Informed Financial Consent – IFC (Hospital)

To provide patients’ with information they can understand regarding the costs involved with their admission/episode

  1. Before an IFC is generated it is advised to run an Online Eligibility Check (OEC) to obtain the out-of-pocket expense for the patient (see “OEC – Online Eligibility Check” instructions)
  2. Once the out-of-pocket cost is known, the IFC can be generated from the Appointments Screen
  3. Search for the required patient or
  4. Navigate to the admission date, theatre & time to locate
  5. Right click to expand the options & select IFC
  6. Patient details & admission details will be pre-populated into the IFC screen
  7. If Item numbers were entered at the time of booking, they will be pre-populated into the IFC screen. Otherwise add them under the MBS/Items heading
  8. Leaving the Bill Type set to Default will allow FYDO to decide how the fees need to be raise, in accordance with the health fund contracts entered into the system
  9. Click Create IFC to see the charges raised for each item
  10. Contracted fees will be displayed
  11. Patient out of pocket will be displayed
  12. IFC Message gives the ability to add a customised message. Use the dropdown to select Custom Message & type the message in the field below
  13. Template gives the ability to choose between the IFC templates that are available in your FYDO
  14. Edit IFC allows you to return to the previous screen to make any changes require to the item numbers etc
  15. Save will generate the IFC & save a copy in the patient Documents
  16. Save & Print will generate the IFC & make it immediately available to view & print. This option will also save a copy in the patients’ Documents