FYDO Hospital Update – 24/05/2024

SSO – Single Sign On 

FYDO now gives users, and facilities, the option to utilise Single Sign On (SSO). Please click on the link below to view our wiki page for more information on this feature.  

Single Sign On with FYDO

New Interactive Reports 

We have added to our Interactive Reports collection with new additions to the: 

  • Incomplete > Uncoded Episodes Report 
  • Incomplete > Ungrouped Episodes Report 

These reports have been fitted out with the famous FYDO Right-Click menu, to allow users to easily and efficiently complete tasks at hand. With essential information being displayed, and columns that can be sorted this report will assist in efficiently and workflow improvements for facilities.  

Removing Episodes – New Permission Level 

A new permission level that allows facilities to restrict the ability to Remove Episodes from FYDO. Since this function was previously available to all users, it will be defaulted too ON. Facilities wishing to restrict this functionality from certain User Groups will need to change the setting to OFF.  

Rename Maiden Name field to Previous Name 

To enhance the usability of the Maiden Name field, we have now renamed it to Previous Name. This change will be reflected across all screens in FYDO.  

New Colour Coding Option for Pre-Op 

Facilities, that utilise the Status View in the Appointments Screen, are now able to set a colour for when patients enter Pre-Op. This colour will be triggered as soon as a time is added to the Pre-Op field on the Theatre Screen.  

New Check List Options Added 

There are now two new Check List Options added for facilities to utilise to assist in workflow and the completion of tasks.  

  • Pre-Admission Contacted 
  • Post-Discharge Contacted 

These options are accessible from the Right-Click Menu > Checklist or from the Edit Appointment Screen

Bug Fix 

A couple issues, affecting the new theatre time checkers, have been resolved.  
