FYDO Hospital Update – 31/07/2024
Chart Tracking Capabilities
Facilities are now able to track charts with FYDOs new Chart Tracking tab.
Phase 2 of this feature will allow facilities to add “Locations”, for around their hospital, to list where the Medical Record currently is.
New Entitlement Card Fields
FYDO now has the capacity to list up to four Entitlement Cards. With the new feature button
+Add new entitlement card visible when editing the Patient Screen.
New tokens will need to be added to any forms that generate this information from FYDO. So please let us know if you have a form that requires amendment, and we can assist.
Occupation Field
A new field has been added to FYDO to document a patients Occupation for facilities that require the collection of that data.
Open Access Flag
Facilities will now be able to identify Open Access referrals, with the new tick box to allow this information to be documented on the Make/Edit Appointment Screen.
Phase 2 of this development will be to add this information to reports.
DRG Contract Additions
We have updated our billing engine rules, to cater for complex, long-stay, DRG contracts.