FYDO Hospital Update – 18/04/2024

New Appointments Report 

FYDO has introduced a new report that provides users with statistics for all appointments, irrespective of their admission or discharge status. This report includes all bookings, making it suitable for use of facility planning, even for future dates when patients have not yet been admitted. Additionally, the report offers various filter options, along with group by and order options, making it a valuable addition to the FYDO reports library.  

WorkCover Claim Details – Copy Previous

FYDO now offers users the ability to copy previous Claim Details for WorkCover or Third-Party admissions. This feature is especially advantageous, and will greatly reduce data entry, for hospitals handling WorkCover patients who require multiple admissions throughout their treatment.  

Print List – Excel Raw Data Additions 

Additional data types have been added to the Print List > Export to Excel – Raw Data Report to assist users in collating data. Some of the newly included fields are: 

  • Medicare Eligibility 
  • DVA Number and Colour 
  • Pension Number 
  • Country of Birth 
  • Check List Tick Box Information 
  • Next Of Kin, Emergency Contact, Contributor and Pick Up Person Details 
  • And more! 