FYDO Hospital Update – 14/09/2023

Procedure List Update

The long-anticipated addition to the Proc Notes field in the Edit Appointments screen has now been implemented & facilities can add default settings to their Procedures list to maximise efficiency when booking appointments. Please see our newsletter from Tuesday for more information:
Procedures List Update Newsletter

Appointments Screen Custom View Additions

Users will now be able to create custom views that display information regarding Certificates for the episode. One option is to display a green tick once a certificate has been entered for the episode. The second option is to display the text that has been entered for the certificate. This new option will allow users to easily identify if the certificate has been entered prior to transmitting the claim via ECLIPSE.

Users also now able to display the patients Preferred Name on the Appointment Screen.


Patient Name Hover Additions

When users hover over the patient’s name they will now be able to see the patients Preferred Name & their Maiden Name.


New logs for Preadmit Holding Bay

Additional logs have been added to show if patient information has been updated by Preadmit paperwork being Automatically Linked or Manually Linked by a user.
Updates made to the patients’ screen by Preadmit will also now be recorded in the logs.


New Permission Level

Users can now be prohibited from amending fees while creating an IFC.
This permission level works in conjunction with the already available option called Create Invoice – Edit Charges that enables a user to edit fees when creating an invoice.
