status Report > Show Not Billed Only Report using the Right-Click Menu.

Patient Stats Report

If a user tries to run the Patient Stats Report for any data that falls outside the restrictions assigned to them, in Settings > User, they will now be shown a pop up of the categories they do have access to.


FYDO now has the ability to provide multiple API Keys, eliminating the need for third parties to share keys. Each API Key now includes a user field where facilities can label the user of each key. This enhancement improves control over disabling third party access and quickly identifies those that possess a key.
