FYDO Hospital Update – 13/2/23

Printing Fees

FYDO now offers users the ability to print out health fund or contracted fees. This can be done by going to Settings > Fee Setup and selecting the Print option in the top right corner. The option to print the current fees or the old fees are both available.


Length of Stay Report Additions

The Length of Stay Report can now be Ordered by Time From. This option will place the episodes in order of the first time selected. For example, in the demo below, by Admission Time.

The Length in Minutes has also been added to the report when users Export to > Excel – Raw Data to assist with data collection.  


NSW Health amendments

NSW Health does not require the patient marital status to be included in the data extract unless the episode is a mental health admission, so we have removed the mandatory requirement.


Bug Fix

Alert for Multiple Theatre Visits is showing on the Theatre Screen again.
