FYDO Hospital Update – 30/11/2023

New Report – Item Stats

A new Item Stats Report has been added to FYDO that allows users to obtain statistics on all items listed in the Theatre Screen.
This will allow users to collate data easily and efficiently on numbers of procedures performed, whether they are primary or subsequent procedures.


Revenue Report Additions

Additional fields have been added to the Excel – Raw Data Export of the Revenue Report. These fields include:

  • Theatre ID
  • Theatre Name
  • Time In Theatre (First theatre visit)
  • Time Out Theatre (First theatre visit)
  • Minutes in Theatre (First theatre visit)


Security Settings Relocation

The Security Settings, originally located in System Configuration, can now be accessed directly from Settings. This change is designed to provide more control over user access to this section of FYDO.

These Security Settings include:
– Webhooks
– API Key
– 2 Factor Authentication Settings
– Single Sign On Settings

A new permission control has been added to Settings > User Groups. This change helps facilities grant specific users access to System Configuration without necessarily providing access to Security.
The new permission control will be defaulted to ‘D – Deny’ for all users except the Subscriber, who can adjust this setting for the required user groups.



Adding Multiple Label Templates

FYDO now supports multiple label templates. Users can choose from various label templates, loaded into their database, by utilising the Other Label option under Chart Label.
The Default chart label template will still print when any of the original options (Chart Label x1, Chart Label x2 etc) are selected.

When selecting the Other Label option, a pop-up will display a list of available Chart Label Templates.


Bug Fixes

  • The original default Print List > Order of List (Theatre, Booking Time, Doctor, Anaesthetist) has been reinstated.
  • The speed issue some sites were experiencing while running the Arrears Report has been improved.
  • The problem some users encountered with updating the doctor from the Theatre Roster Screen, which was not feeding into DOX, has now been resolved.