FYDO Hospital Update 21/11/2022
1st November Prostheses List Update Available
The latest edition of the Prosthesis List has been added to FYDO.
Band Mapping Feature Added
FYDO now allows facilities to allocate different bands to item numbers, other than that in the National Procedure Bandings List.
This will be beneficial when health fund contracts stipulate different bandings for certain item numbers.
This new feature has been added to Settings > Band Mappings.
Theatre Roster Report Additions
The Appointment Notes will now show on the Theatre Roster Report.
History Screen Right Click Menu
The option to select Quick Forms has been added to the right-click menu in the History/Episodes screen.
To use this function, right click anywhere on the episode line to display the available options.
Auto Confirm of Appointments with SMS replies
A new feature has been added to Auto Confirm appointments when a patient replies “Y” or “Yes” to an SMS that they have received.
These confirmations can be viewed in the Edit Appointment Screen. Or in the Appointments Screen by adding the confirmed column to a custom view.
Bug Fixes
The IHCP checker for QLD hospitals has been removed. This will assist in data extraction errors relating to Inter Hospital Contracted Patients’.