FYDO Hospital Update – 22/02/2024

New Theatre Roster Features

Facilities using the Session Confirmed tick box in the Theatre Rosters must now provide a Reason for Delayed Start and Reason for Delayed Finish if the Time In and/or Time Out of theatre are delayed by more than 15 minutes.
If the Time in Theatre for the first patient is more than 15 minutes AFTER the session’s Start Time, a Reason for Delayed Start must be provided before clicking the Session Confirmed tick box.
Similarly, if the Time Out of Theatre for the last patient is more than 15 minutes AFTER the session’s End Time, a Reason for Delayed Finish is required before ticking Session Confirmed.

Theatre Roster – Make an Appointment Function 

A convenient new feature has been added to the Theatre Roster > Theatre Booking Screen. With the introduction of the Make an Appointment button, users can seamlessly navigate to the corresponding roster in the Appointment Screen.  

New Audit Logs 

Audit logs have been added for the Allergies, Alert, Notes, and Document Alert fields on the patient screen.
These logs can be accessed by using the menu in the top right corner of the Patient Screen and selected Audit Logs. Alternatively, they can be found in Settings > Logs by searching the patient’s MRN.

Episode Stats Report Additions 

Extra fields have been added to the Episode Stats > Excel – Raw Data Export to assist facilities in collecting data. The additional fields are:

  • Billing Flag
  • Coding
  • OEC Received
  • OEC Checked
  • Admission Form Received
  • Chart Ready
  • IFC Complete
  • Patient Consent Received
  • Cancelled ID
  • Cancelled Description
  • Theatre Complete
  • Invoice on Hold ID
  • Invoice on Hold Description
  • Theatre Hold ID
  • Theatre Hold Description
  • Next Follow Up Date
  • Planned Time In Theatre

Bug Fix 

The issue affecting the sorting of the Billing Status > Show Not Billed Interactive report has been resolved.
