FYDO Hospital Update – 25/01/2023

New “List” View in the appointments screen

There is a new view available in the FYDO Appointments Screen, that replicates the “All View” from SimDay, allowing users to view all appointments for the day as one continual List.
This view allows users to order the episodes by Time, Name, Surgeon, or List (theatre).
This is the first stage of our new List View release, with the ability to customise this view coming in the future.


New email field for the Next of Kin

There is now a field available to add the Next of Kin email address in FYDO, if this is required by the facility. Once saved, the email address will create a hyperlink that can be clicked on to send an email to the NOK.


Billing Status Report Addition

Payment and Adjustment information can now be added to the Billing Status Report, when it is run for Show All – Inv Detail.
Selecting this box will ensure all payments & adjustments are shown, along with all the invoice information.
To see the invoice information only, simply leave this box un-ticked.


New Report for NSW Health

A new report has been added to assist New South Wales hospitals with submitting their statistical data. The Patient Statistical Data for NSW Health Report will allow hospitals to collate this required information with ease.


Bug Fixes

For Queensland Hospitals > when discharging DVA patients’ the Compensable Status field will now pre-populate to the correct option.