FYDO Hospital Update – 20/03/2023
End of Day Banking Addition
Refunds, that are allocated the Payment Type of Cash, Credit Card, EFTPOS or Amex/Diners, will now appear in the End of Day Banking. This will assist users in balancing their End of Day Banking with their EFTPOS Settlement & the actual amount of cash they would have at the end of the day.
This will also mean that staff won’t need to raise an Excess/Deposit receipt for a negative amount to make the banking balance, resulting in all Refund Adjustments being captured together on the adjustments report.
For further information on performing a refund adjustment please see: https://wiki.fydo.cloud/adjustments/
2 Step Authenticator App
FYDO will now show which users are utilising the 2 Step Authenticator App with a green tick in Settings > Users. This allows the facility to view which users have chosen to use the Authenticator App option.
As per FYDOs Security Policy, all users are required to undertake the 2 Step Authentication process, however users without the green tick would be utilising the SMS or Email option for this feature instead of the App.
Length of Stay Report Addition
The Length of Stay Report now displays the Average Time for the episodes & criteria selected. The average is calculated by Total number of Minutes Number of Episodes = Average per Episode.
Bug Fix
The IFC Re-Order Item Numbers tick box will now ensure item numbers are NOT reordered if it is UNTICKED by the user.