FYDO Hospital Update – 26/09/2024
Revenue Report Improvements
Additional information has been added to the Revenue Report Detail & Excel – Raw Data Export to display both Adjustments and the Invoice (Net) amount.
Program Numbers Enhancement
Enhancements have been made for Same Day Rehabilitation and Mental Health Programs to streamline the billing process. FYDO now supports assigning different Item Codes to specific days within the same Program Numbers cycle. Similar to our Overnight Accommodation step-down fields, facilities can now assign a unique Item Code to particular days in the Program Numbers sequence.
The next piece in this enhancement involves moving the Program Status field from the Admission Screen to a more convenient spot on the Edit Appointment screen. This field is essential for rehabilitation and mental health admissions, allowing appointments to be flagged as Start, Continuation or End – depending on the patient’s stage in their treatment cycle.
The Start Date field enables users to assign the first admission in the cycle, ensuring that all subsequent admissions are automatically and accurately assigned the correct Program Status.
The next phase of this development will be to link this all together to automate billing for these admissions.
The patients current allocated bed can now be obtained from the Episode Webhooks.
Bug Fix
The Monthly Reset function for Cancer Registry Data Extracts has now been fixed.