FYDO Hospital Update – 7/12/2022

Opening the Patient Screen

This new feature will open the patient screen in a new tab which allows the user to return to view the appointments screen, in the original tab, without having to close the patient screen.


Accommodation Step Down Editing Feature for Overnight Facilities

Users are now able to select the relevant accommodation type for the admission when billing the episode.
This feature also enables 2 different accommodation types to be billed for the same admission when required.


Discounts by a percentage

Users are now able to apply a percentage discount to any item when creating an invoice.
Right clicking in any of the fee fields will display the Discount by Percentage option.
Once selected, the user can enter the discount percent that they want to apply (e.g., 5%) and click OK. The original fee will then be reduced by the percentage discount that was applied.


Bug Fixes

  • The Minimum Balance Function is now working for the Interactive Arrears Report
  • The On Hold Function is now working & claims in the ‘Claiming Hospital – Not Yet Sent’ tab will reflect when claims are On Hold
  • When a new referral is added to the appointment screen, it will now be reflected in the patient screen