Hospital Data Extracts Reference Guides

Each month you will be required to submit data of patient discharges to various agencies. Each entity has its own reporting requirements surrounding the data it collects. Below are links to each of their websites’ reference guides that stipulate what information is required for submission.

State health departments also require data. However, you will only need to submit data to the state the facility is located in.

PHDB (Private Hospitals Data Bureau)

HCP (Hospital Casemix Protocol)


VIC Health – VAED

SA Health– APC



WA Health– HMDS (formerly HA22)

For more instructions on Hospital Data Extracts Setup visit our wiki page:
Data Extracts Setup

For more instructions on Extracting Hospital Data from FYDO visit our wiki page:
Hospital Data Extraction

For more instructions on Re-Extracting Hospital Data from FYDO visit our wiki page”
Re-Submitting a Hospital Data Extract